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Chin-Chin Lo

BSN 1-YA-51


1. What is the relationship between the good life and science?

Good life and Science in a way goes together but it should be accompanied with CONTROL and
EDUCATION. In 'That Sugar Film' one of the characters said that "I love chocolate! I eat a little piece of
chocolate everyday but I'm careful and I understand the adverse effect if I have too much of it", "Sugar is
not bad, but life is better." These statements are a good example of showing control, weighing the scale
and balancing the equation, and that would make a good life through Science.

2. Does technology always lead us to a good life? How and why?

In my opinion, technology can be good and bad. It all depends on how we utilize and make use of it.
Technology without control can bring destruction, the best example would be the 'That Sugar Film'.
Damon said "Despite of all the effects of sugar is having on us, in many ways we just adapted to its'
saturation. I just notice how incredible the human body and human mind is because even though I'm
having 40 tsps. of sugar a day I've adjusted to it now, to this new reality. My body just accepts that this is
what I ate and my brain deals with the mood up and down". Humans will experience far greater
ramification if we continue to this path of thinking, we cannot just 'ADAPT' to it. There should be control
and education. We had to learn that this is not the right way to go in order to help inspire us to get to
the next level.

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