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Basic mechanical Assignment

Problem 1:-
i. When it comes to safety in collisions, it is difficult to make a general comparison
between electric cars and conventional hydrocarbon fuel-driven vehicles. The safety
of a vehicle in a collision depends on various factors such as vehicle size, weight,
structural design, and safety features like airbags, seat belts, and crash avoidance

However, electric cars have some inherent advantages over conventional

hydrocarbon fuel-driven vehicles that can make them safer in certain situations. For
instance, electric cars tend to have a lower center of gravity due to the location of the
battery pack, which can improve stability and reduce the risk of rollovers. Moreover,
electric cars tend to have better acceleration, which can help drivers avoid accidents
in certain situations. Additionally, electric cars tend to have regenerative braking
systems that can improve braking performance and reduce stopping distances.

On the other hand, conventional hydrocarbon fuel-driven vehicles still have some
advantages over electric cars when it comes to safety in collisions. For example,
conventional vehicles tend to have better crash protection due to their larger and
heavier frames, which can absorb more energy during a collision. Additionally,
conventional vehicles tend to have longer driving ranges, which can reduce the risk
of accidents due to range anxiety.

Therefore, it is difficult to make a general comparison between electric cars and

conventional hydrocarbon fuel-driven vehicles in terms of safety in collisions. The
safety of a vehicle in a collision depends on various factors, and both types of
vehicles have their own advantages and disadvantages.

ii. Passengers' exposure to the combusted residue of hydrocarbon fuels is more

harmful to their health than their exposure to electromagnetic fields. Hydrocarbon
fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, contain toxic chemicals that can be released into
the air when they are burned in an engine. These chemicals can cause a range of
health problems, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer.

In contrast, the electromagnetic fields generated by electric cars are generally

considered safe for passengers. Electric cars generate electromagnetic fields due to
the electric current flowing through their electrical systems. However, the levels of
electromagnetic fields generated by electric cars are generally well below the safety
limits set by regulatory agencies such as the World Health Organization.

In conclusion, passengers' exposure to the combusted residue of hydrocarbon fuels

is more harmful to their health than their exposure to electromagnetic fields. While
electric cars generate electromagnetic fields, the levels are generally considered safe,
and the health risks associated with exposure are minimal. On the other hand, the
Basic mechanical Assignment
toxic chemicals released by the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels can have serious
health effects on passengers and the environment.

problem 2:-
PESTEL Analysis for Electric Vehicles in Bangladesh:

i. Political Comparison:

 Government policies and regulations can play a crucial role in the adoption of
electric vehicles (EVs) in Bangladesh.
 The government of Bangladesh has set a target of having 20% of all vehicles on the
road to be electric by 2030.
 The government has also exempted EVs from customs duty and value-added tax
(VAT) until 2022, and has provided tax incentives for EV charging stations.
 However, there may be political pressure from the fossil fuel industry and other
stakeholders who may resist the shift towards EVs.

ii. Economical Comparison:

 The cost of EVs in Bangladesh is relatively high compared to conventional vehicles

due to the lack of a local EV manufacturing industry.
 However, the cost of EVs is expected to decrease in the coming years as more
manufacturers enter the market and production scales up.
 EVs are cheaper to operate and maintain than conventional vehicles due to their
lower fuel and maintenance costs.
 Bangladesh's high electricity prices could be a barrier to the adoption of EVs, as
charging them may be expensive.

iii. Social Comparison:

 EVs have the potential to reduce air pollution and improve public health in
Bangladesh, which has some of the worst air quality in the world.
 However, there may be social barriers to the adoption of EVs, such as lack of
awareness and familiarity with the technology, and a preference for traditional

iv. Technological Comparison:

 The technology for EVs is advancing rapidly, and the range and performance of EVs
are improving.
 However, there may be technological barriers to the adoption of EVs in Bangladesh,
such as the lack of EV charging infrastructure and skilled technicians to repair and
maintain EVs.
Basic mechanical Assignment
v. Environmental Comparison:

 EVs have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air
pollution compared to conventional vehicles.
 However, the environmental benefits of EVs in Bangladesh depend on the source of
electricity used to charge them, which is currently dominated by fossil fuels.

vi. Legal Comparison:

 The government of Bangladesh has set emissions standards for vehicles, which could
provide incentives for the adoption of EVs.
 However, there may be legal barriers to the adoption of EVs, such as the lack of
regulations governing the installation and operation of EV charging infrastructure.

Overall, while there are challenges to the adoption of EVs in Bangladesh, the
government's policies and incentives provide a promising outlook for their growth in
the coming years. Additionally, as the technology continues to advance and
production scales up, the cost of EVs is expected to decrease, making them a more
viable option for consumers.

Problem 3:-
SWOT Analysis of Electric Vehicles vs Internal Combustion Engines using
Hydrocarbon Fuels from the Perspective of Different Levels of Stakeholders in

Strengths Comparison:

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

 Environmentally friendly and produce no emissions, reducing air pollution

 Cost-effective in the long run due to lower maintenance and fuel costs
 Promote energy independence as they can be powered by renewable sources of
 Advanced technology that is constantly improving with new innovations

Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) using Hydrocarbon Fuels:

 Well-established and widely used technology

 High energy density and quick refueling times
 Existing infrastructure for fueling and repair services
 Affordable and easily accessible for most consumers

Weaknesses Comparison:
Basic mechanical Assignment
Electric Vehicles (EVs):

 Limited driving range and longer charging times

 High upfront cost due to expensive battery technology
 Lack of charging infrastructure and availability of charging stations
 Limited model availability and less variety compared to ICEs

Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) using Hydrocarbon Fuels:

 Produce harmful emissions, contributing to air pollution and climate change

 High maintenance and fuel costs
 Dependence on non-renewable sources of energy and foreign oil
 Limited fuel availability in rural areas of Bangladesh

Opportunities Comparison:

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

 Government incentives and subsidies to promote adoption and investment in

charging infrastructure
 Increasing availability and affordability of renewable energy sources
 Expansion of battery technology to improve performance and reduce costs
 Opportunities for local manufacturing and job creation in the EV industry

Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) using Hydrocarbon Fuels:

 Adoption of cleaner fuels such as biofuels and hydrogen

 Investment in technology to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency
 Development of infrastructure for electric vehicles to increase fuel options and
diversify energy sources
 Potential for innovation and investment in the traditional automotive industry

Threats Comparison:

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

 Lack of public awareness and understanding of EVs

 Competition from established ICE manufacturers
 Insufficient investment in charging infrastructure and renewable energy sources
 Potential for supply chain disruptions and material shortages for EV components

Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) using Hydrocarbon Fuels:

 Increasing regulations and taxes on fossil fuels

Basic mechanical Assignment
 Pressure to reduce emissions and shift towards renewable energy sources
 Competition from newer and more advanced technologies
 Limited availability and increasing prices of non-renewable resources

Overall, the SWOT analysis suggests that the sustainability of electric vehicles in
Bangladesh has many strengths, such as their environmental friendliness and
potential for energy independence, but also faces challenges such as high upfront
costs and limited charging infrastructure. Meanwhile, internal combustion engines
using hydrocarbon fuels have strengths in their established infrastructure and
affordability but are threatened by increasing regulations and pressure to shift
towards cleaner energy sources. Different stakeholders may have different priorities
and considerations when evaluating the sustainability of these technologies, such as
the government's focus on reducing emissions and promoting local manufacturing,
or consumers' concern for affordability and convenience.

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