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Just a few days ago, I was about to take part in the qualifying exam.

I was particularly anxious on Wednesday because I will going to take a physics exam on
Thursday. That night, my teacher took us to review the electromagnetic part, he also said: "be
sure to memorize the formulas, and you will have the next chance in June." Even so, I had trouble
sleeping that night. There were so many formulas, so I was worried I wouldn't be able to
remember them. Because of my anxiety, I studied on test day from the moment I woke up to the
moment before took exam.
In the examination room, I met many questions that I was not good at. I remember that I had
started to learn physics in the first year of high school and finished it at eight months ago. but I
still couldn't solve every problem quickly.
Fortunately, I ended up finishing most of them. I hope I will pass the physics exam when I check
my results in a few months.

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