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The graph identifies the rates of the population living in cities in Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and
Indonesia between 1970 and 2020, with estimations for the years 2030 and 2040.

Overall, in 1970 Indonesia had the lowest rate of citizens who lived in cities, on the other hand in
Philippines people highly preferred living in cities when compared with other Asian countries. In
2020, the highest rate of living in cities belongs to Malaysia while the lowest percentage belongs to
Thailand. Moreover, it is estimated that it will be the same in 2040 too.

Malaysia and Indonesia increased by more than %50 between 1970 and 2040. At the beginning, %30
of the Malaysian people were living in the cities, while less than %15 people were living in the cities
in Indonesia. Both Malaysia and Indonesia showed a gradual increase between 1970 and 2020, and
the rate of Malaysia reached more than %70, while the rate of Indonesia is around %50. It is
estimated that Malaysia will rise up to %80, while %60 of Indonesian people are estimated to be
living in the cities in 2040.

In Thailand there is a slight increase between 1970 and 2020. It started at less than %20 and reached
to %30, and a more than %10 increase is estimated for the next twenty years. Up and downs can be
observed for the city living rates of Philippines between 1970 and 2010. But it increased over %40 in
2020, while it was only slightly more than %30 in 1970. It is forecasted that more than half of the
Philippines people will live in cities in 2040.

(269 words)


Some people believe that the main role of science is developing the lives of individuals. I oppose this
idea, and I believe that there are more important things that science should serve. Saying that
science should serve human lives, and the rest is less important would be very selfish in my opinion.

First of all, people use natural sources for their experiments and research. These natural sources are
not limitless so one of the main aims of science should be preserving, reproducing, and developing
these natural sources. There are so many natural products that we use in our daily lives, but these
materials have a dead time. In order to use all these sources in longer terms, science should improve
them and find sustainable methods to reproduce these sources for the future.

Secondly, mankind is not the only species on the Earth. We share this planet with many other animals
and plants. In many different areas, people use plants and animals. By increasing the life standards of
these species we can preserve the better quality of these living. Moreover, by using science,
biodiversity can be raised, and animals and plants can adapt better to different life standards. Many
species are exhaled with the developing technology and the changing world order. While thinking
about the future we should always think about other species also. Science can be used to increase
the lifetime of these species and save them.

To sum up, science should be used for sustainable natural sources and for other species first, instead
of using it mostly for human lives.

(261 words)

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