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Operations Management

Individual Assignment 2

Due date: See Moodle

Percentage of overall grade: 20%
Submission method: Moodle


The evolution of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has impacted business operations across industries.
Generative AI involves creating new content using algorithms trained on existing data, and it has found application in
various operational aspects. This assignment will students to write an individual essay from exploring the role of
generative AI technologies and the potential risks in operations management.


This assessment is composed of three parts:

A. Generative AI technologies relevant to operations management

B. Practical application of tools such as ChatGPT
C. Critic of the established application in B above.

The total word count for the whole assessment should be 1,000 (+/- 10%) words. Please see below for detailed
explanations of each of the parts.

Part A – Generative AI tools in operations management (word count: 35%*)

This part requires you to research and write about the following:
✓ Available generative AI technologies
✓ Potential role of generative AI tools in operations management
Part B – Practical application of ChatGPT in operations management (word count: 15%*)
This part requires you to utilise ChatGPT tool. To complete this section, students are required to identify a real-world
operations management problem and query ChatGPT for a solution. Please provide evidence including screenshots of
answers to your query.

This section will contain the following parts:

✓ Brief description of identified operations management problem
✓ Evidence in the form of screenshots and a short summary of the solution provided by ChatGPT.

Note that not including hard evidence such as screenshot will incur a 5-mark deduction.

Part C – Risks/Threats and Solutions (word count: 30%*)

In this part you are required to discuss the potential risks paused to companies that rely on generative AI tools to
achieve efficiency targets. Make sure to discuss the risks in line with the solution established by ChatGPT in Part B.

Here are some things that can be covered:

✓ What parts of the proposed solution do you disagree with?
✓ Which tasks in operations management are more likely to be negatively impacted by ChatGPT?
✓ Potential recommendations to overcome the identified risks.

Please note that you are not limited to the points above. However, listing the above questions and providing answers
is NOT appropriate – please make sure your essay provides a cohesive and logical argument.

Research from a wide range of resources such as journal articles and news articles is important to the success of this
assessment. All sources should be acknowledged properly by using the APA referencing style
( A minimum of 8 references is expected. Please
consider the variety and quality of your sources. Please remember to cite your use of ChatGPT. You can find how to
do so here. If you used these tools to help refine your writing, please also declare it/them at the end of your assignment.

Please refer to the full marking criteria presented in the table on the next page and ensure that you submit your report
by the due date as late submission penalties apply (as per the paper outline).

*The word count excludes the referencing.

Marking criteria

0 → 40 50 → 70 80 → 100
Inadequate Correct and in-depth
Description of how
identification of description of how
generative AI tools can
Part A (35%) generative AI tools that available generative AI
be used in operations
can be used in tools and how they are
and potential benefits
operations and their used in operations, as
somewhat correct.
potential. well as the benefits.
Inappropriate problem Somewhat appropriate
Appropriate problem
prompt(s) or query problem prompt(s) or
prompt(s) or queries
entered. Failure to queries entered.
entered. A practical
Part B (15%) identify a real-world Somewhat practical
real-world problem is
problem facing problem facing
identified with
operations operations
examples where
management. management is
Practical risks/threats
Little to no explanation Suitable examples of
identified from
of the potential risks/threats are
established positions in
Part C (30%) risks/threats, with identified in alignment
Part B, with suggestions
limited alignment in with previously
on how the risks can be
previously established established positions in
positions in Part B. Part B.

Rambling, some
irrelevancies and Succinct and poignant,
Reasonably succinct
Quality of grammatical errors, clear, and
and logical, simple, and
writing (10%) incomplete and/or grammatically correct,
understandable, mostly
illogical statements. logical and coherent
Inadequate evidence of statements
Some research,
Appropriate level of
Insufficient number of research, various and
variety/quality of
Referencing references, sources high-quality references,
references, sources in
(10%) poorly acknowledged, all sources properly
the main acknowledged
incorrect referencing acknowledged, good
properly, inconsistent
style use of APA referencing
application of the APA
referencing style

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