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Bonilla, Jinky Jezreel S.

Jan 11, 2024

Grade 11 – STEM Roentgen Oral Communication

The Importance of Mental Health

To start this speech, let us first delve into what we mean when we say mental health.

It's not just the absence of mental disorders but a state of well-being in which every

individual realizes their potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work

productively, and can contribute to their community.

As we travel on to the challenging path of being a first-year senior high school, we

face academic pressures, peer demands, and frustrating environment. The workload, the

expectations, and the overwhelming transition have an impact on your well-being.

Unfortunately, we live in a time where mental health isn’t taken too seriously. Where

seeking for professional help is seen as a laughing matter. Where having a mental issue is

considered overcompensation and just a trend. But just like any physical ailment, mental

health deserves care and attention.

A healthy mind is more creative, focused, and resilient. Your mental health is

directly linked to your performance be it academic or in other aspects of your life.

Experiencing stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges can act as

roadblocks, affecting your concentration, learning capabilities, and overall performance.

Building resilience is a crucial skill as Grade 11 is a time of personal development and

discovery. Resiliency is the capability to bounce back whenever there is a setback.

Challenges are always hard but can become easy with the right mindset to be able to cope

and move forward as life tries to drag you down. Resiliency can be brought later in life

when things are harder as an adult.

When we are busy and frustrated, it is not new that we tend to neglect self-care. We

tend to not have time for ourselves to do things that may take our mind off things that stress

us. Building hobbies, taking care of yourself, making yourself feel pretty, engaging in

social activities can help us balance and maintain a good personal and academic life thus

helping our mental health be good and well sustained.

I want you to know that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.

Talk to a friend, your family, a therapist, your guidance counselor. Being aware of your

own mental health problems is a way to be able to solve them and prevent it from becoming

way deeper. You must let yourself win over your mind. Do not let negative things overcome

your sound mindedness.

In conclusion, although Grade 11 is a crucial time for us, we must have a resilient

mind to not let our mental illness take over us. Take care of yourself whilst also having a

good academic record, one of each other must not fall. Don’t take everything in, you can

be weak in front of others. You are not alone in this journey. By acknowledging that you

need help, you are already taking the first step to a better change. You will conquer these

challenges and will be stronger than ever. Remember that strength will always be within


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