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Subject: ICT Date: 11.2.2024

Class: IX IG

Method 2:
Making use of biometrics. Students details and fingerprints are already stored in
database and when the child enters school he has to scan his finger and his entry
and exit are noted.
1. Fingerprints are unique hence its impossible for other students to sign in.
2. ID cards can be lost but finger prints have no such issue.
3. ID cards could be affected by magnetic fields.
4. It is easy to clone ID cards but not fingerprints.

Dis adv:
1. The would take longer time to collect fingerprints initially in school.
2. The equipment needed to take and read finger prints is more expensive than
magnetic stripe reading equipment.
3. If the student cuts his finger the fingerprint is not identified.
4. There are invasion of privacy issues and some parents may object to having
finger prints of their children in database.

2. Student Performance: Teachers make use of spreadsheets to monitor

performance. It helps to record the test results and also compare the results with
other students. Its easy to import data into a report.
3. Exam time tables, subject timetables and teacher substitution:
Time tables are made for
1.Exams scheduling
2.subject scheduling
3.producing cover/substitution plans for teachers who are absent.
Factors to keep in account to create a time table:
1.availability of teachers
2. availability of rooms for each subject
3. keep check on subject clashes
4. number of hours for each subject
5. making sure double lessons appear for certain practical subjects but ensuring this
doesn’t happen with others.
Timetables are produced to know when to sit for exams and plan their schedule
accordingly. It is used to cover classes when teachers are absent. A timetable
software is used to check for availability of free staff and assign them the period
with what if conditions.

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