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Republic of the Philippines


(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales, 2202

SY: 2022-2023- 2ND SEMESTER

I.ESSAY. Direction: Explain, elaborate, and give examples and/or comments on the statement
cited below. (Minimum of 10 sentences)

"Globalization is the process of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things moving
closer. It pertains to the increasing ease with which somebody on one side of the world can
interact, to mutual benefit with somebody on the other side of the world- Thomas Larsson

Globalization is an ongoing process that has been unfolding over the past few decades. It refers
to the interconnectedness of nations, economies, and cultures. It involves the exchange of
ideas, goods, services, and information between individuals, businesses, and governments
across borders. Globalization is a complex phenomenon that is characterized by the blurring of
boundaries and the convergence of cultures. One of the key features of globalization is that it
makes the world a smaller place. This process is often referred to as the 'shrinking world effect'.

The shrinking world effect refers to the fact that globalization is making it easier and quicker for
people and things to move across borders. Thanks to advances in transportation and
communication technologies, people can travel to from one side of the world to the other in a
matter of hours, and communicate with each other instantly. For example, a person in New
York City can easily talk to someone in Tokyo using their phone or computer. Similarly, a
company located in Mexico can easily hire workers from Europe to work remotely.
Globalization has had profound effects on the world economy. It has created new opportunities
for countries to trade with each other and has led to the emergence of new markets. It has also
led to the growth of multinational corporations that operate across borders. This has given rise
to concerns about the power of these corporations and their impact on national sovereignty.
Another effect of globalization is the spread of culture. With the rise of global media and the
internet, people all over the world are exposed to similar ideas, trends, and products. This has
led to the emergence of a global culture that is shared by people everywhere. However, this
has also led to concerns about the loss of cultural diversity and the homogenization of cultures.

In conclusion, globalization is a complex phenomenon that has affected many aspects of our
lives. It has made the world a smaller place and has created new opportunities for people and
businesses. However, it has also created new challenges and has led to concerns about
inequality, environmental degradation, and cultural homogenization. As such, it is important to
consider the effects of globalization carefully and to work towards creating a more sustainable
and equitable global order.


Direction: Read the opinion-editorial (op-ed) article discussing globalization. Extract the
underlying concept of globalization explained in the article of ELFREN S. CRUZ - THE PHILIPPINE
STAR. Based on the article, is globalization a process, a condition, or on ideology? Explain your
choice. (minimum of 10 sentences)

The article by Efren S. Cruz titled "The downside of globalization discusses the negative effects
that globalization has hod on the Philippines. The author argues that while globalization is often
seen as a process that promotes worldwide economic integration, it has had negative
consequences for developing countries like the Philippines.

The article highlights the negative effects of globalization on the Philippine economy, including
the loss of jobs and the exploitation of workers. Additionally, the author argues that
globalization has led to the erosion of Philippine culture and identity, and the homogenization
of cultures worldwide.
Based on the article, it appears that globalization is primarily viewed as a process. The author
describes how globalization has impacted the Philippine economy and culture, and how it has
resulted in the loss of jobs and the exploitation of workers. Additionaly, the author argues that
globalization has led to the homogenization of cultures worldwide, suggesting that it is a
process by which cultures, economies, and societies become more interconnected and similar.

Overall, it seems that the author views globalization through a critical lens, highlighting its
negative effects on the Philippines. While globalization may have its benefits, the article
suggests that it should not be viewed as an unqualified good, and that its impacts should be
carefully considered and avalucited.

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