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M.JOSE: Hello, M.PAOLA. How are you?

M.PAOLA: Hello, M.JO SE. Fine, thanks. And you?

M.JOSE: Also good, thank you. I was thinking about the topic we could present for our blog in
English class. Do you have any ideas in mind?

M.PAOLA: Yes, I have been reflecting on that. I think we should address a controversial and
relevant topic for our current society.

M.JOSE: I agree. What do you think of the issue of feminicide?

M.PAOLA: Exactly what I was thinking! Femicide is a serious problem that deserves more attention
and discussion.

M.JOSE: Totally agree. It is an extreme form of gender violence that remains alarmingly common
in many places around the world.

M.PAOLA: Furthermore, I think it is important that we approach this issue from an interdisciplinary
perspective. We, as psychology students, can provide different approaches and analyzes in this

M.JOSE: That sounds excellent. We can explore the social and cultural roots of feminicide, as well
as the laws and policies that exist to prevent and punish it.

M.PAOLA: Exactly. How could we meet to start planning our presentation?

M.JOSE: We can meet at the library this Friday afternoon. This will give us enough time to research
and discuss the details of our presentation.

M.PAOLA: Perfect, I'm counting on you. Why did you decide to propose this topic?

M.JOSE: I chose the topic of feminicide because it is a problem that worries me deeply as a
feminist and sociology student. I think it is important to raise awareness about this extreme form
of gender violence and work towards its prevention.

M.PAOLA: I understand. Thanks for explaining it. What was the process of selecting this topic for
our presentation?

M.JOSE: We decided to address the issue of feminicide after analyzing several options and
considering which had the greatest social impact and the greatest ethical relevance for our
research. We consider that feminicide is an urgent problem that requires immediate attention and

M.PAOLA: Thank you for your explanation, MARIA! I am excited to work together on this project.

M.JOSE: Thanks to you, Maria! I think we can do a great job together.

Question Bank:

1. What is the definition of feminicide and what is its difference from homicide?
2. What are some of the causes and factors that contribute to feminicide in our society?
3. What impact does feminicide have on communities and society in general?
4. What legal measures exist to prevent and punish feminicide in our country?
5. How can we raise awareness about feminicide and promote prevention in our
6. What is the role of education in the prevention of feminicide?
7. What actions can governments and international organizations take to address feminicide
8. What is the responsibility of each individual in the fight against feminicide and gender

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