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10 A NY
The light of your Lord Surah 24 - Verses 35 to 37

‫اج ُة َك َأ َّن َها‬ َ ‫ص َب ُاح ِف ى ز َُج‬

َ ‫اج ٍة ۖ ٱل ُز َّج‬ ْ ‫ص َب ٌاح ۖ ٱلْ ِم‬ ْ ‫ورهِۦ َك ِم ْش َك ٰو ٍ ۢة ِفي َها ِم‬ ِ ‫ض ۚ َم َث ُل ُن‬ ِ ‫ٱلس َم ٰـ ٰ َو ِت َو ْٱﻷَ ْر‬
َّ ‫ٱﷲ ُنو ُر‬ ُّ َ
ۚ ‫َك ْو َك ۭ ٌب ُد ِ ّر ۭ ٌّى ُيو َق ُد ِمن َش َج َرٍ ۢة ُّم َب ٰـ َر َك ٍ ۢة َز ْي ُت ون ٍ َۢة َّﻻ َش ْر ِق َّي ٍ ۢة َو َﻻ َغ ْر ِب َّي ٍ ۢة َي َكا ُد َز ْي ُت َها ُي ِض ٓى ُء َولَ ْو لَ ْم َت ْم َس ْس ُه نَا ۭ ٌر‬
َ ‫ٱﷲ ِب ُك ِ ّل َش ْى ٍء‬
٣٥ ‫ع ِلي ۭ ٌم‬ ُّ َ ‫اس ۗ َو‬ِ ‫ٱﷲ ْٱﻷَ ْم َث ٰـ َل ِلل َّن‬ ُّ َ ‫ض ِر ُب‬ ْ ‫ورهِۦ َمن َي َشآ ُء ۚ َو َي‬ ِ ‫ٱﷲ ِل ُن‬ ُّ َ ‫ور ۗ َي ْهدِى‬ ۢ ٍ ‫ُّنو ٌر َعلَ ٰى ُن‬
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light1 is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp
is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from ˹the oil of˺ a blessed olive tree, ˹located˺ neither to
the east nor the west,2 whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire. Light upon
light! Allah guides whoever He wills to His light. And Allah sets forth parables for humanity. For Allah has
˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.

٣٦ َ ٔ َ ‫ٱس ُمهُۥ ُي َس ِ ّب ُح لَهُۥ ِفي َها ِبٱلْ ُغ ُد ِ ّو َوٱلْـ‬

ِ‫اصال‬ ُّ َ ‫وت َأذِ َن‬
ْ ‫ٱﷲ َأن ُت ْر َف َع َو ُي ْذ َك َر ِفي َها‬ ٍ ‫ِف ى ُب ُي‬
˹That light shines˺ through houses ˹of worship˺ which Allah has ordered to be raised, and where His Name
is mentioned. He is glorified there morning and evening

ُ ‫ون َي ْو ۭ ًما َت َت َق ّلَ ُب ِفي ِه ٱلْ ُق ُل‬

‫وب‬ َ ‫ٱلصلَ ٰوةِ َو ِإيتَآ ِء ٱل َّز َك ٰوةِ ۙ َي َخا ُف‬ ِّ َ ‫يه ْم ِت َج ٰـ َر ۭ ٌة َو َﻻ َب ْي ٌع َعن ذِ ْك ِر‬
َّ ‫ٱﷲ َو ِإ َق ِام‬ ِ ‫ال َّﻻ ُتلْ ِه‬
ٌ ۭ ‫ِر َج‬
٣٧ ‫ص ٰـ ُر‬ َ ‫َو ْٱﻷَ ْب‬
by men who are not distracted—either by buying or selling—from Allah’s remembrance, or performing
prayer, or paying alms-tax. They fear a Day when hearts and eyes will tremble,

The light of man Surah 25 - Verses 61 to 70

٦١ ‫وجا َو َج َع َل ِفي َها ِس ٰ َر ۭ ًجا َو َق َم ۭ ًرا ُّم ِني ۭ ًرا‬ َّ ‫َت َبا َر َك ٱ ّلَذِ ى َج َع َل ِف ى‬
ً ۭ ‫ٱلس َمآ ِء ُب ُر‬
Blessed is the One Who has placed constellations in the sky, as well as a ˹radiant˺ lamp1 and a luminous

٦٢ ‫َو ُه َو ٱ ّلَذِ ى َج َع َل ٱ ّلَ ْي َل َوٱل َّن َها َر ِخلْ َف ۭ ًة ِ ّل َم ْن َأ َرا َد َأن َي َّذ َّك َر َأ ْو َأ َرا َد ُش ُكو ۭ ًرا‬
And He is the One Who causes the day and the night to alternate, ˹as a sign˺ for whoever desires to be
mindful or to be grateful.

٦٣ ‫ون َقا ُلو ۟ا َسلَ ٰـ ۭ ًما‬

َ ‫اط َب ُه ُم ٱلْ َج ٰـ ِه ُل‬ ِ ‫ون َعلَ ى ْٱﻷَ ْر‬
َ ‫ض َه ْو ۭ ًنا َو ِإ َذا َخ‬ َ ِ‫َو ِع َبا ُد ٱل َّر ْح َم ٰـ ِن ٱ ّلَذ‬
َ ‫ين َي ْم ُش‬
The ˹true˺ servants of the Most Compassionate are those who walk on the earth humbly, and when the
foolish address them ˹improperly˺, they only respond with peace.

٦٤ ‫ون ِل َر ِ ّب ِه ْم ُس َّج ۭ ًدا َو ِق َي ٰـ ۭ ًما‬ َ ِ‫َوٱ ّلَذ‬

َ ‫ين َي ِبي ُت‬
˹They are˺ those who spend ˹a good portion of˺ the night, prostrating themselves and standing before
their Lord.

٦٥ َ ‫اب َج َه َّن َم ۖ ِإ َّن َع َذا َب َها َك‬

‫ان َغ َرا ًما‬ َ ‫ٱص ِر ْف َع َّنا َع َذ‬ َ ‫ين َي ُقو ُل‬
ْ ‫ون َر َّبنَا‬ َ ِ‫َوٱ ّلَذ‬
˹They are˺ those who pray, “Our Lord! Keep the punishment of Hell away from us, for its punishment is
indeed unrelenting.

٦٦ ‫ِإ َّن َها َسآ َء ْت ُم ْس َت َق ۭ ًّرا َو ُم َقا ۭ ًما‬
It is certainly an evil place to settle and reside.”

٦٧ ‫ان َب ْي َن ٰ َذ ِل َك َق َوا ۭ ًما‬ َ ِ‫َوٱ ّلَذ‬

َ ‫ين ِإ َذآ َأن َف ُقو ۟ا لَ ْم ُي ْس ِر ُفو ۟ا َولَ ْم َي ْق ُت ُرو ۟ا َو َك‬
˹They are˺ those who spend neither wastefully nor stingily, but moderately in between.

‫ون ۚ َو َمن َي ْف َع ْل‬ ُّ َ ‫س ٱ ّلَ ِت ى َح َّر َم‬

َ ‫ٱﷲ ِإ َّﻻ ِبٱلْ َح ِ ّق َو َﻻ َي ْز ُن‬ َ ‫اخ َر َو َﻻ َي ْق ُت ُل‬
َ ‫ون ٱل َّن ْف‬ ِّ َ ‫ون َم َع‬
َ ‫ٱﷲ ِإلَ ٰـ ًها َء‬ َ ‫ين َﻻ َي ْد ُع‬ َ ِ‫َوٱ ّلَذ‬
٦٨ ‫ك َي لْقَ َأ َثا ۭ ًما‬
َ ‫ٰ َذ ِل‬
˹They are˺ those who do not invoke any other god besides Allah, nor take a ˹human˺ life—made sacred by
Allah—except with ˹legal˺ right, nor commit fornication. And whoever does ˹any of˺ this will face the

٦٩ ‫اب َي ْو َم ٱلْ ِق َي ٰـ َم ِة َو َي ْخ ُل ْد ِفي ِهۦ ُم َها ًنا‬

ُ ‫ض ٰـ َع ْف لَ ُه ٱلْ َع َذ‬
َ ‫ُي‬
Their punishment will be multiplied on the Day of Judgment, and they will remain in it forever, in

٧۰ ُّ َ ‫ان‬
‫ٱﷲ َغ ُفو ۭ ًرا َّر ِحي ۭ ًما‬ ُّ َ ‫ص ٰـ ِل ۭ ًحا َف ُأ ۟ولَ ٰـ ٓ ِئ َك ُي َب ِ ّد ُل‬
َ ‫ٱﷲ َس ِ ّي ـ َٔا ِت ِه ْم َح َس َن ٰـ ٍ ۢت ۗ َو َك‬ َ ‫َاب َو َءا َم َن َو َع ِم َل َع َم ۭ ًﻼ‬
َ ‫ِإ َّﻻ َمن ت‬
As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will
change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

The light of wisdom Surah 31 - Verses 12 to 19

١٢ َّ َ ‫ﷲ ۚ َو َمن َي ْش ُك ْر َف ِإ َّن َما َي ْش ُك ُر ِل َن ْف ِس ِهۦ ۖ َو َمن َك َف َر َف ِإ َّن‬

‫ٱﷲ َغ ِن ٌّى َح ِمي ۭ ٌد‬ ِّ َ ِ ‫ٱش ُك ْر‬
ْ ‫َولَ َق ْد َءا َت ْي نَا ُل ْق َم ٰـ َن ٱلْ ِح ْك َم َة َأ ِن‬
Indeed, We blessed Luqmân with wisdom, ˹saying˺, “Be grateful to Allah, for whoever is grateful, it is only
for their own good. And whoever is ungrateful, then surely Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.”

١٣ ‫ٱلش ْر َك لَ ُظلْ ٌم َع ِظي ۭ ٌم‬ ِّ َ ‫َو ِإ ْذ َقا َل ُل ْق َم ٰـ ُن ِلٱ ْب ِن ِهۦ َو ُه َو َي ِع ُظهُۥ َي ٰـ ُب ن ََّى َﻻ ُت ْش ِر ْك ِب‬
ّ ِ ‫ٱﷲ ۖ ِإ َّن‬
And ˹remember˺ when Luqmân said to his son, while advising him, “O my dear son! Never associate ˹any-
thing˺ with Allah ˹in worship˺, for associating ˹others with Him˺ is truly the worst of all wrongs.”

١٤ ْ ‫ص ٰـ ُلهُۥ ِف ى َعا َم ْي ِن َأ ِن‬

‫ٱش ُك ْر ِل ى َو ِل ٰ َو ِل َد ْي َك ِإلَ َّى‬ َ ‫نس ٰـ َن ِب ٰ َو ِل َد ْي ِه َح َملَ ْت ُه ُأ ُّمهُۥ َو ْه ًنا َعلَ ٰى َو ْه ٍ ۢن َو ِف‬ ِ ْ ‫ص ْي نَا‬
َ ‫ٱﻹ‬ َّ ‫َو َو‬
‫ٱلْ َم ِصي ُر‬
And We have commanded people to ˹honour˺ their parents. Their mothers bore them through hardship
upon hardship, and their weaning takes two years. So be grateful to Me and your parents. To Me is the
final return.

‫اح ْب ُه َما ِف ى ٱل ُّد ْن َيا َم ْع ُرو ۭ ًفا ۖ َوٱ َّت ِب ْع‬

ِ ‫ص‬َ ‫س لَ َك ِب ِهۦ ِعلْ ۭ ٌم َف َﻼ ُت ِط ْع ُه َما ۖ َو‬ َ ‫اك َعلَ ٰ ٓى َأن ُت ْش ِر َك ِب ى َما لَ ْي‬ َ ‫َو ِإن َج ٰـ َه َد‬
١٥ ‫ون‬ َ ‫َاب ِإلَ َّى ۚ ُث َّم ِإلَ َّى َم ْر ِج ُع ُك ْم َف ُأ َن ِ ّب ُئ ُكم ِب َما ُكن ُت ْم َت ْع َم ُل‬
َ ‫َس ِبي َل َم ْن َأن‬
But if they pressure you to associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, do not obey them. Still
keep their company in this world courteously, and follow the way of those who turn to Me ˹in devotion˺.
Then to Me you will ˹all˺ return, and then I will inform you of what you used to do.

ُّ َ ‫ض َيأْ ِت ِب َها‬
ۚ ‫ٱﷲ‬ ِ ‫ٱلس َم ٰـ ٰ َو ِت َأ ْو ِف ى ْٱﻷَ ْر‬ َ ‫َي ٰـ ُب ن ََّى ِإ َّن َهآ ِإن ت َُك ِم ْث َقا َل َح َّب ٍ ۢة ِ ّم ْن َخ ْر َد ٍ ۢل َف َت ُكن ِف ى‬
َّ ‫ص ْخ َرٍة َأ ْو ِف ى‬
َ ‫يف‬
١٦ ‫خ ِب ي ۭ ٌر‬ ٌ ‫ٱﷲ لَ ِط‬ َّ َ ‫ِإ َّن‬
˹Luqmân added,˺ “O my dear son! ˹Even˺ if a deed were the weight of a mustard seed—be it ˹hidden˺ in a
rock or in the heavens or the earth—Allah will bring it forth. Surely Allah is Most Subtle, All-Aware.

١٧ ‫ور‬ ُ ْ ‫صا َب َك ۖ ِإ َّن ٰ َذ ِل َك ِم ْن َعز ِْم‬

ِ ‫ٱﻷ ُم‬ ْ ‫وف َوٱ ْن َه َع ِن ٱلْ ُمن َك ِر َو‬
َ ‫ٱص ِب ْر َعلَ ٰى َمآ َأ‬ ِ ‫ٱلصلَ ٰو َة َوأْ ُم ْر ِبٱلْ َم ْع ُر‬
َّ ‫َي ٰـ ُب ن ََّى َأ ِق ِم‬
“O my dear son! Establish prayer, encourage what is good and forbid what is evil, and endure patiently
whatever befalls you. Surely this is a resolve to aspire to.

١٨ ۢ ٍ ‫َال َف ُخ‬
‫ور‬ َّ َ ‫ض َم َر ًحا ۖ ِإ َّن‬
ۢ ٍ ‫ٱﷲ َﻻ ُي ِح ُّب ُك َّل ُم ْخت‬ ِ ‫اس َو َﻻ َت ْم ِش ِف ى ْٱﻷَ ْر‬ َ ‫َو َﻻ ُت‬
ِ ‫ص ِ ّع ْر َخ َّد َك ِلل َّن‬
“And do not turn your nose up to people, nor walk pridefully upon the earth. Surely Allah does not like
whoever is arrogant, boastful.

١٩ ِ ‫ص ْو ُت ٱلْ َح ِم‬
‫ير‬ ْ َ‫ص ْو ِت َك ۚ ِإ َّن َأن َك َر ْٱﻷ‬
َ َ‫ص ٰ َو ِت ل‬ ُ ‫َوٱ ْق ِص ْد ِف ى َم ْش ِي َك َوٱ ْغ‬
ْ ‫ض‬
َ ‫ض ِمن‬
Be moderate in your pace. And lower your voice, for the ugliest of all voices is certainly the braying of

The light of prostration Surah 32 - Verses 1 to 10

١ ‫ال ٓ ٓم‬

٢ َ ‫يل ٱلْ ِك َت ٰـ ِب َﻻ َر ْي َب ِفي ِه ِمن َّر ِ ّب ٱلْ َع ٰـ لَ ِم‬

� ُ ‫َنز‬
ِ ‫ت‬
The revelation of this Book is—beyond doubt—from the Lord of all worlds.

٣ َ ‫ير ِ ّمن َق ْب ِل َك لَ َع ّلَ ُه ْم َي ْه َت ُد‬

‫ون‬ َ ‫َأ ْم َي ُقو ُل‬
ۢ ٍ ِ‫ون ٱ ْف َت َر ٰى ُه ۚ َب ْل ُه َو ٱلْ َح ُّق ِمن َّر ِ ّب َك ِلتُنذِ َر َق ْو ۭ ًما َّمآ َأ َت ٰى ُهم ِ ّمن َنّذ‬
Or do they say, “He has fabricated it!”? No! It is the truth from your Lord in order for you to warn a people
to whom no warner has come before you, so they may be ˹rightly˺ guided.

‫ٱس َت َو ٰى َعلَ ى ٱلْ َع ْر ِش ۖ َما لَ ُكم ِ ّمن ُدو ِن ِهۦ‬

ْ ‫ض َو َما َب ْي َن ُه َما ِف ى ِس َّت ِة َأ َّي ٍ ۢام ُث َّم‬َ ‫ٱلس َم ٰـ ٰ َو ِت َو ْٱﻷَ ْر‬
َّ َ‫ٱﷲ ٱ ّلَذِ ى َخلَق‬ ُّ َ
٤ ‫ون‬ َ ‫ِمن َو ِل ٍ ۢ ّى َو َﻻ َش ِف ٍيع ۚ َأ َف َﻼ َت َت َذ َّك ُر‬
It is Allah Who has created the heavens and the earth and everything in between in six Days, then
established Himself on the Throne. You have no protector or intercessor besides Him. Will you not then
be mindful?

٥ َ ‫ان ِم ْق َدا ُر ُهۥ ٓ َألْ َف َسن ٍ َۢة ِ ّم َّما َت ُع ُّد‬

‫ون‬ ِ ‫ٱلس َمآ ِء ِإلَ ى ْٱﻷَ ْر‬
َ ‫ض ُث َّم َي ْع ُر ُج ِإلَ ْي ِه ِف ى َي ْو ٍ ۢم َك‬ َّ ‫ُي َد ِ ّب ُر ْٱﻷَ ْم َر ِم َن‬
He conducts every affair from the heavens to the earth, then it all ascends to Him on a Day whose
length is a thousand years by your counting.

٦ ‫ٱلش َه ٰـ َدةِ ٱلْ َع ِزي ُز ٱل َّر ِحي ُم‬
َّ ‫ٰ َذ ِل َك َع ٰـ ِل ُم ٱلْ َغ ْي ِب َو‬

That is the Knower of the seen and unseen—the Almighty, Most Merciful,

٧ ۢ ٍ ‫نس ٰـ ِن ِمن ِط‬

� ِ ْ َ‫ٱ ّلَذِ ٓى َأ ْح َس َن ُك َّل َش ْى ٍء َخلَ َقهُۥ ۖ َو َب َد َأ َخلْق‬
َ ‫ٱﻹ‬
Who has perfected everything He created. And He originated the creation of humankind from clay.

٨ ۢ ٍ ‫ُث َّم َج َع َل ن َْسلَهُۥ ِمن ُسلَ ٰـ لَ ٍ ۢة ِ ّمن َّم ٍ ۢآء َّم ِه‬

Then He made his descendants from an extract of a humble fluid,

٩ ً ۭ ‫ص ٰـ َر َو ْٱﻷَ ْف ِـ ٔ َد َة ۚ َق ِل‬
َ ‫يﻼ َّما ت َْش ُك ُر‬
‫ون‬ َ ‫ٱلس ْم َع َو ْٱﻷَ ْب‬ ِ ‫ُث َّم َس َّو ٰى ُه َو َن َفخَ ِفي ِه ِمن ُّر‬
َّ ‫وح ِهۦ ۖ َو َج َع َل لَ ُك ُم‬
then He fashioned them and had a spirit of His Own ˹creation˺ breathed into them. And He gave you
hearing, sight, and intellect. ˹Yet˺ you hardly give any thanks.

١۰ َ ‫يد ۚ َب ْل ُهم ِب ِل َقآ ِء َر ِ ّب ِه ْم َك ٰـ ِف ُر‬

‫ون‬ ِ ‫ضلَلْنَا ِف ى ْٱﻷَ ْر‬
ۭ ٍ ِ‫ض َأ ِء َّنا لَ ِف ى َخلْ ٍ ۢق َجد‬ َ ‫َو َقا ُل ٓو ۟ا َأ ِء َذا‬
˹Still˺ they ask ˹mockingly˺, “When we are disintegrated into the earth, will we really be raised as a new
creation?” In fact, they are in denial of the meeting with their Lord.

The light of community Surah 49 - Verses 1 to 4

١ ‫يع َع ِلي ۭ ٌم‬ َّ َ ‫ٱﷲ ۚ ِإ َّن‬

ٌ ‫ٱﷲ َس ِم‬ َّ َ ‫ٱﷲ َو َر ُسو ِل ِهۦ ۖ َوٱ َّت ُقو ۟ا‬
ِّ َ ‫ين َءا َم ُن و ۟ا َﻻ ُت َق ِ ّد ُمو ۟ا َب ْي َن َي َد ِى‬
َ ِ‫َي ٰـ ٓ َأ ُّي َها ٱ ّلَذ‬
O believers! Do not proceed ˹in any matter˺ before ˹a decree from˺ Allah and His Messenger. And fear Allah.
Surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

‫ص ْو ِت ٱل َّن ِب ِ ّى َو َﻻ ت َْج َه ُرو ۟ا لَهُۥ ِبٱلْ َق ْولِ َك َج ْه ِر َب ْع ِض ُك ْم ِل َب ْع ٍض‬

َ َ‫ص ٰ َو َت ُك ْم َف ْوق‬ َ ِ‫َي ٰـ ٓ َأ ُّي َها ٱ ّلَذ‬
ْ ‫ين َءا َم ُن و ۟ا َﻻ َت ْر َف ُع ٓو ۟ا َأ‬
٢ ‫ون‬ َ ‫َأن ت َْح َب َط َأ ْع َم ٰـ ُل ُك ْم َو َأن ُت ْم َﻻ ت َْش ُع ُر‬
O believers! Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak loudly to him as you do to
one another, or your deeds will become void while you are unaware.

ُّ َ ‫ين ٱ ْمت ََح َن‬

‫ٱﷲ ُق ُلو َب ُه ْم ِلل َّت ْق َو ٰى ۚ لَ ُهم َّم ْغ ِف َر ۭ ٌة َو َأ ْج ٌر‬ ِّ َ ِ‫ص ٰ َو َت ُه ْم ِعن َد َر ُسول‬
َ ِ‫ٱﷲ ُأ ۟ولَ ٰـ ٓ ِئ َك ٱ ّلَذ‬ ْ ‫ون َأ‬
َ ‫ض‬ َ ِ‫ِإ َّن ٱ ّلَذ‬
ُّ ‫ين َي ُغ‬
٣ ‫ع ِظ ي ٌم‬ َ
Indeed, those who lower their voices in the presence of Allah’s Messenger are the ones whose hearts Allah
has refined for righteousness. They will have forgiveness and a great reward.

٤ َ ‫ين ُينَا ُدون ََك ِمن َو َرآ ِء ٱلْ ُح ُج ٰ َر ِت َأ ْك َث ُر ُه ْم َﻻ َي ْع ِق ُل‬

‫ون‬ َ ِ‫ِإ َّن ٱ ّلَذ‬
Indeed, most of those who call out to you ˹O Prophet˺ from outside ˹your˺ private quarters have no
understanding ˹of manners˺.

The light within the row Surah 61 - Verses 1 to 3

١ ِ ‫ٱلس َم ٰـ ٰ َو ِت َو َما ِف ى ْٱﻷَ ْر‬

‫ض ۖ َو ُه َو ٱلْ َع ِزي ُز ٱلْ َح ِكي ُم‬ ِّ َ ِ ‫َس َّب َح‬
َّ ‫ﷲ َما ِف ى‬
Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth glorifies Allah. For He ˹alone˺ is the Almighty,

٢ َ ‫ون َما َﻻ َت ْف َع ُل‬

‫ون‬ َ ‫ين َءا َم ُن و ۟ا ِل َم َت ُقو ُل‬
َ ِ‫َي ٰـ ٓ َأ ُّي َها ٱ ّلَذ‬
O believers! Why do you say what you do not do?

٣ ‫ون‬ ِّ َ ‫َك ُب َر َم ْق ًتا ِعن َد‬

َ ‫ٱﷲ َأن َت ُقو ُلو ۟ا َما َﻻ َت ْف َع ُل‬
How despicable it is in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do!

The light of Friday Surah 62 - Verses 9 to 11

ِّ َ ‫ٱس َع ْو ۟ا ِإلَ ٰى ذِ ْك ِر‬

‫ٱﷲ َو َذ ُرو ۟ا ٱلْ َب ْي َع ۚ ٰ َذ ِل ُك ْم َخ ْي ۭ ٌر ّلَ ُك ْم ِإن‬ ْ ‫لصلَ ٰوةِ ِمن َي ْو ِم ٱلْ ُج ُم َع ِة َف‬ َ ِ‫َي ٰـ ٓ َأ ُّي َها ٱ ّلَذ‬
َ ‫ين َءا َم ُن ٓو ۟ا ِإ َذا ُن‬
َّ ‫ودِى ِل‬
٩ ‫ون‬ َ ‫ُكن ُت ْم َت ْع لَ ُم‬
O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday, then proceed ˹diligently˺ to the remembrance of
Allah and leave off ˹your˺ business. That is best for you, if only you knew.

١۰ ‫ون‬ َّ َ ‫ٱﷲ َوٱ ْذ ُك ُرو ۟ا‬

َ ‫ٱﷲ َك ِثي ۭ ًرا ّلَ َع ّلَ ُك ْم ُت ْف ِل ُح‬ ِّ َ ِ‫ضل‬ ِ ‫ٱلصلَ ٰو ُة َفٱنت َِش ُرو ۟ا ِفى ْٱﻷَ ْر‬
ْ ‫ض َوٱ ْب َت ُغو ۟ا ِمن َف‬ َّ ‫َف ِإ َذا ُق ِض َي ِت‬
Once the prayer is over, disperse throughout the land and seek the bounty of Allah. And remember Allah
often so you may be successful.

ِّ َ ‫وك َقآ ِئ ۭ ًما ۚ ُق ْل َما ِعن َد‬

ۚ ِ‫ٱﷲ َخ ْي ۭ ٌر ِ ّم َن ٱل ّلَ ْه ِو َو ِم َن ٱل ِ ّت َج ٰـ َرة‬ َ ‫ض ٓو ۟ا ِإلَ ْي َها َو َت َر ُك‬
ُّ ‫َو ِإ َذا َر َأ ْو ۟ا ِت َج ٰـ َر ًة َأ ْو لَ ْه ًوا ٱن َف‬
١١ � َ ‫ٱﷲ َخ ْي ُر ٱل َر ِّٰز ِق‬ ُّ َ ‫َو‬
When they saw the fanfare along with the caravan, they ˹almost all˺ flocked to it, leaving you ˹O Prophet˺
standing ˹on the pulpit˺. Say, “What is with Allah is far better than amusement and merchandise. And Allah
is the Best Provider.”

The complete believer Surah 64 - Verses 1 to 3

١ ِ ‫ٱلس َم ٰـ ٰ َو ِت َو َما ِف ى ْٱﻷَ ْر‬

‫ض ۖ لَ ُه ٱلْ ُملْ ُك َولَ ُه ٱلْ َح ْم ُد ۖ َو ُه َو َعلَ ٰى ُك ِ ّل َش ْى ٍ ۢء قَدِ ي ٌر‬ ِّ َ ِ ‫ُي َس ِ ّب ُح‬
َّ ‫ﷲ َما ِف ى‬
Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth ˹constantly˺ glorifies Allah. The kingdom is His,
and all praise is for Him. For He is Most Capable of everything.

٢ ‫ون َب ِصي ٌر‬ ُّ َ ‫ُه َو ٱ ّلَذِ ى َخلَ َق ُك ْم َف ِمن ُك ْم َك ِاف ۭ ٌر َو ِمن ُكم ُّم ْؤ ِم ۭ ٌن ۚ َو‬
َ ‫ٱﷲ ِب َما َت ْع َم ُل‬
He is the One Who created you, yet some of you are disbelievers while some are believers. And Allah is
All-Seeing of what you do.

٣ ‫ص َو َر ُك ْم ۖ َو ِإلَ ْي ِه ٱلْ َم ِصي ُر‬

ُ ‫ص َّو َر ُك ْم َف َأ ْح َس َن‬ َ ‫ٱلس َم ٰـ ٰ َو ِت َو ْٱﻷَ ْر‬
َ ‫ض ِبٱلْ َح ِ ّق َو‬ َّ َ‫َخلَق‬
He created the heavens and the earth for a purpose. He shaped you ˹in the womb˺, perfecting your form.
And to Him is the final return.

The light of the day of judgment Surah 75 - Verses 1 to 7

١ ‫َﻵ ُأ ْق ِس ُم ِب َي ْو ِم ٱلْ ِق َي ٰـ َم ِة‬

I do swear by the Day of Judgment!

٢ ‫َو َﻵ ُأ ْق ِس ُم ِبٱل َّن ْف ِس ٱل ّلَ َّوا َم ِة‬

And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul!

٣ ‫نس ٰـ ُن َأ ّلَن َّن ْج َم َع ِع َظا َمهُۥ‬ ِ ْ ‫َأ َي ْح َس ُب‬

َ ‫ٱﻹ‬
Do people think We cannot reassemble their bones?

٤ ‫ين َعلَ ٰ ٓى َأن ُّن َس ِ ّو َى َبنَا َنهُۥ‬

َ ‫َبلَ ٰى َق ٰـدِ ِر‬
Yes ˹indeed˺! We are ˹most capable of restoring ˹even˺ their very fingertips.

٥ ‫نس ٰـ ُن ِل َي ْف ُج َر َأ َما َمهُۥ‬ ِ ْ ‫َب ْل ُي ِري ُد‬

َ ‫ٱﻹ‬
Still people want to deny what is yet to come,

٦ ‫ان َي ْو ُم ٱلْ ِق َي ٰـ َم ِة‬
َ ‫َي ْسـ َ ٔ ُل َأ َّي‬
asking ˹mockingly˺, “When is this Day of Judgment?”

٧ َ ‫َف ِإ َذا َب ِرقَ ٱلْ َب‬

‫ص ُر‬
But when the sight is stunned,

The biggest news Surah 78 Verses 1 to 10

١ َ ‫َع َّم َيت ََسآ َء ُل‬

What are they asking one another about?

٢ ‫َع ِن ٱل َّن َب ِإ ٱلْ َع ِظ ِيم‬

About the momentous news,

٣ َ ‫ٱ ّلَذِ ى ُه ْم ِفي ِه ُم ْخ َت ِل ُف‬

over which they disagree.

٤ َ ‫َك َّﻼ َس َي ْعلَ ُم‬

But no! They will come to know.

٥ َ ‫ُث َّم َك َّﻼ َس َي ْعلَ ُم‬

Again, no! They will come to know.

٦ َ ‫َألَ ْم ن َْج َعلِ ْٱﻷَ ْر‬
‫ض ِم َه ٰـ ۭ ًدا‬
Have We not smoothed out the earth ˹like a bed˺,

٧ ‫َوٱلْ ِج َبا َل َأ ْوتَا ۭ ًدا‬

and ˹made˺ the mountains as ˹its˺ pegs,

٨ ‫َو َخلَ ْق َن ٰـ ُك ْم َأ ْز ٰ َو ۭ ًجا‬

and created you in pairs,

٩ ‫َو َج َعلْنَا َن ْو َم ُك ْم ُس َبا ۭ ًتا‬

and made your sleep for rest,

١۰ ً ۭ ‫َو َج َعلْنَا ٱ ّلَ ْي َل ِل َب‬

and made the night as a cover,


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