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3 Read the report a local student wrote about the 5 Work in pairs.

tmagine your town councilwants

neighborhood to see if the writer suggested solutions to improve living conditions for people living
similar to yours. on your street. Choose two of the ideas and
explain how they might improve your street.
. Build a new park with places for people to play

ffiffiffiffi§ffi ffi####ffi .
sports and walk their dogs
lncrease fines for dropping litter
HowaRo C¡.ose: Pnoslems ano Poss¡ale Solurlons . Spend more money on street lighting
lntroduct¡on r Plant more trees and shrubs

The aim of this report is to identify some of the main

. Collect trash more often

prob[ems in the Howard CLose area of our city and ó Work with another pair to compare your
suggest possib[e ways to so[ve them. ideas. Add two more.
The Current Situation
Howard Ctose is in the suburbs of our city. There are no writing ) & **s**apZéiw*#*p*rt
parks in Howard Close and chil"dren often ptay in the
streets. This is a probtem because there is a lot of traffic'
1 Write a report for the town council
lf the chil.dren had a place to pLay, it wou[d be much safer
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for them.
Organize your report in three sections. introduction, the
There is aLso a probLem with pubtic transportation' Bus current situation, and recoTnmendat ons.
services do not run frequentty enough. People often State your objective in the introduction.
Describe the current prob ems and what life would be like
have to wait for a bus for haLf an hour. lf there were more
if they were solved.
buses, peopLe woutd not use their cars so much and there
l\4ake your recomrnendations.
woutd be less congestion.
Another serious probLem is the amount of trash on the > Look again at the ideas for improving living
streets. Trash is onLy coLLected once a weel<, and there conditions from activities 5 and ó. Write
atso aren't many trash cans on the street for peopte to notes including any further details and add
deposit their refuse. Many residents add to the probtem other ldeas you mi.ght have.
by Leaving their trash on the sidewatl< when collectlon ls
not due. 2 Write a first draft of your report. lnclude
a mixture of factual and hypothetical
Finatly, there are not enough green areas' ln my opinlon,
information in the middle section.
if there were more green areas, the neighborhood wou[d
[ool< nicer and peopLe woul.d not litter so much' > Check your draft. Ask yourself the following
Recommendations questions.
. Money shoutd be spentto buiLd a safe ptay area a. Have you organized the information
for children. correctly?
. Buses shouLd run every ten minutes at busy times of b. Are the objectives clear? i'

the day. c. Have you described the situation at present

. Trees and flowers shouLd be p[anted to mal<e the effectively? .

neighborhood more attractive. d. Are your recommendations clear and

' Trash cotlection shouLd be increased to two per weel<,
e. ls the language correct (grammaL
and more trash cans shoutd be provided Fines can be
vocabulary, spelling)?
introduced for those who do not use regulation
trash cans. 3 Write a final draft

4 Underline at least three pieces of factual information

and circle three pieces of hypothetical information in the
report. ldentify the forms used for each.
A3l CVwoV oul videnl

Un¡t 6 17

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