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1.What is the role of emerging technologies in security issues and online education?

Emerging technologies play a crucial role in both security issues & online education in terms of
security issues technologies such as AI, machine learning, block chain and biometric are being used
to enhance cyber security measures. These technologies can help in detecting & preventing cyber-
attacks securing sensitive data and ensuring the privacy of users.

In online education ET are revolutionizing the way students learn and instructors tech.VR, AR, AI
and Big data analytics are being used to create immersive learn experiences, personalize
instruction and track student progress more effectively

N.B these technologies also enable remote learning& collaborations, making education more
accessible to learners around the world.

2. What are the threats and challenges we face in developing and utilizing emerging technologies?
→ There are several threats & challenges that we face in developing ET include

1) Privacy and security concerns -ET often collect a store large amount of data, raising concerns about
Privacy and the Potential for data breaches.

2) Ethical considerations - As technology advances, ethical questions arise around issues

such as AI, genetic engineering, autonomous systems and etc.

3) Regulatory hurdles i Developing new technologies often requires navigating complex

regulatory frame works, which can slow down innovation and adoption.

4) Lack of skilled work force- The rapid Pace of technological advancement Means that there is a
Shortage skilled workers who are able to develop &maintain new tech.

* Other challenges & threats such as Economic disparities, Environmental impact,

Interoperability issues & so on. so addressing these threats require a collaborative effort.

3. Discuss what role does IoT play in the daily lives of people and organizations?
IOT Plays a significant role in the daily lives of People in Many ways such as-

i) Smart Homes-IOT devices enable home owners to control and automate Various aspects
of their homes, such as lighting, heating, security systems &appliances etc.
ii) Health Care- IoT devices are used in health care for remote Patient Monitoring, tracking
medical equipment, Managing inventory d improving patient care etc

iii)Transportation- IOT is utilized in transportation Systems for tracking Vehicles,

Optimizing routes, managing traffic flow and enable connected cars communicate each other.

iv)Agriculture- IOT devices are employed in agriculture for Precision farming, monitoring
Soil conditions, Crop health, livestock tracking & irrigation Management& so on

* Other roles include energy Management, Industrial IOT, Productive & Many others.

4. How can AI be integrated with other emerging technologies in agriculture?

AI Can be integrated with other emerging technologies in agriculture to create a more efficient
& sustainable farming ecosystem. Some of the ways are

i) IOT - AI Can be integrated with IOT device such as Sensors, drones & smart farming
equipment to collect real time data on soil conditions, weather Patterns, Crop hearth etc.

ii) Robotics- A-Powered robots can be used in agriculture for tasks such as planting,
Harvesting, weeding and Spraying Pesticides, automate labor intensive Process, and etc.

iii) Block chain - By integrating AI with bock chain technology can help in creating trans
parent & secure systems for tracking & tracing agricultural Products through Supply Chain.

AI can integrate with other ET in agriculture tor crop yield increase efficiency etc.

5. AI is a multidisciplinary field that includes Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Language Studies,

Mathematics, Statistics, Law studies, and many more. How these different disciplines’
involvement is possible? Discuss the relationship between AI and each listed discipline

As we know Ai is a multidisciplinary field that include many other fields some of them are:-

I)Biology:- The relationship between Ai and biology involves the study of artificial neural net
work, which are inspired by the structured functioning of the human brain

II) Psychology- AI & Psychology intersect in the field of cognitive science where researchers use
Ai to Model human cognition and behavior & mental Processes.
iii) Sociology:- Involves studying how AI technologies impact society, culture& human
behavior sociologists analyze the social implications of AI in areas like employment.

IV) Language Studies:- Involves in the field of natural language Processing (NLP) • These
Can be Used to analyze, understand I generate human language text or speech.

V) Mathematics a Statics:- AI heavily relies on Mathematics d statics for developing

Algorithms, Modeling data and maxing predictions.

VI) Law studies:- Involves exploring legal issues related to AI technologies. Such as data
Privacy, intellectual Property rights, liability and etc.

6. Discuss technologies like crypto currency, block chain, Nano-technology, 3D

printing, 5G networks, and cloud computing with their applications
•The first one is Crypto currency. It is a digital or virtual form of currency that uses
cryptography for security & based on Block chain tech which ensures transparency and security.
its applications are online Payment, remittances, Smart contracts etc.

• The other one is deep fake. It uses AI to create realistic -looking fake videos. or images by
super imposing one Person's face Onto another's body. It has applications like Identity theft,
Privacy violations, creating deep fake Videos and etc.

•The other is Nano tech and 3D- Printing. nano tech involves Manipulating Materials at Nano
scale (1 to 100 Nano Meters).Its application include in medicine, drug deliver, electronics,
remediation & etc. 3D Printing also known as additive manufacturing, is a Process of Creating
three dimensional objects. Its applications include Proto typing, Manufacturing, health care,
and etc

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