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what are my 5-year plans?

step 1: Study hard so that I can finish my studies even though I’m not smart and I
can repay my parents and hard work, they were tired when I was still studying just so
that I could finish my studies I will not waste the opportunity that I will not finish my
studies so that I can achieve my dreams in life so that I can provide the needs that I
did not achieve before.

Step 2: After graduating from college I will look for a permanent job and a high
salary to save, for myself and my family so that I can help them raise me and I can
make up for the hardships they put me through when I was still studying and I can't
bear to see them suffering and when I do my job to the best of my ability, stay
humble and always respect others.

Step 3: Measurable It's important to note that while many aspects of life are
measurable, not everything that is important in life can be easily quantified. For
example, qualities like love, happiness, fulfillment, and personal meaning are
subjective and can be challenging to measure precisely. Nonetheless, measurement
is a valuable tool for assessing and tracking progress in various aspects of life.

Step 4: education is important in life because studying in order to obtain a deeper

knowledge and understanding of a variety of subjects to be applied to daily life.
Education is not limited to just knowledge from books but can also be obtained
through practical experiences outside of the classroom.

Step 5: I would like to see myself as successful in life so that I can buy what I
want, and no longer depend on my parents for the future I will form a family and I will
build my own home for my own family.

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