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Luis Abel Joaquin Martinez

(24 Years Old, Dominican Republic)

Creating a Peaceful World: How Youth Can Lead the Way

Living in a peaceful world is a dream shared by many, including myself. Being able to
walk the streets without fear of violence, having access to quality education and not
having to worry about poverty and hunger are just some of the things I imagine in a
peaceful world. However, I know that I cannot wait for the world to change on its own, I
have to contribute in some way.

In my country, the Dominican Republic, there are many injustices and challenges that
we must face in order to move towards peace. Discrimination, poverty, violence and lack
of access to quality education are just some of the barriers we face. But as a
24-year-old, I know that we have the energy, creativity and power to make a difference.

One way young people can work together for a peaceful future is through education. In
my country, many young people do not have access to quality education due to lack of
resources. However, I believe that if we come together and make a concerted effort to
address this problem, we can achieve great things. We can create learning spaces for
young people that provide opportunities to develop skills, such as leadership and
problem solving. In addition, we can encourage learning through technology, making
education more accessible and effective for all.

Another way youth can work together is through projects to address poverty and
inequality. In my community, I have seen many young people start projects to collect
food and clothing for those in need. By working together on these projects, we can
make a big difference in people's lives while fostering solidarity and unity among young

We can also work together to address violence and discrimination in all its forms. We
can create awareness and education campaigns to promote respect and tolerance, and
advocate for laws and policies that promote equality and justice. In addition, we can
work to create safe spaces where people can come together, share their stories and
support each other.

Ultimately, I believe that young people can contribute to creating a more peaceful world
through collaboration and dialogue. We must be willing to listen to each other's ideas
and perspectives, even if we disagree. By working together and using our creative ideas
and approaches, we can make a real difference in our communities and in the world at

In conclusion, living in a peaceful world is a goal we all share, but we cannot wait for it
to happen on its own. As young people, we have a responsibility to do our part to work
towards a more peaceful future. Through education, community projects and fighting
discrimination and violence, we can make a difference. The key is to work together and
use our ideas and creative approaches to achieve a better future for all.

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