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Vinyasa is a series of mix repeted asana. It contains least instruction. One has to remember the asana
movements and just go with the flow with less or more speed of instructions.

Use of bricks is required today.

1. Taad asana

2. 2 urdhav hasta

3. Full moon

4. Uttan concave on bricks

5. Flat brick adho mukha svan

6. Uttan

7. Urdhav hasta

8. Parshva uttan one leg forward concave back

9. Change leg

10. Adho mukha avan

11. Parshv uttan with alternate legs with speed

12. Uttan urdhav ……..

13. Parshv uttan and then trikon with one hand on waist

14. Uttan urdhav hasta….

15. Adho mukha….

16. Urdhav mukha adho mukha…..


Next set of vinyasa , variation of dhanur asana and sarvand asana and viprit dand asana

dhanur normal 1
dhanur variation 1

sarvang shou;der stand

full moon 1
parshva uttan 1

uttan 1

urdhav hasta 1
trikon 1

taad 1

urdhav mukha 1

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