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Plagiarism means kidnapping in Latin. Plagiarism is defined as the representation of another author's
language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work by the act of stealing.
Types of Plagiarism
1) Direct or Complete plagiarism – Direct or Complete plagiarism is the most severe form of
plagiarism where a researcher takes or steals a manuscript or study that someone else created,
and submits it under his or her name. In other words, when an author copies the text of another
author, word for word, without the use of quotation marks or attribution, thus passing it as his
or her own.
2) Partial plagiarism - When a person takes work from a multiple amount of authors and jus
paraphrases text from those authors without doing the actual research is known as partial
3) Self or auto plagiarism – When someone copies or reuses his/her own work which is done by
him/her previously, then it is known as self or auto plagiarism.
4) Collusion plagiarism – When more than one person forms a group to so a work either in part
or whole and then submits that work as their own work individually, then it is known as
collusion plagiarism.
5) Copy-Paste plagiarism – Whenever you copy and paste someone’s work and make its own
work without giving the credit to its original author is known as copy-paste plagiarism.
6) Word Switch plagiarism – It is a kind of plagiarism in which we change some words in copy-
paste plagiarism and make its own work, but doing this cannot change the idea of original work.
7) Concealing source plagiarism – It is a kind of plagiarism when a person steals or copies
someone’s work or ideas and putting it into his/her own words, without letting others to know
about it
8) Minimal plagiarism – When someone’s original work is edited, reframed, reordered,
reproduced and post it is as own’s work is known as minimal plagiarism. It’s very common in
education field.
9) Mosaic or substantial plagiarism - Mosaic plagiarism occurs when a student borrows phrases
from a source without using quotation marks, or finds synonyms for the author's language while
keeping to the same general language structure and meaning as found in the original.
10) Inadvertently or Accidental plagiarism – Sometimes plagiarisms are done accidentally, but
doing plagiarism either intentionally or unintentionally results for same legal action.

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