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Biology SLO Paper 3

Section - A

Q1: Describe the structure & functions of Golgi complex.

Structure of Golgi Complex:
The Golgi complex consists of flattened membrane sacs (cisternae) organized into cis-Golgi and
trans-Golgi networks.

Functions of Golgi Complex:

Protein Modification:
Modifies proteins synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), directing them to specific cellular
Lipid Modification:
Modifies lipids synthesized in the ER, packaging them into vesicles for transport.
Formation of Lysosomes:
Forms lysosomes by packaging and modifying enzymes within vesicles.
Secretory Vesicle Formation:
Centrally involved in forming secretory vesicles that release substances from the cell.
Cell Wall Component Synthesis (in Plant Cells):
In plant cells, synthesizes cell wall components for construction.
Modification of Cellular Membrane Components:
Modifies glycolipids and glycoproteins before their incorporation into the cell membrane.
Formation of Transport Vesicles:
Produces transport vesicles that carry cellular materials to specific locations.
The Golgi complex plays a central role in cellular organization, modification, and transportation of
various molecules.
Q2: Distinguish the properties and role of monosaccharides, write their
empirical formula and classify them.
Monosaccharides: Properties and Role:

Molecular Structure:
Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates, consisting of a single sugar unit.
Most monosaccharides are water-soluble due to their hydrophilic nature.
Many monosaccharides taste sweet, such as glucose and fructose.
Monosaccharides can exist as structural isomers with the same molecular formula but different
structural arrangements.
Functional Groups:
They contain a carbonyl group (either an aldehyde or a ketone) and hydroxyl groups.

Energy Source:
Monosaccharides serve as a primary source of energy for cells. Glucose, a common monosaccharide,
is a crucial fuel for cellular respiration.
Structural Role:
Monosaccharides contribute to the structure of larger carbohydrates. For example, glucose is a
building block for complex carbohydrates like starch and cellulose.

Empirical Formula:
The general empirical formula for monosaccharides is, where represents the number of
carbon atoms.

Based on Carbonyl Group:
Aldoses: Monosaccharides with an aldehyde functional group. Example: Glucose.
Ketoses: Monosaccharides with a ketone functional group. Example: Fructose.

Based on Carbon Atoms:

Triose: Monosaccharides with three carbon atoms. Example: Glyceraldehyde.
Pentose: Monosaccharides with five carbon atoms. Example: Ribose.
Hexose: Monosaccharides with six carbon atoms. Example: Glucose.
Q3: Describe the effect of temperature on enzyme action.
Enzymes, essential for chemical reactions in our bodies, can be compared to workers in a factory.
Their efficiency is closely tied to temperature conditions.
- In lower temperatures, enzyme activity is a slow-motion scenario.
- At the optimal temperature (around 37°C in our bodies), enzymes perform most effectively, smoothly
engaging in their tasks.
-, higher temperatures cause stress on enzymes, leading to a loss of their proper structure and
Various living organisms have enzymes adapted to function optimally within specific temperature
ranges. Thus, enzymes operate at their peak when conditions are just right, but extremes in
temperature can compromise their effectiveness.

Q4: Describe causative agent, symptoms, treatment & prevention of the following
viral diseases:
Hepatitis, herpes, polio and leaf curl virus disease of cotton.
Q5: Describe the benefits of bacterial flora of humans.
Digestive Assistance:
The bacterial flora in our gut aids in breaking down complex carbohydrates and fermenting undigested
food, contributing to efficient digestion and nutrient absorption.
Immune System Regulation:
These microbes play a pivotal role in educating and modulating the immune system, promoting a
balanced response and protecting against harmful pathogens.
Nutrient Synthesis:
Certain bacteria within the microbiome synthesize essential nutrients like vitamin K and B vitamins,
crucial for various physiological functions in the body.
Intestinal Barrier Maintenance:
The bacterial flora contributes to the integrity of the intestinal barrier, preventing the entry of harmful
substances into the bloodstream and maintaining overall gut health.

Q6: Explain how this life cycle demonstrates an adaptation of angiosperms on

Q7: Define Swallowing & Peristalsis.

Q8: Trace the path of blood through the pulmonary & systematic circulation (
coronary, hepatic portal & renal circulation).

Pulmonary Circulation:
Right Atrium: Deoxygenated blood from the body enters the right atrium through the superior and
inferior vena cava.
Tricuspid Valve: Blood flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle.
Pulmonary Valve: The right ventricle pumps the deoxygenated blood through the pulmonary valve
into the pulmonary artery.
Pulmonary Artery: The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
Lungs: In the lungs, carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen, and blood becomes oxygenated.
Pulmonary Veins: Oxygenated blood returns to the heart through the pulmonary veins.

Systemic Circulation:
Left Atrium: Oxygenated blood from the lungs enters the left atrium through the pulmonary veins.
Mitral (Bicuspid) Valve: Blood flows through the mitral valve into the left ventricle.
Aortic Valve: The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood through the aortic valve into the aorta.
Aorta: The aorta carries oxygenated blood to various parts of the body.
Arteries: Branches off the aorta carry oxygenated blood to organs and tissues.
Arterioles and Capillaries: Blood travels through smaller vessels, allowing for nutrient and gas
exchange in tissues.
Venules and Veins: Deoxygenated blood, now carrying waste products, returns to the heart through
venules and veins.
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava: Deoxygenated blood re-enters the right atrium through the superior
and inferior vena cava.

Coronary Circulation:
Coronary Arteries: Branch off the aorta and supply the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients.
Coronary Veins: Collect deoxygenated blood from the heart muscle and drain it into the right atrium
via the coronary sinus.

Hepatic Portal Circulation:

Digestive Organs: Nutrient-rich blood from the digestive organs (stomach, intestines) is carried to the
Hepatic Portal Vein: The hepatic portal vein transports blood to the liver for processing before
entering the general circulation.

Renal Circulation:
Renal Arteries: Branch off the aorta and supply the kidneys with oxygenated blood.
Renal Veins: Carry deoxygenated blood away from the kidneys and return it to the general circulation.

Q9: Describe the role of B cells in antibody mediated immunity.

B cells are pivotal in antibody-mediated immunity. When encountering specific antigens, B cells
activate and differentiate into plasma cells, specialized for antibody production. Antibodies, or
immunoglobulins, are proteins with Y-shaped structures that bind to antigens.
Antibodies have several functions. They can neutralize pathogens, block their ability to infect cells,
and enhance phagocytosis through opsonization. Antibodies also activate the complement system,
promoting inflammation, cell lysis, and phagocytosis. Additionally, antibodies can clump pathogens
together in a process called agglutination.
Memory B cells, generated during the primary immune response, "remember" specific antigens. This
memory allows for a faster and more robust secondary immune response upon re-exposure to the
same pathogen. Overall, B cells play a crucial role in recognizing and combating pathogens through
antibody production and immune memory.
Q10: Describe the chemical composition of nuclear envelope.
Phospholipid Bilayer:
- The nuclear envelope is made of a double-layered structure similar to the cell membrane.
- Composed of phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins.
Nuclear Pores:
- Embedded structures allowing regulated passage between the nucleus and cytoplasm.
- Regulate the transport of ions, small molecules, and macromolecules.
Nuclear Lamina:
- Network of intermediate filaments providing structural support.
- Made up of Lamin proteins.
Nuclear Matrix:
- Fibrous network inside the nucleus aiding in structural support.
- Organizes and anchors chromatin.
- DNA, RNA, and associated proteins inside the nuclear envelope.
- Carries genetic information; condenses into visible chromosomes during cell division.
Nuclear Envelope Proteins:
- Regulate nuclear processes and interactions with the cytoplasm.

Q11: Describe chemiosmosis and relate it with electron transport chain.

Chemiosmosis is a process linked to the electron transport chain (ETC) in cellular respiration. During
the ETC, electrons move through protein complexes, releasing energy that actively pumps protons
across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This creates a proton gradient, and as protons flow back
into the mitochondrial matrix through ATP synthase, chemiosmosis occurs. ATP synthase uses this
proton flow to produce ATP, the cell's energy currency. In essence, chemiosmosis converts the energy
released during the ETC into chemical energy stored in ATP, supporting cellular functions.
Q12: Explain the movement of water in xylem through TACT mechanism.
The Transpiration-Adhesion-Cohesion-Tension (TACT) mechanism explains the movement of
water in xylem vessels in plants:
Water evaporates from leaves, creating tension in the water column.
Adhesion and Cohesion:
Adhesive forces stick water to xylem vessel walls, while cohesive forces maintain a continuous water
Tension, generated by transpiration, pulls the water column upward.
Capillary Action:
Capillary action in narrow xylem vessels aids in lifting the water against gravity.
This cohesive process ensures a steady flow of water and minerals from roots to leaves, supporting
plant functions.


Q1(a): Describe the structure of cilia and flagella and the mechanism of their
Structure of Cilia and Flagella:
Both cilia and flagella have a 9+2 microtubule arrangement, forming an axoneme.
Axoneme and Dynein Arms:
The axoneme is the core structure, and dynein arms, molecular motors, facilitate movement.
Basal Body:
Originating from a basal body, cilia and flagella are anchored to the cell and have a structural
similarity to centrioles.

Mechanism of Movement:
Sliding Microtubule Mechanism:
Dynein arms slide microtubules, causing bending and flexing of cilia and flagella.
Power Stroke and Recovery Stroke:
Dynein arms induce a power stroke (microtubule sliding) and a recovery stroke, driven by ATP
ATP Hydrolysis:
Energy for movement comes from ATP hydrolysis by dynein arms.
Coordination and Rhythm:
Coordinated movement of dynein arms results in rhythmic beating or undulating motion.
Q1(b): Describe the structure of bacterial flagellum.
The bacterial flagellum consists of a helical filament made of flagellin, extending from the bacterial
cell. At the base, there's a hook connecting the filament to the basal body, which acts as a rotary
motor embedded in the cell envelope. Mot proteins in the cytoplasmic membrane contribute to the
motor's energy generation. The rotation of the basal body, functioning as a rotor, interacts with a
stator, generating torque that propels the flagellum. This unique structure allows bacteria to move
through their environment. Notably, bacterial flagella differ from eukaryotic flagella in their simpler
structure and mechanism.

Q2: Properties of Water.

“Attach from printed notes!!!”

Q3: Distinguish in terms of structures and roles, the three types of RNA.
Messenger RNA (mRNA):
mRNA is a single-stranded molecule with a linear sequence of nucleotides.
- Carries genetic information from the DNA in the cell nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
- Acts as a template for protein synthesis during translation.

Transfer RNA (tRNA):

tRNA is a cloverleaf-shaped molecule with three hairpin loops and an amino acid attachment site.
- Carries amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA):

rRNA is a component of the ribosome and exists as part of a complex structure.
- Forms the structural core of the ribosome, where protein synthesis occurs.
- Helps in the binding of mRNA and tRNA during translation.
Q4: Explain, narrating the experimental work done, the role of water in
In the 1930s, C.B. van Niel studied bacteria that do photosynthesis without using water. He found they
released oxygen by using hydrogen sulphide instead. This discovery challenged the idea that oxygen in
photosynthesis only comes from water, showing different ways organisms can produce oxygen.

Q5: Explain motility in bacteria.

Flagella: Many bacteria are equipped with long, whip-like appendages called flagella. These flagella
rotate, providing a propeller-like motion that enables the bacterium to swim through liquid
environments. The movement is powered by a molecular motor in the bacterial cell membrane and is
often directed toward or away from specific stimuli, a phenomenon known as chemotaxis. Pili and

Fimbriae: Some bacteria use shorter, hair-like structures called pili or fimbriae for a different type of
movement known as "twitching" or "crawling." Pili attaches to surfaces, and the bacteria then retract
the pili, pulling themselves forward. This movement allows bacteria to crawl along solid surfaces.


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