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Ramy Haroon

Ms. Trigiani


June 17th, 2022

CPT – Final Reflection

To be completely honest, this co-op experience has been amazing. There were lots of ups and

downs, but overall, it was a great experience. I learned many things in the pharmaceutical

industry. I feel that I grew personally throughout my co-op education, for example, at the start of

the course, my knowledge of the career world was very minimal, but now, I understand a little

bit more: I know how to write resumes, cover letters, thank you letters before leaving the

company, and many more. Along the journey, I have discovered some of my strengths. One main

example is oral communication, I feel that I am able to communicate to customers very well as in

I am able to match their pace, tone, and clarity so that they can understand me better.

Additionally, I feel that my organization skills and detail-orientation have improved immensely

as I can locate misplaced things easily and place them in their appropriate swiftly. The main

highlight of co-operative education experience was the certification that the store received after

the assessment from Head Office. We had received 100% on our certification and I am very

proud as I had contributed to cleaning and organizing the pharmacy beforehand. This placement

has benefitted me greatly as I have a lot of understanding and knowledge about different

medications which should help me in my pursuit of being a physician. Furthermore, I could not

have gotten this work placement without the help of Ms. Trigiani in the preplacement classes as

she taught me how to write a proper resume and cover letter. Additionally, in those classes, I

learned verbal and non-verbal communication as well as how to succeed in my interview.

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