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Bella Thayer Spring


Professional Development

Faculty Meetings - Spring 2024 These faculty meetings were to address several concerning

student behaviors and school wide issues that were happening within the district. Teachers and

administration discussed what was happening and how best to help the students.

Social Studies Department Meetings - Spring 2024 These meetings discussed the goals of the

department both short term and long term. These meetings discussed issues such as staffing and

roles within the department, as well as school wide issues regarding FERPA and other policies.

Many of these meetings focused on the long term goal of the department which is to earn the

Seal of Civic Readiness from New York State.

District Superintendent's Day - March 2024 This was an entire school day dedicated to a

variety of workshops organized by the district. These workshops focused on how to best assist

teachers within the classroom, and how to keep students as safe and comfortable as possible.

This day involved department meetings, sensitivity training, and safety training.

Mandated Reporting Training - February 2024 ​This training went over what qualifies as

needing to be reported in terms of abuse and neglect, and went over who to contact within the

district with these concerns. This training outlined the signs of abuse and neglect to be aware of.
Workplace Violence Training - March 2024 In this training we learned what qualifies as

workplace violence in terms of other staff members, students, and those who are not part of the

school community. This training reviewed who to report this violence to, and emphasized the

importance of teachers reporting such violence in order to maintain a safe work environment.

Gender Non-Discrimination Training - March 2024 This training discussed the Dignity for

All Students Act and reviewed best practice in terms of making transgender students feel

comfortable and safe within the classroom. This training emphasized how important it is for

students to feel safe and seen within the classroom.

First Year Planning Training - March 2024 This training went over techniques for lesson

planning for first year teachers. The training emphasized the Danielson Model and was led by

two experienced and tenured teachers. The importance of the focus of lessons as well as the

inquiry model was emphasized.

Google Enterprise Training - March 2024 In this training we reviewed the various aspects of

Google Enterprise including Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings, and Mail. In addition to this, the

training went over all updates to Enterprise and focused on tools and aspects of Google that are

less used and less known.

AI Exploration within the Classroom - March 2024 This training went over how to use AI

within the classroom for both the benefits of educators and students. The training consisted of

tutorials of multiple AI platforms that can help with lesson planning, student accommodations,

and student projects.

Castleton Student Teaching Supervisor Meetings 2024: Over a fourteen-week period, I

collaborated with my supervisor for two or more hours each week on topics including teaching

strategies, formative assessment, unit development, engaging students, levels of questions, how

to organize and present my work, and practicing for interviews.

Castleton Student Teaching Seminar 2024: This seminar has provided discussion on

procedures around child endangerment and mandatory reporting. In addition, we were given

guidance preparing resumes, documents and interview tips.

Castleton Observation-Participation Placements 2022-2023: These two placements totaled

over ninety hours of direct involvement in classrooms in both Vermont and New York areas. I

observed two different professionals that each had their own style of instruction and

communication with students. I worked with students, taught a lesson, and reflected on my

observation notes.

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