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GRADE 9 Region XI Grade Level 9

Dates and 03-07-2024 Quarter THIRD

I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. identify whether the infinitives function as nouns,

adverbs, or adjectives;
b. construct sentences using infinitives; and
c. value the relevance of infinitives through personal
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-
Standard American literature and other text types serve as means
means of preserving unchanging values in a changing
world; also how to use the features of a full length play,
tense consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable
him/her competently performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance The learner competently performs in a full-length play
Standard through applying affective verbal and non-verbal
strategies and ICT resources based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic
C. Learning Use verbal infinitives.
s / Objectives EN9G-IIIa-21
Write the LC
code for each
Laptop, Television, PowerPoint Presentation
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide N/A
2. Learner’s
Materials N/A
3. Textbook
4. Additional
DepEd Commons
from (LR)
B. Other YouTube, Google, and Slide Share
Reviewing 1. Prayer
previous lesson 2. Greetings
or presenting 3. Checking of Attendance and Proper School Uniform
the new lesson 4. Assignment
5. Classroom Management The learners will
6. Other follow-ups and Classroom Rules actively
Raise your hand before speaking.
Understand and respect others.
Listen attentively.
Engage actively in discussions.
Stay focused and avoid distractions.

Activity 1: PHOTO READ ME (3 Minutes)

Look at the pictures, study the emojis carefully, try to
guess what action is being described, and what sentence
it tries to convey.

1. He likes to play
the guitar.
2. The baby wants
to play at night.

Assessment Questions:

1. Did you enjoy the activity?

3. If you could choose one scene to experience in real

life, which one would it be and why?

B. ENGAGE Activity 2: Verb Pantomime Relay (10 Minutes)

The learners will
Mechanics: Each group will form a line. The first member actively
of the group will act the verb written in the card then the participate.
next member preceded the first member will guess the
verb and act it as well. All the group members will follow
the same procedure until it reaches the last member. The
last member is the one who will write the answer in the
Verbs relayed:
blank using the infinitive to + verb construction will get the
point. 1. To fly
2. To wear
Rules: All of the group members except the first one will 3. To read
turn around. They are allowed to look only if it’s their turn
to guess. Tap the shoulder of your group mates as a go
signal and speaking while acting is illegal. The first group
to write the correct answer will get the point. Before
starting a new round, each group will make a rotation.
B. EXPLORE Activity 3: Infinitive Quest Item Analysis (7 minutes) The learners will
actively participate.
Direction: Examine and identify whether underlined
infinitives in the quest items function as nouns, adverbs,
or adjectives.


Each ship will be given a single quest item containing a

sentence with an infinitive.
Answer may vary.
2. Within each ship, discuss whether the infinitive in the
sentence functions as a noun, adverb, or adjective.

3. You have one minute to discuss with your crew mates

and come to a consensus.

4. After the discussion time, the captain of each ship must

attach their answer on the board..

5. Be prepared to explain your reasoning behind your

answer to the class.

6. Listen carefully to the explanations of other ships to

learn from their reasoning and perspectives.

7. Rotate roles within your ship for each new quest item
to give everyone a chance to participate.

Example Quest Item:

"To swim gracefully takes practice."

- Ship Discussion: Is the infinitive "to swim" functioning

as a noun, adverb, or adjective?

- Answer: Noun

- Reasoning: Explain why you chose the answer

Now I will be giving each ship a one single quest and I

have here a set up random quest items and within each
quest items lies a sentence with infinitives in it. You and
your teammates will identify whether the infinitives used
functions as a noun, adverb, or an adjective. Each ship is
given a minute to discuss with their crew. After the time
being, each captain must attach their answer on the

D. EXPLAIN Activity 4: Infinitive Sentences Construction (10 The learners will


1) In groups, create sentences using infinitives to express

various actions.
2) Discuss the functions of infinitives in each sentence.
3) Present sentences to the class for feedback. actively participate
the activity and
Rubric - Sentence Clarity - 10 pts answer the
Assessment Questions:

What is the function of an infinitive in a sentence?

Can you identify the infinitives in the given sentences? Answers may vary.

How can you tell if the infinitive functions as a noun?

How can you tell if the infinitive functions as an adverb?

How can you tell if the infinitive functions as an adjective?

E. ELABORATE Activity 5: Identification (20 minutes)

Direction: Write N if the underlined infinitives is used as

a noun. ADJ if it is used as an adjective and ADV if it is
used as an adverb.

1. The flowers are ready to bloom in the spring.

2. He is excited to watch the movie tonight.

3. They need to study for the test tomorrow. 1. ADJ
2. N
4. The flowers need water to grow. 3. N
4. ADV
5. He runs quickly to catch the bus.
5. ADV


The teacher asks a volunteer to summarize the lesson.

F. EVALUATE Answers:
Activity 6: ASSESSING THE LEARNING (5 minutes) 1. Running-
Circle the participle in the sentence below. Then,
underline the noun it modifies.

1. The running athlete won the race. Athlete

2. The broken window was replaced by the maintenance 2. Broken-window
crew. 3. Proud-Grown
3. The proud mother looked at her grown children and 4. Painted-house
knew she had raised them well. 5. Missing-car
4. The painted house stood out among the others on the 6. Fallen-leaves
street. 7. Excited-fan
5. The missing cat was found hiding under the porch. 8. Barking-dog
6. The fallen leaves covered the ground in the autumn. 9. Sleeping-baby
7. The excited fan screamed when she saw the singer. 10. Rolling-waves
8. The barking dog chased the mailman down the street.
9. The sleeping baby woke up crying in the middle of the
10. The rolling waves crashed against the shore.

G. EXTEND Assignment
Write a short essay using at least five (5) infinitives to
describe how your MAPEH DAY went. 1/2 crosswise.


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Here's your Lesson Plan!

Subject: English
Grade Level: Grade 9
a. Identify infinitives and their function in a sentence;
b. Construct a sentence using infinitives;
c. Write a three-paragraph story about a certain incident in life using infinitives.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Infinitives can be used in science to describe processes or actions, similar to
how they function in English sentences. For example, "to observe" in a scientific
2) Mathematics - Infinitives are like mathematical functions in sentences, indicating the
action to be performed. This connection emphasizes the importance of precision and
clarity in both subjects.
3) History - Infinitives can be used in historical narratives to convey intentions or
purposes of historical figures, enhancing the storytelling aspect of history lessons.

[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]
[Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, Markers]
Anecdote 1 - Share a Filipino folktale that uses infinitives to set the scene and engage
students in storytelling.
Anecdote 2 - Discuss a famous Filipino historical event where the use of infinitives could
have changed the outcome.

2) Idea - Conduct an interactive quiz where students create sentences on the spot using
infinitives, fostering quick thinking and application of grammar rules.

Activity 1: Infinitive Sentences Construction
[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]
Materials - Sentence strips, Markers
Significance - Reinforce understanding of infinitives in sentence structure
Instructions -
1) In groups, create sentences using infinitives to express various actions.
2) Discuss the functions of infinitives in each sentence.
3) Present sentences to the class for feedback.
Rubric - Sentence Clarity - 10 pts
Assessment Questions:
1) What is the function of an infinitive in a sentence?
2) How does an infinitive change when used in different contexts?
3) Can you identify the infinitives in the given sentences?

Generate more activities

Use 1 credit to generate more activity examples

Demonstrate constructing sentences with infinitives, engaging students in discussion
about the purpose and structure of infinitives in sentences.

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]
Task 1 - Write a short dialogue using infinitives to convey the characters' intentions and
Task 2 - Create a poster illustrating a three-paragraph story using infinitives to narrate a
personal incident.

[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]
[Instructional Materials: Worksheets]
Question 1 - Identify the infinitives and their functions in the following sentences.
Question 2 - Construct a sentence using an infinitive that expresses a future action.
Question 3 - Write a three-paragraph story using infinitives to narrate

Subject: English
Grade Level: Grade 9
a. Identify infinitives and their function in a sentence.
b. Construct a sentence using infinitives.
c. Write a three-paragraph story about a certain incident in life using infinitives.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Math - Analyzing word problems using infinitives to identify the action needed.
2) Science - Describing scientific processes using infinitives to explain steps.
3) History - Writing historical narratives with infinitives to describe events.

Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers
Anecdote 1: Sharing a traditional Filipino folktale using infinitives.
Anecdote 2: Discussing a local news story where infinitives play a key role.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing
Instructional Materials: Props, scenario cards
1) Idea: Students act out daily routines using infinitives.
2) Idea: Conduct a debate on the importance of infinitives in language.

Activity 1: Infinitives in Action
Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning
Materials: Worksheets, pens
Significance: To practice identifying infinitives in sentences.
1) Identify the infinitives in the given sentences.
2) Rewrite the sentences using different infinitives.
3) Discuss the functions of infinitives in the sentences.
Rubric: Accuracy - 5 pts, Creativity - 5 pts
Assessment Questions:
1. What is the function of an infinitive in a sentence?
2. How can infinitives change the meaning of a sentence?
3. Provide an example of a sentence using an infinitive.

Generate more activities

Use 1 credit to generate more activity examples

Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion
Example 1: Teacher explains the structure of infinitives and their role in sentences.
Example 2: Students analyze sample sentences and discuss the impact of infinitives.

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning
Task 1: Create a comic strip using infinitives to narrate a story.
Task 2: Write a dialogue between characters using infinitives to express intentions.

Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification
Instructional Materials: Flashcards, game board
Question 1: How do infinitives function in sentences?
Question 2: Construct a sentence using an infinitive.
Question 3: Rewrite a paragraph using more infinitives.

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning
Instructional Materials: Research materials
Encourage students to explore how infinitives are used in different languages.

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