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Activity # 4 (Performance Task 3)

Name: Patidio, John Raven, D. Strand and Section: STEM 11 L-JEREMIAH

Date/ Week No. 2/19/2024 Score: _________/25_______________

DIRECTIONS: Search for an article (2020 - Present) that is related to your strand and evaluate the information using the
table below.

Title of the Article: Students’ perspectives on the ‘STEM belonging’ concept at A-level, undergraduate,
and postgraduate levels: an examination of gender and ethnicity in student

(Link Address:)

Accuracy Answer:
● Is the content of the article There are no apparent grammatical errors or language issues that
grammatically correct and hinder understanding. The ideas presented transition smoothly,
comprehensible / grammatically allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the topic
correct but not comprehensible / discussed. Therefore, based on the clarity of expression and
incorrect grammar but comprehensible logical flow of ideas, it can be concluded that the content is
/ incorrect grammar and not grammatically correct and comprehensible.
comprehensible? Justify your answer

Author Answer: Yes, the author information is provided in the article.

● Is the author and publisher
information included and visible in the Author:The author is Gulsah Dost, affiliated with the School of
article? Education at Durham University in Durham, UK. Additionally, the
corresponding author for correspondence is also Gulsah Dost.
Publisher: The publisher information is not explicitly stated.

Currency Answer: Yes

● Is the content of the article current and
updated frequently? Date Published:
Received Accepted Published

17 July 2023 01 February 2024 16 February 2024

Fairness Answer:
● Is the content of the article balanced, The article appears to focus on exploring various aspects of
presenting all sides of an issue and STEM belonging from different perspectives, including those
multiple points of view? Justify your of students from diverse backgrounds. It presents findings
answer and observations from the study without explicitly indicating
a bias towards a particular viewpoint.

Relevance Answer:
● Is the content of the article relevant to
your topic? Justify your answer The content is highly relevant to the topic of STEM belonging,
as it discusses different phases and themes associated with
individuals' sense of belonging in STEM fields. It explores
various factors, including social interactions, support
networks, and the impact of stereotypes, which are crucial
considerations in understanding STEM participation and

Overall, while the provided excerpt is grammatically correct

and comprehensible, it lacks information about the author
and publisher, publication date, and may not present a fully
balanced perspective without access to the complete article.
However, it is highly relevant to the topic of STEM belonging
and provides valuable insights into this area of research.

Excellent (10 pts.) Average (7 pts.) Below Average (4 pts.)
Area of Focus Points
High Achieving Moderate Achieving Poor
A complete response with Good solid response with
Explanation Explanation is unclear.
a detailed explanation. clear explanation.
Shows complete Shows substantial Response shows some
Knowledge understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
question. question. question.
Goes beyond the Hardly meets the
Meets the requirements
Content requirements of the requirements of the
of the question.
question. question.

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