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Cognitive Behavioural Group Therapy

**Module: Visual Impairment Support Group - Navigating Challenges Together**

**Objective:** Empower individuals with visual impairments through a supportive community, using
online platforms for inclusive learning and growth.

### Session 1: Building a Supportive Community

**Objective:** Establish a welcoming and trusting environment within the group.

1. **Welcome and Introduction (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.).

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator welcomes participants.

- Brief introduction of the support group's purpose.

- Participants introduce themselves, sharing a bit about their experiences.

2. **Group Norms and Expectations (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Shared digital document (Google Docs, Word, etc.).

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator shares a document outlining group norms and expectations.

- Participants provide input in real-time through the accessible chat or voice input.

3. **Icebreaker: "Two Truths and a Lie" (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with breakout rooms.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants are divided into breakout rooms.

- Each participant shares two true facts and one false fact about themselves.

- Group reconvenes, and participants guess the lie.

4. **Establishing Group Trust (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator encourages participants to share one challenge they face.

- Group discussion on commonalities and empathy-building.

5. **Closing and Homework Assignment (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator summarizes the session.

- Assigns reflective homework: Share a personal goal related to overcoming challenges.

### Session 2: Understanding Emotions and Thoughts

**Objective:** Explore the connection between thoughts, emotions, and coping mechanisms.

6. **Review Homework and Personal Goal Sharing (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share their goals and reflections from the homework.

- Facilitator highlights common themes.

7. **Interactive Thought Exploration (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides a discussion on thoughts related to a shared topic.

- Participants contribute thoughts using the virtual whiteboard or shared document.

8. **Emotion Wheel Activity (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Emotion wheel graphic shared on the virtual platform.

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces the emotion wheel.

- Participants express their current emotions on the virtual whiteboard or shared document.

9. **Small Group Discussion on Coping Strategies (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants discuss coping strategies in small groups.

- Each group shares key points with the larger group.

10. **Homework: Journaling Emotions (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns journaling about emotions.

- Participants are encouraged to reflect on and express their emotions.

### Session 3: Coping Strategies and Resilience Building

**Objective:** Introduce practical coping strategies and foster resilience.

11. **Review Journal Entries and Coping Strategies (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- Shared document summarizing coping strategies.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share insights from their journal entries.

- Facilitator introduces a list of coping strategies on the shared document.

12. **Guided Relaxation Exercise (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Audio recording or live guidance for relaxation.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants through a relaxation exercise.

- Encourages sharing of experiences afterward.

13. **Coping Skills Toolbox Activity (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants collaboratively create a digital "Coping Skills Toolbox."

- Each person adds their preferred coping strategies.

14. **Role-Playing Scenarios (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with breakout rooms.

- Shared document with role-playing scenarios.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants are assigned roles and engage in role-playing scenarios in breakout rooms.

- Emphasis on applying coping strategies.

15. **Homework: Implementing Coping Strategies (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**
- Clear instructions for homework tasks.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns tasks related to implementing coping strategies.

- Participants encouraged to document their experiences.

### Session 4: Positive Thinking and Practical Solutions

**Objective:** Foster positive thinking and problem-solving skills.

16. **Review Homework and Share Experiences (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share their experiences with implementing coping strategies.

- Facilitator provides positive reinforcement.

17. **Positive Affirmations Exercise (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in creating positive affirmations.

- Participants contribute their affirmations to the virtual platform.

18. **Problem-Solving Workshop (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with breakout rooms.

- Shared document with problem-solving scenarios.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants work in small groups to solve given scenarios.

- Groups present their solutions to the larger group.

19. **Application of Positive Thinking (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- Shared document for discussion.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator

leads a discussion on applying positive thinking in real-life situations.

- Participants share insights.

20. **Homework: Personal Positive Affirmation (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital templates for creating positive affirmations.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator provides templates for creating personal positive affirmations.

- Encourages participants to personalize and reflect on their affirmations.

### Session 5: Celebrating Progress and Future Support

**Objective:** Reflect on progress, reinforce learned skills, and plan for continued support.

21. **Review Positive Affirmations Homework (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share their personalized positive affirmations.

- Facilitator acknowledges and celebrates individual progress.

22. **Reflecting on the Journey (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with shared documents or slides.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in reflecting on their personal journeys.

- Shared documents or slides used for visual aids.

23. **Interactive Activities for Reinforcement (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Online interactive activities and games.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator incorporates engaging activities for skill reinforcement.

- Emphasis on positive interaction and mutual support.

24. **Creating Personalized Support Plans (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in creating personalized support plans.

- Encourages setting achievable goals for continued growth.

25. **Closing Ceremony and Virtual Certificates (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual certificates or digital badges.

- Virtual refreshment time (if feasible).

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator awards virtual certificates or digital badges to participants.

- Shared virtual refreshment time (if feasible) for a casual and celebratory conclusion.
Rational Emotive Behaviour Group Therapy

**Module: Empowering Positive Thinking for Visual Impairment Support**

**Objective:** Foster a positive mindset, challenge negative thoughts, and build effective coping
strategies for individuals facing visual impairment challenges.

### Session 1: Building a Supportive Community

**Objective:** Establish a welcoming community and introduce positive thinking concepts.

1. **Welcome and Introduction (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator welcomes participants and introduces the purpose of the support group.

- Brief discussion on fostering positivity and mutual support.

2. **Icebreaker: "Strengths Sharing" (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share personal strengths or positive qualities.

- Group discussion on recognizing and appreciating individual strengths.

3. **Group Norms and Expectations (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Shared digital document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator discusses the importance of a supportive atmosphere.

- Participants contribute to the discussion on norms and expectations.

4. **Interactive Activity: "Positive Moments" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share positive moments or achievements.

- Facilitator encourages discussion on finding joy in everyday experiences.

5. **Closing and Homework Assignment (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator summarizes the session.

- Assigns reflective homework: Identify and note positive moments daily.

### Session 2: Cultivating Positive Thinking and Emotional Well-being

**Objective:** Explore the connection between positive thinking and emotional well-being.

6. **Review Homework and Share Positive Moments (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share positive moments from their daily experiences.

- Facilitator emphasizes the impact of positive thinking on emotional well-being.

7. **Mindfulness and Gratitude Exercise (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Guided audio for mindfulness.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides a mindfulness and gratitude exercise.

- Participants reflect on the exercise's impact on their mindset.

8. **Visualizing Success (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator leads a visualization exercise on achieving personal goals.

- Participants share their visualizations and positive emotions.

9. **Small Group Activity: Affirmation Creation (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants collaborate in small groups to create positive affirmations.

- Groups share affirmations with the larger group.

10. **Homework: Daily Affirmation Practice (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital templates for creating affirmations.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator provides templates for creating daily affirmations.

- Encourages participants to practice affirmations regularly.

### Session 3: Coping Strategies for Everyday Challenges

**Objective:** Introduce practical coping strategies for navigating challenges.

11. **Review Homework and Share Affirmation Experiences (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**
- Participants share experiences with practicing daily affirmations.

- Facilitator encourages open discussion on their impact.

12. **Activity: "Coping Toolbox" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces the concept of a "Coping Toolbox."

- Participants brainstorm and share effective coping strategies.

13. **Creative Expression for Stress Relief (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Accessible art supplies or virtual drawing tools.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides a creative expression activity for stress relief.

- Participants share their creations and discuss their experience.

14. **Small Group Discussion: Shared Challenges (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants discuss shared challenges in small groups.

- Groups collaborate on identifying positive coping strategies.

15. **Homework: Personal Coping Strategy Experiment (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Clear instructions for trying a new coping strategy.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns trying a new coping strategy.

- Participants document their experiences.

### Session 4: Goal Setting and Positive Reinforcement

**Objective:** Set realistic goals, reinforce positive behaviors, and celebrate achievements.

16. **Review Homework and Share Coping Strategy Experiences (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share experiences with trying new coping strategies.

- Facilitator provides positive reinforcement and addresses challenges.

17. **Goal Setting: Personal Growth Goals (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Fac

ilitator guides participants in setting personal growth goals.

- Emphasis on realistic and achievable goals.

18. **Positive Reinforcement Exercise (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator leads a discussion on positive reinforcement.

- Participants share examples of positive reinforcement in their lives.

19. **Small Group Activity: Goal Support Teams (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- Shared document for collaborative planning.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants form small goal support teams in breakout rooms.

- Teams collaborate on supporting each other's goals.

20. **Homework: Goal Progress Reflection (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns reflection on progress toward individual goals.

- Participants document successes and challenges.

### Session 5: Celebrating Progress and Future Support

**Objective:** Reflect on individual progress, celebrate achievements, and plan for ongoing

21. **Review Goal Progress Reflections (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share reflections on their goal progress.

- Facilitator acknowledges achievements and addresses challenges.

22. **Group Reflection: Journey of Positive Change (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with shared documents or slides.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in reflecting on their journey of positive change.

- Shared documents or slides used for visual aids.

23. **Interactive Activities for Reinforcement (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Online interactive activities and games.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator incorporates engaging activities for reinforcing positive thinking.

- Emphasis on positive interaction and mutual support.

24. **Creating Personalized Support Plans (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in creating personalized support plans.

- Encourages setting achievable goals for continued growth.

25. **Closing Ceremony and Certificates (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual certificates or digital badges.

- Virtual refreshment time (if feasible).

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator awards virtual certificates or digital badges to participants.

- Shared virtual refreshment time (if feasible) for a casual and celebratory conclusion.
Choice Theory and Reality Group Therapy

**Module: Empowering Choices for Visual Impairment Support**

**Objective:** Help individuals facing visual impairment challenges make positive choices, take
control of their lives, and foster a sense of well-being.

### Session 1: Building a Supportive Community

**Objective:** Establish a welcoming community and introduce the concept of personal


1. **Welcome and Introduction (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator welcomes participants and emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility.

- Brief discussion on the impact of choices on well-being.

2. **Icebreaker: "Strengths Sharing" (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share personal strengths or positive qualities.

- Group discussion on recognizing and appreciating individual strengths.

3. **Group Norms and Expectations (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Shared digital document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator discusses the importance of mutual support.

- Participants contribute to the discussion on establishing group norms.

4. **Interactive Activity: "Your Choices, Your Life" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces the concept of personal choices.

- Participants share examples of impactful choices in their lives.

5. **Closing and Homework Assignment (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator summarizes the session.

- Assigns reflective homework: Identify one positive choice to make in the coming week.

### Session 2: Understanding Choices and Personal Responsibility

**Objective:** Explore the connection between choices, personal responsibility, and well-being.

6. **Review Homework and Share Positive Choices (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share their positive choices and experiences.

- Facilitator guides a discussion on the impact of personal responsibility.

7. **Activity: "Wheel of Life" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces the "Wheel of Life" activity.

- Participants reflect on different aspects of their lives and identify areas for positive choices.

8. **Reality Check: Identifying Needs (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator discusses basic needs and their connection to choices.

- Participants share their thoughts on meeting their needs through positive choices.

9. **Small Group Activity: Goal Setting (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- Shared document for collaborative goal-setting.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants work in small groups to set personal goals.

- Groups share their goals with the larger group.

10. **Homework: Personal Goal Reflection (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns reflection on progress toward individual goals.

- Participants document successes and challenges.

### Session 3: Effective Choices for Everyday Challenges

**Objective:** Introduce practical strategies for making effective choices in daily life.

11. **Review Homework and Share Goal Experiences (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share reflections on progress toward their goals.

- Facilitator provides positive reinforcement and addresses challenges.

12. **Activity: "Choice Map" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces the "Choice Map" activity.

- Participants map out potential choices in response to specific challenges.

13. **Effective Communication Strategies (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator discusses the importance of effective communication in making choices.

- Participants share communication strategies they find effective.

14. **Small Group Discussion: Shared Challenges (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants discuss shared challenges in small groups.

- Groups collaborate on identifying effective choices for common challenges.

15. **Homework: Trying a New Choice (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Clear instructions for trying a new choice.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns trying a new choice in response to a specific situation.

- Participants document their experiences.

### Session 4: Building Positive Relationships through Choices

**Objective:** Explore how choices impact relationships and strategies for building positive

16. **Review Homework and Share New Choice Experiences (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share experiences with trying new choices.

- Facilitator guides a discussion on the impact of choices on relationships.


**Activity: "Relationship Choice Reflection" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator leads a reflection on the role of choices in relationships.

- Participants share insights and lessons learned.

18. **Conflict Resolution Strategies (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces conflict resolution strategies based on effective choices.

- Participants discuss and role-play scenarios.

19. **Small Group Activity: Relationship Enhancement Choices (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**
- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- Shared document for collaborative planning.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants work in small groups to plan positive choices for enhancing relationships.

- Groups share their plans with the larger group.

20. **Homework: Reflecting on Relationship Choices (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns reflection on recent relationship choices.

- Participants document the impact of their choices on relationships.

### Session 5: Celebrating Positive Choices and Future Growth

**Objective:** Reflect on positive choices, celebrate achievements, and plan for continued growth.

21. **Review Relationship Choice Reflections (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share reflections on recent relationship choices.

- Facilitator acknowledges achievements and addresses challenges.

22. **Group Reflection: Personal Growth and Choices (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with shared documents or slides.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in reflecting on personal growth through positive choices.

- Shared documents or slides used for visual aids.

23. **Interactive Activities for Reinforcement (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Online interactive activities and games.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator incorporates engaging activities for reinforcing effective choices.

- Emphasis on positive interaction and mutual support.

24. **Creating Personalized Support Plans (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in creating personalized support plans.

- Encourages setting achievable goals for continued growth.

25. **Closing Ceremony and Certificates (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual certificates or digital badges.

- Virtual refreshment time (if feasible).

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator awards virtual certificates or digital badges to participants.

- Shared virtual refreshment time (if feasible) for a casual and celebratory conclusion.
Solution-focused Brief Group Therapy

**Module: Finding Solutions for Visual Impairment Support**

**Objective:** Facilitate a solution-focused approach to help individuals with visual impairments

identify strengths, set achievable goals, and find practical solutions to challenges.

### Session 1: Identifying Strengths and Setting Positive Goals

**Objective:** Establish a positive foundation by identifying strengths and setting meaningful goals.

1. **Welcome and Introduction (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator welcomes participants and sets a positive tone.

- Brief discussion on the importance of focusing on strengths.

2. **Icebreaker: "Strengths Exploration" (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share personal strengths or positive qualities.

- Group discussion on recognizing and appreciating individual strengths.

3. **Group Norms and Expectations (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Shared digital document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator discusses the importance of a supportive atmosphere.

- Participants contribute to the discussion on establishing group norms.

4. **Interactive Activity: "Positive Goals" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces the concept of setting positive and achievable goals.

- Participants share personal goals, and the group provides positive feedback.

5. **Closing and Homework Assignment (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator summarizes the session.

- Assigns reflective homework: Identify one positive goal to work towards during the week.

### Session 2: Exploring Solutions and Goal Progress

**Objective:** Encourage participants to explore solutions and assess progress towards their goals.

6. **Review Homework and Share Positive Goals (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share progress on their positive goals.

- Facilitator provides positive reinforcement and addresses challenges.

7. **Solution-Focused Tools: Scaling Questions (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces scaling questions to assess progress.

- Participants use scaling to evaluate their current status regarding personal goals.

8. **Small Group Activity: Goal Refinement (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- Shared document for collaborative planning.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants work in small groups to refine their goals.

- Groups share their refined goals with the larger group.

9. **Celebrating Progress: Success Stories (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator encourages participants to share success stories related to their goals.

- Group celebrates achievements and learns from each other.

10. **Homework: Solution-Focused Reflection (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns reflection on solution-focused approaches used during the week.

- Participants document insights and lessons learned.

### Session 3: Building on Solutions and Enhancing Coping

**Objective:** Explore ways to build on solutions and enhance coping strategies.

11. **Review Homework and Share Solution-Focused Reflections (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share reflections on solution-focused approaches.

- Facilitator guides a discussion on successful coping strategies.

12. **Solution-Focused Tool: Exception Questions (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces exception questions to identify times when challenges were less intense.

- Participants reflect on exceptions to their challenges and share insights.

13. **Coping Strategies Toolbox (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator discusses and compiles a "Coping Strategies Toolbox."

- Participants contribute their effective coping strategies.

14. **Small Group Discussion: Shared Coping Challenges (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants discuss shared coping challenges in small groups.

- Groups collaborate on identifying solution-focused coping strategies.

15. **Homework: Trying a New Coping Strategy (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Clear instructions for trying a new coping strategy.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns trying a new coping strategy.

- Participants document their experiences.

### Session 4: Enhancing Coping Skills and Building Resilience

**Objective:** Strengthen coping skills and resilience through a solution-focused approach.

16. **Review Homework and Share New Coping Strategy Experiences (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share experiences with trying new coping strategies.

- Facilitator provides positive reinforcement and addresses challenges.

17. **Solution-Focused Tool: Miracle Question (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces the miracle question to encourage envisioning a positive future.

- Participants reflect on their aspirations and share insights.

18. **Strengths-Based Resilience Building (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator leads a discussion on building resilience based on personal strengths.

- Participants share their strengths and how they contribute to resilience.

19. **Small Group Activity: Resilience Boosters (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- Shared document for collaborative planning.

- **Procedure:**
- Participants work in small groups to identify personalized resilience boosters.

- Groups share their strategies with the larger group.

20. **Homework: Resilience Reflection (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns reflection on personal strengths and resilience.

- Participants document insights and plans for resilience-building.

### Session 5: Celebrating Success and Future Growth

**Objective:** Reflect on successes, celebrate achievements, and plan for continued growth.

21. **Review Resilience Reflections (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share reflections on personal strengths and resilience.

- Facilitator acknowledges achievements and addresses challenges.

22. **Group Reflection: Journey of Growth (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with shared documents or slides.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in reflecting on their journey of growth.

- Shared documents or slides used for visual aids.

23. **Interactive Activities for Reinforcement (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Online interactive activities and games.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator incorporates engaging activities for reinforcing solution-focused approaches.

- Emphasis on positive interaction and mutual support.

24. **Creating Personalized Support Plans (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in creating personalized support plans.

- Encourages setting achievable goals for continued growth.

25. **Closing Ceremony and Certificates (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual certificates or digital badges.

- Virtual refreshment time (if feasible).

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator awards virtual certificates or digital badges to participants.

- Shared virtual refreshment time (if feasible) for a casual and celebratory conclusion.
Adlerian Group Therapy

**Module: Empowering Individuals with Visual Impairment through Group Support**

**Objective:** Facilitate a supportive environment that promotes individual growth, fosters a sense
of belonging, and encourages mutual encouragement for those facing visual impairment challenges.

### Session 1: Establishing a Collaborative Community

**Objective:** Build a sense of community and explore the significance of mutual support.

1. **Welcome and Introduction (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator welcomes participants and emphasizes the importance of a collaborative community.

- Brief discussion on the power of mutual support.

2. **Icebreaker: "Shared Experiences" (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share brief personal experiences related to visual impairment.

- Group discussion on commonalities and shared feelings.

3. **Group Norms and Expectations (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Shared digital document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides the group in establishing norms and expectations for a supportive atmosphere.

- Participants contribute to defining the group's guidelines.

4. **Interactive Activity: "Strengths Circle" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants identify personal strengths, and the group collaborates to create a virtual strengths

- Emphasis on recognizing and appreciating each other's strengths.

5. **Closing and Homework Assignment (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator summarizes the session.

- Assigns reflective homework: Identify one strength in another group member and share it during
the next session.

### Session 2: Exploring Individual Lifestyles and Contributions

**Objective:** Encourage participants to reflect on their unique lifestyles and explore their
contributions to the group.

6. **Review Homework and Share Identified Strengths (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share the strengths they identified in others.

- Facilitator guides a discussion on the positive impact of recognizing strengths.

7. **Lifestyle Assessment Activity (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces a lifestyle assessment to explore personal choices, priorities, and goals.

- Participants reflect on their lifestyles and share insights with the group.

8. **Exploring Contributions: "Group Collage" (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants contribute visual elements to a virtual group collage representing their unique

- Group discussion on the diversity of individual strengths.

9. **Small Group Activity: "My Unique Contribution" (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- Shared document for collaborative planning.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants work in small groups to discuss and outline their unique contributions.

- Groups share their insights with the larger group.

10. **Homework: Personal Growth Reflection (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns reflection on personal growth goals and aspirations.

- Participants document their thoughts and plans for personal development.

### Session 3: Goal Setting and Encouragement

**Objective:** Facilitate goal setting and mutual encouragement within the group.
11. **Review Homework and Share Personal Growth Reflections (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share reflections on personal growth goals.

- Facilitator provides positive reinforcement and encouragement.

12. **Goal Setting Activity: "My Vision Board" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator introduces the concept of vision boards.

- Participants create a virtual vision board representing their goals and aspirations.

13. **Encouragement Circle: Affirmations and Feedback (25 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants engage in an encouragement circle, sharing affirmations and positive feedback.

- Emphasis on mutual support and fostering a positive atmosphere.

14. **Small Group Discussion: Goal Support Teams (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Breakout rooms on the virtual platform.

- Shared document for collaborative planning.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants form small goal support teams in breakout rooms.

- Teams collaborate on supporting each other's goals.

15. **Homework: Goal Progress Reflection (10 minutes)**

- **Materials:**
- Digital journals or accessible note-taking apps.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator assigns reflection on progress toward individual goals.

- Participants document successes and challenges.

### Session 4: Celebrating Achievements and Group Connection

**Objective:** Reflect on individual progress, celebrate achievements, and strengthen group


16. **Review Homework and Share Goal Progress Reflections (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with accessible chat.

- **Procedure:**

- Participants share reflections on their goal progress.

- Facilitator acknowledges achievements and addresses challenges.

17. **Group Celebration: "Success Stories" (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual meeting platform with shared documents or slides.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in sharing success stories related to their goals.

- Shared documents or slides used for visual aids.

18. **Interactive Activities for Connection (30 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Online interactive activities and games.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator incorporates engaging activities for strengthening group connections.

- Emphasis on positive interaction and mutual understanding.

19. **Creating Personalized Support Plans (20 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual whiteboard or shared document.

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator guides participants in creating personalized support plans.

- Encourages setting achievable goals for continued growth.

20. **Closing Ceremony and Certificates (15 minutes)**

- **Materials:**

- Virtual certificates or digital badges.

- Virtual refreshment time (if feasible).

- **Procedure:**

- Facilitator awards virtual certificates or digital badges to participants.

- Shared virtual refreshment time (if feasible) for a casual and celebratory conclusion.

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