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Student ID 202309010674


Subject Code MPU3323


Assignment MYSELF

Subject Lecturer MISS SARA SALWANA KASWANDI Date Received

Subject Tutor -

Due Date 29th October 2023

Word Count 907 Words

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Student’s signature Date 29 OCTOBER 2023

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Let me introduce myself. I'm Nazirul Haziq Bin Mohd Rizal from Batu Pahat, Johor, and I'm
currently residing in Shah Alam, Selangor. In the chapters of my life, I am only one character
in a story shaped by the people, places, and experiences that have impacted my life. In this
investigation of "Myself," I shall peel back the layers that make up the tapestry of my
identity.As I reflect on "myself," I recognize the importance of self-awareness. Knowing who
I am, what I stand for, and what I want in life provides a strong foundation for personal
growth and decision-making. It's a journey of self-discovery that requires introspection and
the courage to confront both strengths and weaknesses.

I was born on 23rd May 2001 , at 8:36 PM in Hospital Temenggong Seri Maharaja Tun
Ibrahim Kulai, Johor marking the start of my life's journey. My birthplace holds a particular
place in my heart because it is the beginning of my story.Playing football is one of my
favorite pastimes. The combination of teamwork, skill, and pleasure in the beautiful game has
been a continual source of delight in my life. I've made lifelong experiences and developed
deep ties with teammates and friends on the football field. When it comes to food, tomyam
seafood is an irresistible delight. The spicy and tangy flavors combined with a medley of
seafood create a taste explosion that never fails to satisfy my palate. It's a dish I find comfort
and delight in, a culinary journey I savor with each spoonful.As for my favorite color, it's the
serene and calming shade of blue. Blue represents the boundless sky and the depths of the
ocean, and it resonates with my sense of peace and wonder. It's a color that reminds me of the
vast possibilities that life holds. In terms of my aspirations, my dream is not just about
accumulating wealth but using it to make a positive impact in the world. My ultimate goal is
to become a millionaire, not for personal gain, but to have the means to help others. Whether
it's supporting important causes, aiding those in need, or contributing to the well-being of my
community, I believe that financial success can be a powerful tool for positive change. This
dream is a driving force, inspiring me to work hard, make wise financial choices, and strive
for a future where my success can be shared and multiplied to make a meaningful difference
in the lives of others.

My family is a diverse and vibrant group of people that fill my life with love and joy. My
father works as an IT consultant, and his technological knowledge and problem-solving
abilities inspire me. My mother, a former housewife, has been the nurturing center of our
family, creating a loving and supporting environment in which we have all grown and thrived.
My six siblings, three boys and three girls, include me as the second kid. Our family dynamic
is a unique tapestry of love and connection that makes each day a new experience in the
journey of our lives together, with shared laughter, occasional conflicts, and everlasting
support for one another.

I chose City University for my further studies because of the vast array of courses they offer,
providing me with the opportunity to explore my interests and shape my academic path.My
hope for my education at City University is that they will provide full support in my quest for
a better future, equipping me with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in my
chosen field. My goals within the university are cleat to be a successful student and to
achieve a 4.0 GPA, an accomplishment I will work diligently toward. Upon graduating from
City University, my future plan is to apply the knowledge and skills I've acquired to whatever
job comes my way, working towards a fulfilling and rewarding career while continuing to
learn and grow in my chosen field.
To summarize, my life has been a complicated and ever-evolving saga, with self-awareness
serving as the guiding star. My path includes personal interests, treasured memories, and
aspirations to make a positive difference. I look forward to the unwritten chapters of my life
and the chances they hold, with the support of my family and a commitment to lifelong
learning. My self-discovery path continues, and I eagerly await the growth and
transformation it will bring.

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