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Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the Thanksgiving Program of Fellowship Baptist College as we
celebrate its 69th Founder's Week with the theme, "Celebrating 69 Years of Excellence: A Legacy of
Faith, Learning, and Growth". We are grateful for this opportunity to gather as a community and express
our gratitude to God for His faithfulness throughout the years.

Before we begin our program, let us take a moment to acknowledge our guests and dignitaries who are
present with us today. We are honored by your presence, and we thank you for joining us in this

To kick off our program, we have selected students who will be playing a prelude for us. Please sit back
and enjoy their musical talents.

Next, we will have a scripture reading by Pastor Roly Derecho. Let us all stand as we listen to God's

[Scripture Reading]

Thank you, Pastor Roly. Let us continue our program by singing "For the Lord is Good."

[Singing of "For the Lord is Good"]

Let us now bow our heads as we pray. I would like to invite Reverend Honierold Telmo to lead us in our
opening prayer.

[Opening Prayer]

Thank you, Rev. Telmo. Now, let us all stand once again and sing "Great is Thy Faithfulness."

[Singing of "Great is Thy Faithfulness"]

As we celebrate the 69th founding of Fellowship Baptist College, we would like to take this moment to
look back at the milestones that have shaped our institution. Let us all watch the video entitled "FBC
Through the Years: 69th Founding Celebration."

[Video on FBC Milestones]

We have just witnessed how God has been faithful to FBC throughout the years. And to testify to His
goodness, we have with us Anthony Bagok, an FBC alumnus who was converted to Christianity because
of FBC's ministry. Let us all listen to his testimony.
[Testimony of Anthony Bagok]

Thank you, Anthony, for sharing your testimony. Now, we have a special musical number prepared by
the pastor's kids and CBF leaders.

[Special Musical Number]

Now, it is my honor to introduce to you our speaker for this evening, Reverend Nilo B. Engada, College
Chaplain. Let us all give him a warm round of applause.

[Introduction of the Speaker]

Thank you, Rev. Engada, for joining us today. We are excited to hear your Thanksgiving message.

[Thanksgiving Message by Pastor Eller John Mualla]

Thank you, Pastor Mualla, for that inspiring message. Let us all bow our heads once again as we pray and
dedicate this Founder's Week celebration to the Lord. I would like to invite Reverend Nilo B. Engada to
lead us in our Thanksgiving prayer.

[Thanksgiving Prayer/Dedication of Founder's Week Celebration]

As we conclude our program, let us sing "Grace Alone."

[Singing of "Grace Alone"]

Let us all stand as we close this program in prayer. I would like to invite Pastor Eller John Mualla to lead
us in our closing prayer and benediction.

[Closing Prayer and Benediction]

Thank you all for joining us in this celebration of Thanksgiving. Let us all continue to give thanks to God
for His faithfulness, grace, and love. Have a blessed evening!

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