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Civil Engineering Students Enjoyed the Annual Picnic 2023

Department of Civil Engineering organized the annual picnic at Arshinagar Resort, Gazipur, for
the first time after the covid pandemic. The whole event was initialized and executed by the
East West University Civil Engineering Club (ECEC). Faculties and students of the department
joyously attended the event.
The picnic bus headed to the spot at 7.45 am. The attendees were served breakfast during the
trip while they were enjoying each other. After reaching the venue, the resort authority
explained the facilities containing restroom keys and other outdoor conveniences. The whole
picnic was filled up with various fascinating events for instance indoor-outdoor gaming and pool
access. All the members took lots of photos at random lovely places in the resort. The students
enjoyed a buffet lunch afternoon. Later on, a slot was kept for fun full gaming, and cultural
activities in which faculty members and students participated. The best part of the picnic was a
stirring raffle draw where both the teachers and students won prizes. In the end, refreshments
were given as the termination of the day-long happening.
This picnic was remarkable as it surely helped to strengthen the bridge between Faculty
members-students, and senior juniors. Students expressed their desire to have more events like
this in near future.

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