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Listening Project – Solar Storms

1. According to the video, mark the correct alternative:

I. Although the Sun seems pretty solid, ...

a) It is only made of helium.
b) It is actually like a very hot ocean with helium and hydrogen.
c) It is an ocean with a lot of hydrogen on the surface.

II. The plasma is pushed around and shaped by ...

a) the gravity.
b) the heat.
c) the magnetic field.

III. About the dual force of electromagnetism, ...

a) electricity creates magnetic fields and magnetic fields creates eletricity.
b) gravity creates magnetic fields and magnetic fields creates gravity.
c) electricity creates gravity and gravity creates electricity.

IV. The Solar Wind is a phenomenon which ...

a) the magnetic field stores enourmous amount of energy and leaks out over the Solar
b) the electricity heats up the Sun and leaks out energy over the Solar System.
c) the gravity allows energy to be controlled and made only the amount needed by the
Solar System.

V. A tidal wave of high-energy radiation is

a) Solar radiation
b) CME
c) Solar Flare
VI. CMEs are large expulsions of ...
a) plasma and magnetic field from Sun’s atmosphere.
b) energy from Sun’s atmosphere.
c) radiation and magnetic field from Sun’s atmosphere.

2. Choose the best option for the sentences below according to the video:
a) When CME hit us, something/nothing happens on Earth.

b) While even smaller storms can/can’t demage satellites, radio communication or be

dangerous to astronauts, for people on the surface, space weather is harmful/harmless.

c) Earth’s atmosphere protects us from the worst effects of a solar flare by

absorving/blocking the X-rays high up in the atmosphere.

d) The electrified plasma from a CME is deflected/reflected by Earth magnetic field,

diverting the energy storm to North and South Poles where energetic particles fall/crawl into
the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to grow/glow and creating beautiful auroras.

e) As the magnetic cloud passes over Earth, it stretches the Earth’s field into a long tail.
It snaps and explosively releases/decreases its energy towards Earth, it is called
Geomagnetic Storm.

f) Magnetism creates electric currents. Earth is covered in millions of kilometers of wires,

transporting/supporting electricity, and a complex grid of machines, like transformers.

g) A CME’s energy produce/induce currents in our power grid that can either completely
shut it down or destroy the transformer stations that keep our grid running.

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