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Grade 4-5

1. Demonstrates excellent sportsmanship: Ismail consistently displays a positive attitude

towards his peers and treats them with respect. He readily encourages and supports his
teammates, fostering a positive and inclusive environment in team sports and activities.
1. Exhibits good coordination and motor skills: Asad possesses well-developed coordination
and motor skills, which allow him to excel in a wide range of physical activities. He showed
precision and control in his movements, enhancing his overall performance.
 Shows great determination and effort: Abdul Hadi consistently puts in his best effort during
physical activities. He has a strong work ethic and strives to improve his skills, often practicing
outside of class to enhance his performance
 Ismail has made commendable progress in Physical Education throughout this term. He has
consistently shown enthusiasm and actively participated in various physical activities. His dedication
to improving their skills and their positive attitude have been evident throughout the term.

1. Enhancing cardiovascular endurance: Ismail would benefit from focusing on improving his
cardiovascular endurance. Engaging in activities that elevate their heart rate for sustained
periods, such as running or swimming, would be beneficial to his overall fitness level.
2. Developing strength and flexibility: Ismail could work on developing his strength and
flexibility further. Encouraging him to participate in activities that target these areas, such as
yoga or strength training exercises, will help him enhance his overall physical fitness.
3. Expanding knowledge of team sports: While Ismail demonstrates proficiency in individual
activities, he could benefit from expanding his knowledge and skills in team sports.
Encouraging him to participate in group activities, such as basketball or soccer, will allow him
to develop his teamwork and cooperation skills.

1. Provide opportunities for regular cardiovascular exercises: Incorporate activities such as

running, jumping rope, or dance routines into the physical education program to help him
improve his cardiovascular endurance.
2. Including strength and flexibility exercises in warm-up routines: Incorporate exercises like
lunges, squats, and stretches in the warm-up routines to promote muscle strength and
3. Organize team-based activities and games: Allocate time for team sports and activities
where he can actively participate and learn the importance of teamwork, cooperation, and
communication with his peers.

1. Strength: Active Participation He consistently demonstrates a strong commitment to active

participation during P.E. lessons. He eagerly engages in various physical activities and is
always willing to try new skills and techniques. His enthusiasm sets a positive example for his
2. Weakness: Sportsmanship While he excels in physical abilities, he struggles with
demonstrating good sportsmanship consistently. He occasionally displays frustration or
disappointment when faced with challenges or when his team does not perform well.
Encouraging a more positive and supportive attitude towards his teammates would greatly
benefit their overall development.
1. Strength: Motor Skills. He exhibits excellent motor skills and coordination. He confidently
performs a wide range of movements with control and precision. His ability to manipulate
objects, such as balls or ropes, showcases his fine motor skills, and he excels in both
individual and team-based activities.
2. Weakness: Fitness Level It is noticeable that his fitness level is slightly below average
compared to his peers. He tends to struggle with activities that require sustained physical
exertion, such as running or endurance exercises. Encouraging him to engage in regular
physical activity outside of school can help improve his overall fitness level.

1. Strength: Teamwork. He demonstrates strong teamwork skills during group activities and
team sports. He actively communicates with his peers, listens to others' ideas, and
contributes positively to the team's efforts. His ability to cooperate and collaborate
enhances the overall experience for the entire class.
2. Weakness: Flexibility. He shows limited flexibility in his movements and stretches. He finds it
challenging to achieve and maintain the full range of motion in certain exercises.
Encouraging him to participate in stretching exercises and incorporating more flexibility-
focused activities into his routine can help improve his flexibility over time.

1. Strength: Knowledge of Rules and Strategies: He displays a solid understanding of the rules
and strategies involved in various sports and games. He exhibits good sportsmanship by
following the rules and regulations set forth in each activity. His knowledge and adherence
to the rules contribute to a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants.
2. Weakness: Hand-Eye Coordination: He struggles with hand-eye coordination during activities
that involve catching or hitting objects. He often has difficulty tracking the object's trajectory
and timing his movements accurately. Providing him with additional practice and drills
specifically targeting hand-eye coordination can help enhance his skills in this area.

1. Encourage him to work on his sportsmanship, emphasizing the importance of supporting

and encouraging his teammates, regardless of the outcome.
2. Recommend specific fitness activities or sports that he can engage in outside of school to
improve his overall fitness level.
3. Incorporate regular stretching exercises into his routine to enhance flexibility.
4. Provide additional practice opportunities for hand-eye coordination through specific drills
and exercises.
5. Encourage him to continue exploring new sports and activities to further develop his
physical abilities and broaden his skill set.

1. Strength: He consistently demonstrates excellent physical fitness and stamina. He actively

participates in all activities and shows remarkable endurance.
Suggestion: To further enhance his performance, he could benefit from incorporating more
stretching exercises into his routine to improve flexibility and prevent injuries.
1. Strength: He displays exceptional sportsmanship and teamwork skills. He consistently
encourages and supports his peers during group activities and demonstrates a positive
Suggestion: Encourage him to take on leadership roles during team activities, such as organizing
warm-up exercises or leading stretches, to further develop his leadership abilities.
1. Strength: He exhibits a high level of coordination and motor skills. He excels in activities that
require precise movements, such as catching and throwing, and consistently performs with
Suggestion: To challenge him further, introduce activities that involve complex coordination,
such as juggling or jump rope routines, to help him refine his motor skills and coordination even
1. Strength: He demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of various sports and
game rules. He exhibits quick thinking and decision-making skills during competitive
Suggestion: Encourage him to explore and research different sports to expand his knowledge
base further. He could benefit from participating in sports they are less familiar with to broaden
his understanding.
1. Strength: He actively engages in fitness exercises and shows a willingness to push himself
beyond his comfort zone. He strives to improve his performance and set personal goals.
Suggestion: Encourage him to keep track of his progress by maintaining a fitness log or journal.
This will help him monitor his growth, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate his
1. Strength: She demonstrates excellent listening and following instructions during class. She
shows a strong understanding of safety protocols and consistently follows them.
Suggestion: Encourage her to take on the role of a peer coach during certain activities. This will
help her reinforce her understanding of safety rules and develop her communication and
leadership skills.

For Excellent Students (Grade 4-5):

1. Strength: He consistently demonstrates exceptional physical skills and abilities in various

activities. He excels in both individual and team sports, showcasing great coordination, speed,
and agility. Suggestion: Encourage him to take on leadership roles within the class and
participate in extracurricular sports events to further enhance his skills.
2. Strength: He consistently shows a positive attitude towards physical activities, always eager to
participate and try new things. He demonstrates excellent sportsmanship, encouraging and
supporting his peers. Suggestion: Encourage him to explore more challenging activities and
sports to broaden his skill set and continue fostering his positive attitude.
3. Strength: He exhibits excellent teamwork skills and collaboration, effectively communicating
and cooperating with his classmates during group activities. He demonstrates great leadership
skills when working in teams. Suggestion: Encourage him to continue developing his leadership
skills by taking charge of warm-up activities or assisting classmates who may be struggling with
certain skills.

For Average Students (Grade 4-5):

1. Strength: He demonstrates satisfactory physical skills and abilities in most activities. He
participates actively and shows improvement in areas where he previously faced challenges.
Suggestion: Encourage him to continue practicing and seeking guidance to further enhance his
skills and abilities in specific areas of interest.
2. Weakness: She occasionally lacks focus during physical activities and may require reminders to
actively participate. She may benefit from additional encouragement and support to maintain
engagement. Suggestion: Provide her with opportunities to choose activities she enjoys which
can help increase her motivation and focus. Encourage her to set personal goals to work
towards during class.
3. Weakness: She sometimes struggles with teamwork and collaboration, finding it challenging to
communicate effectively with her peers during group activities. Suggestion: Assign her to
groups with strong team players who can serve as positive role models. Provide specific
instructions on effective communication strategies and offer opportunities for her to practice
these skills.

For Below Average Students (Grade 4-5):

1. Weakness: He demonstrates limited physical skills and abilities across various activities. He may
require additional support and practice to develop basic fundamental skills.
2. Weakness: He often displays a lack of interest or motivation in physical activities, resulting in
limited participation and effort.
3. Weakness: He frequently struggles with teamwork and collaboration, finding it challenging to
work effectively with his peers during group activities.

Excellent Students (Grade 4-5):

1. Strengths: Ismail is consistently performing at a high level in physical education class. He shows
excellent coordination, agility, and stamina, which allows him to excel in a variety of sports and
physical activities. He demonstrates a strong work ethic, always participating fully in class and
demonstrating a positive attitude towards learning.
2. Weaknesses: Despite his exceptional performance, sometimes he struggles with sportsmanship
and team play. He tends to focus too much on winning and individual achievement rather than
supporting his teammates and playing with integrity. Encourage him to remember that
teamwork is essential in sports and that supporting his teammates will help them improve as
3. Suggestions: To further improve your child's abilities, consider encouraging him to participate in
extracurricular sports activities outside of school. This will give him more opportunities to
practice and refine his skills, as well as build relationships with other young athletes.
Additionally, consider emphasizing the importance of good sportsmanship and teamwork at
home, modeling these behaviors for your child and encouraging him to do the same.

Average Students (Grade 4-5):

1. Strengths: He consistently participates in physical education class and demonstrates a basic
understanding of the skills and concepts being taught. He has shown some improvement in his
coordination and fitness levels, which is a positive sign.
2. Weaknesses: He struggles with some aspects of physical education, particularly in areas
requiring more advanced skills or greater fitness levels. He may lack confidence in his abilities
and sometimes give up easily when faced with a challenge.
3. Suggestions: Encourage him to continue participating in physical activity outside of school,
whether through organized sports or simply playing outside with friends. Additionally, consider
working with him on building his confidence and perseverance, setting achievable goals and
celebrating small victories along the way.

Below Average Students (Grade 4-5):

1. Strengths: He attends physical education class regularly and shows some willingness to
participate in activities, which is a positive start.
2. Weaknesses: He struggles with many aspects of physical education, including coordination,
stamina, and basic skills. He may also show a lack of interest or motivation in class, which can
make it challenging for him to improve.
3. Suggestions: Consider working with him to identify physical activities he enjoys outside of
school, and encourage him to participate in those activities regularly. Finally, try to encourage
him to see physical activity as an opportunity for fun and socialization, rather than simply a
chore or obligation.

Excellent Students (Grade 4-5):

1. Ismail consistently demonstrates exceptional athletic ability and coordination. Occasionally, he

may need to work on his teamwork and communication skills during group activities. However,
he needs to take on leadership roles within team sports to further develop his teamwork and
communication skills.
2. Amna consistently exhibits excellent sportsmanship, showing respect for teammates and
opponents. She occasionally struggles with maintaining focus during individual activities,
leading to minor errors. However, she needs to practice concentration techniques, such as
visualization exercises, to enhance her focus during individual tasks.
3. Asma consistently participates actively in all physical activities and demonstrates great
enthusiasm. She may occasionally struggle with accepting constructive criticism and applying it
to her performance. However, she needs to view feedback as an opportunity for growth and
improvement. Help her understand that constructive criticism is essential for her progress.

Average Students (Grade 4-5):

1. She demonstrates average athletic ability and shows improvement in various motor
skills. She occasionally struggles with following instructions precisely, which can
affect her performance. However, she needs to actively listen and seek clarification
when necessary. Practicing the following instructions at home can also help improve
her performance in P.E.
2. She shows consistent effort in participating in and completing assigned physical
activities. She may occasionally lack confidence, which can hinder her performance
during competitive situations. However, she needs to set realistic goals and celebrate
her achievements, no matter how small. Building her self-confidence will positively
impact her performance in P.E. and beyond.
3. She displays satisfactory teamwork skills and contributes positively to group
activities. She occasionally struggles with maintaining a healthy level of physical
fitness, affecting her stamina during prolonged activities. However, she needs to
engage in regular physical exercise outside of school. Suggest activities she enjoys,
such as bike riding, skipping or swimming, to improve her overall fitness level and

Below Average Students (Grade 4-5):

1. She has shown some progress in developing basic motor skills and coordination. She
occasionally lacks focus during physical activities, leading to inconsistent performance.
However, she needs to actively engage in the activities and remember the importance of
concentration and positive reinforcement for sustained focus.
2. She demonstrates some effort in participating in physical activities. She may occasionally
display a lack of interest, affecting her overall engagement in class. She needs to find out what
physical activities she enjoys and try to incorporate them into her daily routine. She can set
personal goals and track her progress to help ignite interest in P.E.

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