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a) Download and read the sample problem statement provided above

b) Identify and write down at least sixteen (16) words or phrases which indicate that this is a real
problem statement.

1. There is a "lack of understanding of teachers' experiences."

2. "Educators facing significant changes in personal and environmental conditions" are some
phrases used to describe new phenomena known as emergency remote teaching.
3. Teachers participated without prior preparation or online teaching experience.
4. "Making the switch to online learning without adequate preparation time"
5. "Limited training and preparation for remote teaching in an emergency"
6. "Teachers dealing with technological issues who are overburdened and unprepared"
7. "Emergency remote teaching training has no established clear standards."
8. "Remote teaching presents difficulties and an increased burden".
9. "Basic issues with instructional strategies are emerging"
10. "Deficiencies in design, practical experience, and fair access."
11. "Progressive learning experiences during remote teaching in emergency situations"
12. "Lack of recommendations supported by research"
13. "Professional growth that is systematic is required".
14. "Lack of literature addressing experiences of teachers"
15. The impact of emergency remote instruction on instructors is discussed.
16. During the COVID-19 epidemic, there was a need to address the effects of emergency remote
instruction on elementary school instructors.

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