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are far apart and

REVIEW NOTES move freely?

(GENERAL Answer: E) Gas
CHEMISTRY 1) Explanation: Gases
have particles that
Lesson 1 : Matter are far apart and
and Its Properties move freely,
allowing them to
1. Which state of expand to fill the
matter consists container they
of positively occupy and to
charged ions and diffuse readily.
free electrons?
Answer: D) Plasma 3. Which state of
Explanation: matter responds
Plasma consists of strongly to
positively charged electric and
ions and free magnetic fields?
electrons, resulting Answer: H) Plasma
in a highly Explanation:
conductive state of Plasma responds
matter that strongly to electric
responds strongly and magnetic fields
to electric and due to its ionized
magnetic fields. nature, making it
useful in various
2. Which state of technological
matter has applications such
particles that as in plasma TVs
and fusion

4. What happens
to the volume of
a gas when its
container is
increased in
Answer: I) It
Explanation: When
the container of a
gas is increased in
size, the gas
particles spread out
to fill the larger
volume, resulting
in expansion.

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