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In Fulfillment of the Final Requirements in

National Service Training Program

Second Semester
2023 – 2024


Submitted By:
Jhazmine Cielo Panelo

Submitted To:

Mr. Mark Ian C. Abrias, MBA

Date of Submission

February 3,2024


Part 1:
• Watch the documentary video from GMA News entitled "Motorcycle
Diaries: Kara David talks about Project Malasakit" Give your
insights or takeaways from the said documentary.
(Minimum of 150 words)

Video Link:

I gained four valuable insights from seeing the documentary. It requires

first simply one individual initiate a project that has an impact on those
who have inadequate resources. Secondly, collaboration is essential
to achieving your objective; one instance from the documentary was
when they were going across the river. Third is gallantry, where they
cooperated and assisted one another in crossing the river. Kara
displayed bravery by giving of her time and self to assist the barangay,
but bravely aided her friends who went through that Fourth, giving back
to the community is something Kara described doing for the first time.
We occasionally give back to one another since, at the end of the day,
we are all one and we are all connected to one another.
Part 2: The “Thankful” Journal (WEEK 1)


1. God
I am thankful for God’s presence in my life because I defeated the
temptation to ridicule a co-worker.

2. Family
I am thankful for my family’s support because I was spared
dishwashing duty because they saw I was tired.

3. My Dog
I am thankful for my dog’s affection because my stress is relieved
when he welcomes me home.


INSTRUCTION: Give 3 Reasons to be thankful this week and be specific.

I am Thankful for ……

1. God
I am thankful for my everyday blessings to me and my family I
Thanked him for guiding us Everyday.
2. Family
I am thankful for always being there with me and supporting me in my
everyday life.
3. Pet
I am thankful for the physical and mental support that they provide
me without them I can't succeed every bit of challenge in my life.

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