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A company wants to build a new and great factory near my comunity, so i will tel you the

advantages and disadvantages of it. When we think int a factory, maybe we will imagine a lot
of sound contamination and so many smoke, but now we live in new times in wich the
corportions are looking after the environment and they have to to more green.

First we are going to discuss the disadvantages. We know that a factory will bring to a
comunity sound and ambiental contamination. While they are building the construction, there
will be a lot of problems with traffic brecause of the trucks and a so much dust everywhere.

In contrast, there are many advantages that this proyect will bring to my comunity, like new
jobs for all the disemployed people, we can traduce that in a better level of life to all the
families of the workers. Whatever the factory is going to produce i am sure that the products
will have lower prices for the town. Other reason is the future projection of the comunity,
when a big proyect is going on, it atracts more bussiness to the location, so the town can
grow up and maybe will twist in a big city with the time.

I know that a factory have a lot of inconvenients to a locality, but if it is a little town without
commerce and where the people really need a job to support their family, i think that the
proyect has a lot of more convenience.
I support the idea because i know people who is in poor conditions in towns that actually
need a new proyect like a new factory to rebuild their lifes and to give better oporunities to
their children. Personally, i would prefer a car company than any other, but that is not my

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