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If someone ask me how I want my life to be different in 3 years from now on,I’d say I want to gain more

confidence than now. I wish my laziness disappear from my life and want myself to focus on my studies
more.If only I could ace LYC entrance next year,I would be delighted and would make my parents and
family proud . I want to see their joy on their face which appears because of me.I also wish I’d become
happier and healthier.If only I would have a big glow up, not only the appearance also my mind, I bet
people would like me more.I had a dream of studying in abroad but now I decided to finish university in
myanmar and attending medical university in Yangon.I wish I would get highest score on my G-12 exam
and be the whole burma first. If only it would happen,I would be on cloud nine.I want to make decisions
without regretting for what I did in the coming future.My life would be a lot easier if I make decisions
boldly .I have a desire to make more friends .Since I couldn't communicate well at school ,I want the
experience of talking to strangers first and make friends with them.
To sum up,I want the better version of me,make more friends and make my wish granted.

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