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Are schools doing enough to help students deal with the pressures of being constantly connected

to technology?

The vast of majority of students don’t know how to be without a cellphone in the hall. They
usually are using the internet to do some assignments or to game some and the schools always
fighting about that. However, schools don’t develop enough strategies to stop it. The possible
statements to solve this situation will be explained in the next paragraphs.

To begin stopping this concern and to help schools to provide their students a good way to be
without connected to technology, it’s necessary to stablish a schedule where students will be able
to have a comfortable place. Schedule can be programmed Monday to Friday during the morning
between 10:00 am to 11: 00 am or in the afternoon 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. For this reason, they can
to interact with other students. For example, they might practice some sports activities, such as
football, volleyball, basquetball or even swimming where they can improve physically and to be

According to (Pacaya, 2015) “One of the techniques most commonly used by teachers is to ask
students to leave their cell phones turned off in a box, basket or on the front table when they
enter the classroom, to prevent them from being used and to count them, so that no one can act
"crazy". It is very simple: Whoever does not turn it in, does not participate in the class”.

Another solution would be; parents must give tasks to their childs in how to replace the time of
being all the day with a mobile phone with workshops crafts, cooking, textile workshops that may
help them to increase the knowledge in the employment. According to (Carrion, 2017) “The
overturning of a society and a culture in which human beings are increasingly the cell phone than
of their own kind has generated concern about the consequences, especially in the family
especially in the family space, in relation to habits, health, social interaction, common life and
consumption trends”.

All thing considered, this concern can be to do the change if teachers give the good strategies to
teach in the right way, the parents have a conversation with their childs, and students change the
habits with the cellphones, all in all, the education will improve.

Carrion, A. R. (2017). El uso del celular y su influencia en las actividades académicas y familiares de
los estudiantes de primer año de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Sagrados Corazones
de Rumipamba de la ciudad de Quito. Quito.

Pacaya, J. (01 de Junio de 2015). Profesores 2.0: Estrategias para manejar los celulares en clases.
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