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Social Studies

November 17,2023
Grade 9’7
Topic: Contemporary social issues in the Caribbean
Sub topic : Human Trafficking

What is human trafficking?

This is about moving persons against their will,by force,coercion or fraud,away from their usual
place of residence to another location.It is most commonly associated with the transport of
children and women for forced labour or sexual exploitation purposes .

How can we stop human trafficking?

Strategies to combat trafficking include
1. Prevention - by educating potential victims about the dangers and by tackling the demand
for people to work in the sex industry or as bonded laborers.
2. Protection- by supporting victims if they act as witnesses,nelpingthem to regain
documentation and ensuring they are given
3. Reintegration -by counseling victims of trafficking and providing behaviors that large
numbers of people see as support services such as shelters,educational and vocational
financial assistance and job placement.

Effects of human trafficking

The effects of human trafficking on individuals are profound and often devastating:

1. Physical Health Impact: Trafficked individuals may suffer from physical injuries,
exposure to diseases, and inadequate healthcare, leading to long-term health issues.
2. Psychological Trauma: Victims experience severe emotional and psychological trauma,
including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and a sense of
3. Loss of Autonomy and Freedom: Trafficked individuals endure a loss of personal
freedom, forced into situations against their will, whether it's forced labor, sexual
exploitation, or other forms of coercion.
4. Social Isolation: Many victims are isolated from their families, communities, and support
networks, intensifying the psychological impact and making recovery challenging.
5. Stigmatization and Shame: Survivors often face social stigma and shame, hindering their
reintegration into society and complicating the process of seeking help or justice.

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