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Specialized Communication in English

Unit 1 Expression of ideas based on texts

Evaluatory activity 3
Student name:
Campus: Group:

Learning outcome:
1.3 Express behavior in hypothetical situations present in narrative texts, using the
grammatical structure of the second and third conditional
Activity of evaluation:
Make a short comic strips using the second and third conditional.

1. Make a comic divided in two parts.

a. In the first part, your characters will tell an unrealistic or unlikely story using
the structure of the second conditional.
b. In the second part, some of the characters who heard the previous story will
tell their own version, making it totally imaginary and unreal using the
structure of the third conditional.
Use also the grammatical elements reviewed above, when necessary.
2. It is recommended to use Pixton or Canva.

Review the following tutorials to use these tools:

Contreras, S. (2020) Guía para realizar historietas con Pixton. Available in:
I can Canva (2020) How to make comics cartoons in Canva. Free tutorial. Available

3. To send the activity, create a document in a word processor. Include your basic
information and the link where your comic is displayed (use the share button) or
take a screenshot and paste it into the document.
4. Before you submit your activity, check the rubric to make sure it meets all the

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