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`` Invite pupils to look at the picture of Suni. `` Focus on the second question.

Elicit answers
Before they read the speech bubble, ask if from the class. Ask pupils to describe the
they remember her nationality. children’s clothes and Suni’s clothes.
`` Ask pupils to read the speech bubble.
Were they right? Where does she live?
What can she do? • N A P •
`` Ask pupils to describe where she is. Is this EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA REFLEXIÓN
place similar or different from their home INTERCULTURAL
town? Ask pupils to compare her clothes “La percepción de particularidades culturales
to theirs. How similar or different are they? a partir del encuentro con otra(s) cultura(s)
observando sus manifestaciones en la vida
`` Focus on the title of the unit and
cotidiana: el tiempo libre y el entretenimiento,
encourage pupils to guess the meaning.
la vestimenta, la música, la escuela, las
What is the relation with the pictures?
celebraciones, las comidas, entre otras.”
Elicit ideas from the class.

 Learning strategy `` Ask the class to work in groups. Tell them to

look for information about South Korea and
Make pupils realize the morphological
tell the class about what they have found.
similarity between the word ‘abilities’ and
Encourage them to look for information
its equivalent in L1: abilities / habilidades.
about important cities, rivers and mountains,
Highlight the fact that in English, ‘talents’ is a
traditions and celebrations, famous
synonym of ‘natural abilities’. Although there
buildings, famous South Koreans.
is a morphological similarity with talento in
Spanish, there is a difference in use.
Optional activity
`` Invite pupils to say what they know about
South Korea. Do they know anybody from Ask pupils to bring maps of South
this country? You may ask them about their Korea or Asia. They can print them
grandparents or great-grandparents. Are/ from the Internet. As you work
Were they from South Korea? If yes, where along the unit, locate the places
from? Do they have relatives there? Where? that appear in each lesson on the
map. Pupils do the same on their
`` Bring a map of the world and ask pupils to
maps. Ask them to find information
locate South Korea and any cities that have
about these places and make a
been mentioned on the map.
folder about South Korea.
`` Focus on the pictures and discuss what
they can see in them. Focus on the pictures
of the city and the traditional house. Have
Here are some links to guide your
pupils compare and contrast them.
`` Focus on the first question. Elicit ideas from
the class. Supply additional vocabulary as
needed and write key words on the board.
Page 49
4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p1
Lesson 1 2

`` Ask pupils to look at the rubric and invite them to work out
Optional lesson starter
what they have to do.
Revise verbs pupils have learnt so far. Play Charades. Ask a `` Give them time to read and complete the text.
pupil to come to the front of the class and whisper a word or
`` When they have finished, ask them to work with a partner and
show a picture of an action. The pupil then acts out that word.
compare their answers.
The first pupil to guess can be the next player. If you wish,
divide the class up into teams. The first pupil to guess wins a `` Check as a class.
point for his/her team. `` Focus on the question about Suni. Discuss as a class.
`` Ask if anyone has ever been to a circus school. Were they
happy? Did they like it?
1 24
Answers: 1 handstands; 2 do a cartwheel; 3 rollerblade; 4 catch a ball;
5 do taekwondo; 6 magic tricks
`` Focus on the pictures in Activity 1. Tell pupils to look at the
pictures and listen to the track. Play the track once.
`` Tell the class to listen to the track again and repeat.
`` Play the track at least twice. Pause after each word and ask Optional activity
pupils to repeat. Ask pupils to re-read the sentences and circle words
`` Play each exchange again and ask volunteers to repeat individually. they don’t know. Help them work out the meaning.
`` Have pupils pay attention to the pronunciation of some of the
new words as they may cause some difficulty, eg: skip, jigsaw,
puzzles – \skIp\ \dZIgsOÜ\ \pøzl\. 3
`` Remind pupils of the pronunciation of the sound \s\ before
consonants. Spanish speakers tend to produce the sound \e\ `` Ask pupils to look at the rubric and invite them to work out
before \s\ + consonant, eg: \eskIp\. what they have to do.
Page 50 `` Have the class work in pairs. They take turns to talk about and
`` Highlight the pronunciation of the final \p\ in ‘skip’ and ‘rope’.
`` Ask pupils to look at the picture again and tick the things they compare their results.
can do. When they have finished, ask them to count their ticks

and read their score. Tell them to share their results with the class. Optional activity
Optional activity

Play a ‘True/False’ game. Show pupils pictures of the
TIP actions they have learnt or just point at the pictures
Click here for photocopiable material (p11).
Some pupils may have a low score only because their abilities and in the book and say the word. Make some deliberate
talents are not listed here. Ask what other abilities and talents mistakes. They say True or False. If they say False, they
they have, eg: play chess, do another martial art, skate, sing, draw, have to say the right word. Keep a quick pace to make
etc. Supply additional vocabulary as needed. It is important not to the game more exciting. You may also add pictures of
make pupils feel bad because they can’t do these things. Convey other actions the pupils have learnt the names of in
1 1 do magic tricks (d); 2 catch a ball (a); 3 do a cartwheel (h); 4 do jigsaw
English, eg: in Unit 3.
the idea that we all have different talents and abilities. puzzles (b); 5 skip the rope (c); 6 do a handstand (g); 7 rollerblade (e);
8 do taekwondo (f)

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p2

Lesson 2 `` Ask pupils to compare their answers with a partner.
`` Check as a class.
`` Invite some pupils to read the statements aloud for
Optional lesson starters
a. Play an action game to revise the actions learnt in Lesson Answers: 1 could walk, couldn’t catch a ball; 2 could run, couldn’t
1 and others learnt previously. You may do this as a class rollerblade; 3 could skip the rope, couldn’t do a handstand
b. Ask a pupil, eg: Can you do taekwondo? If the pupil replies Yes,
I can, say Ok, go! and the pupil mimes the action. If the pupil 3
says No, I can’t, they have to say what they can do, eg: But I can
run! `` Tell pupils to work in pairs. They write about the things they
could do when they were six.
`` When they have finished, they compare with a partner.
1 25
`` Circulate checking for correct pronunciation and use of ‘can’
and ‘could’.
`` Tell pupils to open their books at page 51 and focus on the
picture. What are the kids doing? Elicit ideas from the class. `` When they have finished, you may ask pupils to share the
abilities they had with the class.
`` Tell pupils to listen and read. Play track 25 once and invite
them to follow in their books. Were their ideas correct? `` Invite some of them to write their exponents on the board for
class discussion.
`` Play the track again. Stop after each exchange and invite
the class to repeat.
`` Play each exchange again and ask volunteers to repeat
individually. Optional activities
`` Ask pupils to re-read the dialogue. Ask them to find things 1. Ask pupils to re-read the dialogue. In pairs, they write
Suni can and can’t do. a new one where Bae speaks about his pictures and
`` Focus on the sentences with ‘could/couldn’t’. Do they refer to things he and his siblings could do.
Page 51
the present, the past or the future? How do pupils know? 2. Tell pupils to ask their parents and older siblings
`` Ask pupils to ‘create’ a rule for the use of ‘can’ and ‘could’. They about the things they could do when they were
write it in their notebooks/folders with some examples from
the text and some others from the board.
• N A P • children. They write a few sentences and then share
this with the class.
`` Focus on the ‘Grammar Trip’ section. Ask pupils to read the LENGUA QUE SE APRENDE 3. Click here for photocopiable material (p12).
examples. Do they refer to the present or the past? They read “La reflexión, con la ayuda del/la docente, sobre algunos
and decide which the correct option is. aspectos fundamentales del funcionamiento de la lengua
`` When they have finished, check as a class. extranjera que se aprende.”
`` Ask pupils to work in pairs and act out the dialogue.
Answers: couldn’t; could 2 2 2 When Sheila was five, she could swim but she couldn’t ride a bike.
3 When Jonathan was four, he could do a handstand, but he couldn’t
`` Have the class read the rubric and explain what they have to do. read. 4 When Mary was nine, she could play tennis but she couldn’t cook.

`` They re-read the text and complete the sentences with words
from the box.

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p3

Lesson 3 2

`` Focus on the pictures and ask the class to write the sentences.
Optional lesson starters
`` When they have finished, ask pupils to work in pairs and check
a. Remind the class of the dialogue in Lesson 2. Ask pairs of their answers. Then check as a class.
pupils to act it out. Correct only when necessary.
Answers: 2 Jane is riding her bike slowly. 3 Will and Paul are singing
b. Play Simon Says to revise as many action verbs as possible. badly. 4 John and Mark are singing well.

1 26

`` Focus on the pictures in Activity 1. What are these people `` Ask pupils to read the questions and return to page 49. Elicit
doing? Elicit the answers from the class. ideas from them. Invite them to give reasons for their answers.
`` Tell the class to listen to the track and follow in their books. Answers: He’s riding fast. Yes, he plays well.

`` Play track 26 once. Pupils only listen and follow in their books.
`` Play the track at least twice. Pause after each phrase and ask 3
the class to repeat.
`` Play the track again and ask individual pupils to repeat. `` Focus on the questions. Ask pupils to work in pairs. They take
it in turns to ask and answer them.
`` Focus on the sentences. Ask the class to circle the new words.
What do they notice about these words? Help pupils work out `` Circulate listening to the pupils’ conversations. Check for
their meaning and function. correct pronunciation and use of language. Give help only if
`` Write some other exponents with adverbs on the board. Invite
pupils to circle the adverbs and provide new examples with `` If you wish, invite some pupils to write the answers on the board.
some of them.
`` Focus on the question and elicit answers from pupils. Optional activities
Page 52 1. Bring a number of magazines where pupils can
Answer: Yes, she is.

find pictures of people doing different activities,
especially if they are well–known, eg: sportspeople,
• •
N A P singers or musicians. Have them choose a picture.
TIP EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA REFLEXIÓN SOBRE LA They show it to the class and say what the people
Pupils are not likely to have learnt what an adverb is. It is enough LENGUA QUE SE APRENDE are doing and how.
for them to know that these words describe HOW we do things. “La reflexión, con la ayuda del/la docente, sobre algunos 2. Click here for photocopiable material (p13).
You may compare them with the Spanish equivalents that we use aspectos fundamentales del funcionamiento de la lengua
for the same purpose: lentamente/despacio, rápido, etc. extranjera que se aprende.”
“El reconocimiento de algunas similitudes y diferencias
relevantes en relación con el español como, por ejemplo, en lo
alfabético, el uso de mayúsculas, el orden de palabras, el uso 3 fast, slowly, badly, well; Pupils’ own answers
de tiempos verbales y su morfología, el uso de pronombres, 4 Pupils’ own answers
los cognados y falsos cognados (“falsos amigos”) .” 5 2 Fred is catching the ball badly. 3 Ken is skateboarding fast. 4 Vicky is
skateboarding slowly. 5 Megan is doing a handstand badly. 6 Anna is
doing a handstand well.

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p4

Lesson 4
Optional activity
Optional lesson starter Focus on the questions. Write one on the board and ask
the class to compare the structure of these questions
Play ‘Adverbs in action’. Write some activities and the four with the structure of questions they have learnt
adverbs the class has learnt on cards. Put the word cards in in other tenses, eg: questions in the past. Are they
two groups, adverbs on one side, actions on the other, all face similar or different? How are the words ordered in the
down. Ask a pupil to come to the front and pick one card from question? Help them notice that questions in English
each group. The pupil does the action in the way expressed by all have the same structure.
the adverb. The class has to say the sentence with the correct
adverb, eg: You are running slowly. The first pupil who guesses
correctly gets a point and mimes the next action. 2

1 `` Focus on the rubric and make sure pupils understand what

they have to do.
`` Tell the class to listen to the track and read the text. Play the `` Pupils read the skeletons and order the words to make correct
track at least twice. questions.
`` Ask a few comprehension questions, eg: Who are the girls? `` Allow enough time for them to do the activity. Tell them to
What day is it? Where are they? look at the dialogue in Activity 1 for reference.
`` Play the track again. Stop after each exchange and ask the `` Check as a class.
class to repeat. Answers: 1 Could you skip the rope when you were five? 2 Could you do
`` Divide the class into groups of three and ask them to act out taekwondo when you were eight? 3 Could you dance well when you were
four? 4 Could you do a handstand when you were six?
the dialogue. Encourage them to make it sound as natural as
possible by using the correct intonation.
Page 53
• N A P • `` Ask pupils to answer the questions in Activity 2 so that they
EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA PRODUCCIÓN ORAL `` Focus on the ‘Grammar Trip’ section. Ask pupils to read the are true for them.
“La participación en dramatizaciones sencillas –que podrán examples and decide which the correct options are. Ask them `` When they have finished, ask them to work in pairs. They
incluir textos propios creados a partir de un modelo–, juegos to justify their answers. compare their answers with a partner.
y otras instancias lúdicas que impliquen interacción oral.”
EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA REFLEXIÓN SOBRE LA Answers: could, could, couldn’t `` Circulate checking for correct pronunciation and language.
“La reflexión, con la ayuda del/la docente, sobre algunos
aspectos fundamentales del funcionamiento de la lengua
extranjera que se aprende, por ejemplo: 6 2 Could you sing when you were; 3 Could you swim when you were;
`` la entonación como portadora de sentidos…” 4 Could you speak English when you were; 5 Could you draw when you
were; 6 Could you write (your name) when you were; 7 Could you read
when you were; 8 Could you run (fast) when you were
7 Pupils’ own answers

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p5

Lesson 5 2

Optional lesson starter `` Ask pupils to read the rubric and check that they understand
what they have to do.
Play a ball game. Have pupils sit in a circle. If conditions do not `` They complete the text about the swimmer with the words in
permit, they can play from their seats. Pass a soft ball quickly the box.
around the circle. At a certain point clap or say STOP! The pupil
holding the ball has to follow an order, eg: Sing badly. If the `` Tell pupils to read the whole text before attempting to
pupil mimes the action correctly, he takes your role. complete it. Allow enough time for them to do the activity.
`` When they have finished, check as a class.
Answers: 1 couldn’t; 2 was; 3 well; 4 his; 5 a
1 28

`` Focus on the picture. Who is this boy? Ask the class to guess. 3
`` Focus on the rubric. Were their ideas correct?
`` Ask pupils to read the text in Activity 2 again. Then ask them
to read the sentences and decide if they are True or False.
• N A P • `` When they have finished, ask pupils to work in pairs and
EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA LECTURA compare their work.
“La formulación de anticipaciones e hipótesis en relación `` Check the answers as a class. Encourage pupils to justify their
con el sentido del texto y el paratexto, antes y durante el answers.
proceso de lectura, a partir de títulos, ilustraciones y otras
Answers: 1 True; 2 False; 3 True; 4 False
pistas temáticas y lingüístico-discursivas.”

Optional activities
`` Tell the class you are going to play the track. They are going
to listen to Suni speaking about her uncle. They listen and tick Page 54 1. Ask pupils to find information about the city of Seoul.
the correct column. Pupils work in pairs or small groups. They bring maps
of South Korea and locate Seoul on them. Then, they
`` Play the track once. Pupils just listen. `` Play the track again at least twice. Pupils now tick the correct write a summary of the information they have found
Audioscript: option. and add it to their folder of South Korea.
Suni: When my uncle Hak-Kun was at primary school, he couldn’t play `` Check as a class.
football well. He was sad, because football was his favourite sport. He trained 2. Ask the class what they know about the Olympic
hard every week. When my uncle was thirteen, he was stronger and taller. He `` Play the track again and ask a variety of questions to check Games. Ask them to work in small groups and
could run fast and he started to play football well. When he was eighteen, he comprehension, eg: Why was he sad when he was young? look for information about them. Where have the
studied physical education and now he is a teacher at a primary school. He is When was he stronger and taller? Olympic Games been held in this century? Where
very happy now. He helps children to play football well. He is also a coach in a
Answers: 1 False; 2 False; 3 True; 4 False; 5 False are the next Games going to be held? Have them
small football club in Seoul.
In 2002, the World Cup was in our country. My uncle went to most of the matches. make a file of the Olympic Games.
My uncle and my father were happy because our country was one of the best

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p6

Lesson 6 2 29

Optional lesson starter `` Tell the class that they are now going to listen to the poem.
They listen and compare their poem to the recorded version.
Ask the class if they like poems. Ask if they remember any poems
in English and encourage them to say them. Remind them of `` Play the track at least twice. Pupils follow in their books.
poems and chants in English they have learnt in previous years. `` Play the track again and have pupils complete with the
missing words.
1 `` Discuss with the class how different or similar their version is.
Does their version rhyme?
`` Ask the class to look at the pictures. Ask, What are the children
doing? Do they look happy? Where are they? What are they
wearing? • N A P •
`` Focus on the rubric and check that pupils understand what EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA COMPRENSIÓN ORAL
they have to do. “La formulación de anticipaciones e hipótesis sobre el sentido
`` Ask pupils to complete the poem using the pictures as clues. de los textos a partir de palabras o expresiones relacionadas
Remind them of the importance of rhyme. con el tema, del tono de voz de quien habla, entre otras pistas
`` Allow plenty of time for pupils to complete the poem. temáticas, lingüístico-discursivas y paraverbales.”
`` When they have finished, ask them to work in pairs and
compare their answers. 3
`` Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
Answers: 1 catch a ball; 2 climb a tree; 3 swim; 4 rollerblade `` In pairs, pupils look at the questions in the poem and take it
in turns to ask and answer about them.
`` Circulate listening to pupils’ exchanges. Make notes of
Optional activity mistakes for future remedial work.
Ask pupils what difference there is between a poem and a Page 55
story or other texts they have read, eg: dialogues, factual
texts. Elicit answers from the class. Accept answers in L1 • N A P • 4
at this stage as they may lack the necessary vocabulary to EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA LECTURA
explain their ideas. Echo their words in English and write `` Still in pairs, ask pupils to write one more verse for the poem.
“La comprensión y construcción de sentidos del texto
key language like rhyme and verse on the board. escrito apelando a diferentes estrategias. Esto supone: la `` Circulate giving help if necessary.

identificación del género; el recurso a pistas que brindan los `` Write some words on the board as a guide.
textos y su paratexto;”

“La lectura de textos descriptivos, narrativos o instruccionales
breves, de diferentes géneros discursivos, relacionados con 5
Even using the pictures as clues, pupils may come up with temáticas variadas, de extensión y complejidad acordes
different answers, eg: catch a ball, play with a ball, play al momento de la escolaridad y a las condiciones de `` When pupils have finished writing their verse, ask them to
football. Accept different answers provided they rhyme and are enseñanza…” share it with the class.
grammatically correct. `` You may wish to collect all the verses and glue them onto a
large sheet of poster paper and make a class poem.

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p7

Lesson 7 `` When pupils have finished, discuss the answers as a class.
Ask pupils to justify their answers.
Answers: 1 They practiced martial arts for self-defense. 2 Yes, it is.
Optional lesson starter 3 You can learn discipline and respect for other people.

Remind the class of activities and sports they like to do in
their free time. Talk about taekwondo. Does anybody in the
class do this? Do pupils do any other martial art? Which? Why
do they like martial arts? What do they know about them?
Encourage the class to think of the purpose of the different
martial arts: defence, attack, self-discipline, for example. Invite
them to reflect on the values taught in different martial arts.
Extend the discussion to other sports. What are the benefits of
doing sports? What can they learn from famous sportspeople?
`` Focus on the pictures. What are these children doing? Have
What values are important? Highlight the importance of fair play
pupils ever done this? If there are pupils in the class who
do taekwondo, invite them to explain how they make these and non-discrimination.
`` Have pupils read the text about taekwondo and what Soo
Think twice
says about the benefits of doing this activity.
`` Tell pupils to circle or underline the new words. `` Focus on the questions. Elicit answers from the class.
`` Remind them to use the context to guess the meaning of `` Supply additional vocabulary as necessary. Encourage pupils
new words. to justify their answers.
`` Ask a few questions to check comprehension. Ask pupils if
they agree with what the text says about this discipline.
`` Have pupils read the text in the ‘It’s a fact!’ section as this may Optional activity
help them with the understanding of the whole text. Ask pupils to look for information about taekwondo
Page 56 and other martial arts. What is the difference between

them? Where did they originate? They prepare a short
• N A P • dossier with information and pictures.
“La lectura de textos descriptivos, narrativos o ! TIP
instruccionales breves, de diferentes géneros discursivos, Allow pupils to use their L1 if they find it difficult to express their
relacionados con temáticas variadas, de extensión y ideas in English. Echo their contributions in English. Supply key For more information about martial arts, visit:
complejidad acordes al momento de la escolaridad y a las language and encourage them to repeat after you.
condiciones de enseñanza.”

`` Focus on Activity 2 and ask the class to read the rubric.

`` Have them re-read the article and answer the questions.

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p8

Lesson 8 3
`` Tell pupils to make a poster with the information they have
Optional lesson starter collected.
Remind the class of things they could and couldn’t do when `` Ask them to put in pictures or drawings. If conditions permit,
they were small. You may wish to speak about yourself too. they may put pictures of the people they have interviewed.
Ask them about their friends and family.

1 4

`` Ask the class to look at the title of the lesson and encourage `` Invite groups to make a short presentation explaining what
them to discover the meaning of ‘survey’. What is it? What can they have done.
we use a survey for? `` Invite the class to ask questions.
`` Ask the class to look at the page and say what they think
they will have to do.
`` Focus on the preparation stage. Ask pupils to choose four
people to interview. They may be family members, friends,
• N A P •
teachers, etc. “La participación en intercambios orales breves, a partir de
`` They prepare questions to ask these people about the sports disparadores, para resolver una tarea comunicativa como,
or activities they could / couldn’t do when they were younger. por ejemplo, solicitar y brindar información; invitar a una
They can use the questions and material in the lesson as an persona a una celebración, a formar parte de un grupo de
example but tell them to make the changes they wish. trabajo en el aula, a hablar sobre actividades del tiempo
`` Once this is ready, tell the pupils to do the interviews. libre.”

“La producción asidua de descripciones y relatos breves
de experiencias personales referidas, por ejemplo, a

! TIP Page 57
preferencias, tiempo libre, rutinas diarias, entre otros. Esto
Doing the interviews may mean that pupils have to interview `` la contextualización de la producción oral;
people outside class hours and in Spanish. This shouldn’t be a `` They write the notes about the results using the structures
and text in this lesson as a model. Encourage them to add `` la presencia de un marco que la oriente;
problem. The questions can be asked in the pupils’ L1 and then
more information if they wish. `` la preparación de la producción oral.”

they use the information in English to complete the task.

2 ! TIP Optional activity

Invite pupils to make a first draft of their text on a sheet of paper.
`` Once pupils have collected the information they need, tell They can revise it and make any corrections and add information Click here for photocopiable material (p14).
them to record it on a table. They can use the table in this as necessary. Then they can make a clean copy.
activity as a model.

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p9

Lesson 9
• N A P •
Optional lesson starter “La participación asidua en situaciones propias del contexto
Ask pupils to look at the pictures quickly and predict what áulico, (saludar, solicitar aclaraciones, pedir, dar una opinión,
happens. Elicit ideas from the class. Help pupils with new manifestar estados de ánimo, entre otros).”
vocabulary. Accept answers in the pupils’ mother tongue as
they may find it difficult to express their ideas in English.
Echo their answers in English and invite them to repeat after
you. Write any key vocabulary on the board.
`` Focus on the question. Have pupils look at the options and
1 reflect on their behaviour.
`` Invite them to answer. Highlight the importance of being
`` Tell pupils to read the rubric and the question and make sure honest in their answers.
they understand what they have to do. `` Invite them to share their answers with the class.
`` Play the track at least twice while the class reads. `` You may wish to discuss what they can do to improve. Always
`` When they have finished, invite pupils to answer the question. encourage pupils to give reasons for their answers even if this
Answer: Yes, they could.
means allowing for some use of L1.

`` Have the class re-read the text and ask them to circle words
they don’t know. Encourage pupils to guess the meaning from
the context.

Optional activity
Ask pairs of pupils to read the dialogues. Highlight the
importance of using the correct intonation. Page 58

• N A P • 2
“La formulación de anticipaciones e hipótesis en relación `` Focus pupils’ attention to the rubric. Have them read the
con el sentido del texto y el paratexto, antes y durante el options and make sure they understand what they have to do.
proceso de lectura, a partir de títulos, ilustraciones y otras `` Ask them to re-read the story and tick the correct option.
pistas temáticas y lingüístico-discursivas.” `` When they have finished, elicit answers from the class. Progress Check 4
EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA PRODUCCIÓN ORAL Encourage pupils to justify their choices. Invite them to reflect 1 1 could walk; 2 could run; 3 couldn’t swim; 4 could read; 5 could sing;
“La participación en dramatizaciones sencillas –que podrán on the benefits of team work. 6 couldn’t play the piano
2 1 Could you write when you were five? 2 Could you rollerblade when you
incluir textos propios creados a partir de un modelo–, juegos Answer: 1 ✔ were eight? 3 Could you catch a ball when you were one? 4 Could you run
y otras instancias lúdicas que impliquen interacción oral.” fast when you were six? 5 Could you do magic tricks when you were four?
Pupils’ own answers

4 Teaching Notes Unit 4 • p10

Activate Units 3–4 1
Esto supone:
`` Focus pupils’ attention on the pictures. Ask them to match the `` la contextualización de la producción oral;
pictures of the children and the objects. `` la presencia de un marco que la oriente;
`` They choose a correct phrase to describe the match and write `` la preparación de la producción oral.”
the sentences.
`` Pupils may have different answers as they may match any of
the children with the same job.
`` When they have finished writing the sentences, ask pupils to
share them with the class. `` Focus on the rubric and the pictures and make sure pupils
`` If you wish, invite pupils to write their exponents on the board understand what they have to do.
for class discussion. `` Focus on the clues and tell the class to write sentences about
Answers: Pupils’ own answers what Shin could do when he was a child.
a (football player) train and play in a club; c (police officer) help people in
the street; d (nurse) help doctors and patients; e (writer) write stories and
`` Allow some time for the class to do this.
novels; f (firefighter) stop fires and save people `` Circulate checking for correct spelling and grammar. Give
help if necessary. Make notes of possible mistakes for future
remedial work.
Optional activity `` When they have finished, invite pupils to work with a partner
and compare their sentences.
Ask pupils to make a school survey. Help them make a `` Once they have finished, ask pupils to read their answers to
table with jobs they have learnt in Unit 3 and possibly the class.
others they may want to ask about. During breaks,
they can go around asking pupils from other classes Answers: He could rollerblade slowly. He played football badly. He could ride
a bike well and fast. He played tennis badly. He played rugby badly, too.
about what they want to be. When they have collected
enough information, they can write a few sentences
reporting the results and share them with the class. Optional activity
Then they can analyse which jobs are the most and the
Acti Page 63 least popular. Have pupils ask teachers and other staff at school
about the sports and other activities they could do
Optional lesson starters when they were children. Tell them to find out how
these people did the activities. Then they can write
a. Play a mime game to remind the class of the animal
a short text about one or two of them using the text
vocabulary they have learnt in Units 3 and 4. Have some
pupils mime the animals and the others guess. • N A P • about Shin as a model.
Encourage pupils to share their texts with the class.
b. Divide the class into two teams. Call one pupil from each team EJE: EN RELACIÓN CON LA PRODUCCIÓN ORAL
in turn. Whisper a job or an action in their ear and have them “La participación en intercambios orales breves, a partir de
mime. Their team has to say the correct word. Give a point for disparadores, para resolver una tarea comunicativa”
each correct answer. “La producción asidua de descripciones y relatos breves de
experiencias personales referidas, por ejemplo, a preferencias,
tiempo libre, rutinas diarias, entre otros”.

4 Teacher’s Notes Activate • Units 3–4

Explore Units 3–4 1 4

`` Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Which jobs are these? Pupils `` Ask pupils to re-read the texts in Activity 2.
label the pictures. `` They decide what these people have in common and tick
`` Ask, Which job doesn’t have a picture? the correct option.
`` Invite the class to describe the pictures. If they can’t provide `` Discuss the answers as a class.
a thorough description, help them with leading questions. Answers: 1 ✔
`` Ask, Would you like to do any of these jobs? Why? Why not?
Answers: 1 dog walker; 2 vet; 3 pilot

Optional activity
2 Ask the class to work in pairs and write a text for
another job, eg: doctor, using the other three as a
`` Focus on the text and invite the class to read it. Tell the class model.
to ignore the words they don’t know and try to understand
the general meaning of the text.
`` When they have finished reading, make pupils scan the text
for words they don’t know. Make them underline the words
and discuss the meaning.
`` Tell the class to match each text to the correct person.
`` When they have finished, check as a class.
`` Ask pupils to explain what helped them decide.
Answers: A 2; B 3; C 1

Page 64 3
Optional lesson starters `` Tell the class to re-read the text and decide if the sentences
a. Ask pupils to think about a job they would like to do when are True or False.
they are adults. Have them imagine what a normal day would `` When they have finished, check as a class. Encourage pupils
be like. Encourage them to explain what time they would get to give reasons for their answers.
up, where they would work and what they like about the job. Answers: 1 False; 2 True; 3 False; 4 True
b. Write a few leading phrases on the board, eg: help people, cure
animals, check weather conditions before flying, etc. In pairs,
pupils choose a phrase, make a short comment on it or enlarge
the information given and provide the corresponding job.

4 Teacher’s Notes Explore • Units 3–4

Unit 4 • Lesson 1

Play a game with a friend. Take turns to find matching pairs.

skip the rope
catch a ball


do a
do taekwondo

do magic
do jigsaw


do a

4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015 Unit 4 • p11

Unit 4 • Lesson 2

Draw the pictures of your photo album. Show them to a friend and talk about
what you could do when you were younger.

When I wa s 4…
When I wa s 1…

Wh e n I wa s 6…

When I was 7…
When I wa s 9…

4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015 Unit 4 • p12

Unit 4 • Lesson 3

Play a game with a friend. Take turns to make sentences.

well badly fast slowly

catch a ball skip the rope rollerblade

do a handstand do jigsaw puzzles do magic tricks

do taekwondo do a cartwheel run

play football swim speak English

ride a bike play hockey speak Korean

4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015 Unit 4 • p13

Unit 4 • Lesson 8

My survey. Choose three friends, look at the pictures and ask them about what
they could / couldn’t do when they were 5 and 7 years old. What was their
favourite sport/activity? Then share the answers with the class.

Friends Favourite
5 years old 7 years old
interviewed: sport/activity

4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2015 Unit 4 • p14

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