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What are you wearing?

Hello guys, it’s good to see you again.

Let’s practice some sentences from last class?

Can you help with this exercise?

Okay, great job you all!

So today we will keep talking about how to describe cities and people!

Jacket – jaqueta Dress – vestido

Shirt – camisa Coat – casaco

Tie – gravata Pajamas – pijamas

Suit – terno Overall – macacão

Pants – calça Leggings – leggings

Belt – cinto Glasses – óculos

Skirt – saia Raincoat – capa de chuva

Blouse – blusa/ camisa feminina Watch – relógio

Hat – chapéu/gorro Slippers – chinelo

Scarf – cachecol/lenço Flip flops – chinelos de dedo

Gloves – luvas Underwear – roupas íntimas

Sweater – suéter Summer – verão

Jeans – calça jeans Fall/ autumn – outono

Shorts – shorts Winter – inverno

Boots – botas Spring – primavera

Socks – meias Summer clothes – roupas de verão

T-shirt – camiseta To wear – vestir/ usar

Sneakers – tênis Is she wearing …? – Ela tá usando…?

Purse – bolsa What are you wearing? – o que você está

Backpack – mochila

Swimsuits – roupa de banho

Whose is this jacket? – de quem é essa
Cap – bone
Now let’s explain it a little bit:

1. Describing clothes: colors, adjectives

When we want to talk about any adjective in English, different from Portuguese, we put the
characteristic (adjective) before the noun. For example:

I like those red shirts This is a beautiful yellow scarf

She is wearing a turquoise sweater Who is that blonde girl? I love those black sneakers

We also follow an order to talk about more than one adjective. Here’s a table about how it’s
done: (Quantidade, qualidade, tamanho, forma, idade, cor, nacionalidade, material)

Let’s practice:

1- A new black car (black, new)

2- An interesting old book (interesting, old)
3- A delicious French food (delicious, French)
4- Beautiful red shoes (red, beautiful)
5- A tall Japanese girl (Japanese, tall)
6- A delicious round chocolate cake (chocolate, delicious, round)
7- Some big great oranges (big, great)
8- A(n) new electronic guitar (new, electronic)

2. To wear (vestir, usar)

When we are talking about clothing in English we use “wear” to mean: vestir ou usar.

For example:

Is she wearing a blue scarf? Do you wear glasses? Do I need to wear gloves?
I am wearing black and white sneakers. She likes to wear dresses.

3. Are you … + ing?:

The use of –ing. So, one of the ways of using –ing, it’s when we talk about something
that is happening at that moment. For example:

We are studying English. We are having an English class.

I can also mean something that is going to happen in a close future. For example:

I am going to the mall tonight. She’s walking her dog after class.

To make questions using the –ing in these situations we simply put the verb to be in
the beginning of the sentence. For example:

Is she wearing glasses? Are you wearing a dress?

Are they going to school? Is he speaking to her? Are they studying English?

To finish, to make a negative sentence we put the not in front of the verb to be
(remember the abbreviations – is + not = isn’t; are + not = aren’t).

I am not speaking to her right now She isn’t wearing glasses anymore.

We aren’t going to the party. They aren’t wearing their gloves.

4. Questions with WH-

To finish, let’s see some questions with the words that start with WH-

Who – quem What – o que When – quando Where – onde

Why – por que How – como/quanto

Let’s try with some exercises:

1- Where are my keys? (… estão as minhas chaves?)

2- What is the problem? (… é o problema?)
3- Who is your favorite singer? (… é o seu cantor favorito)
4- When is your birthday? (… é o seu aniversário?)
5- How old are you? (… anos você tem?)
6- What is your telephone number? (… é o seu número de telephone?)
7- How is the weather? (… está o tempo?)
8- How are you? (… está você)
9- Who is she? (… é ela?)
10- How is she? (ela está?)

Let’ practice some description

Exercise 6, page 24

Dialog page 25 - weather

Now let’s play a game called guess who:

For homework, I want you to describe a character that you like, from a movie, a tv show, a
book, any character you like. Use the words we learned to describe physical and personality
characteristics. If you want, you can put more new words to it.

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