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Class : EFK 4 Day : Thursday, January 25, 2024

Schedule : Tuesday, Thursday Students : Raisa & Friends

Book : Hangout 4 Teacher : Yoga Indra Nugroho

Time Activities Book Source
- Greeting.
- Explain what students learn today: do
exercise about Present Tense, Past Tense,
Future Tense, and Continuous tense.
- Begin with a brief discussion about what
15.30- we learnt two until three weeks ago to find
10 Opening -
15.40 out students’ understanding about Present
Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, and
Continuous tense.
- Explain the objectives of lesson: Students
will do exercise about what we discussed
and learnt.
- Ask the student to get ready to do exercise.
- The teacher explains the rules and how to
answer the questions.
- Provide them the exercise sheets for each
15.40- Explanation and
30 student. -
16.10 discussion
- Keep an eye on them to make sure they do
the exercise correctly and provide
explanation if some of them don’t
understand with the questions.
16.10- 20 Review - The teacher goes over certain aspects of -
16.30 the materials once more.
Time Activities Book Source
- Ask the students’ difficulties during the
teaching and learning activity.
- Attempt to give solution to a whole class.
- Review. -
16.30 - Closing - Praying.
- Closing.

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