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Mount litera zee School, Mylode

1 Sexual reproduction in flowering plant

1. The end products of sexual reproduction is A) Androecium B) Stamen

/ are – C) Gynoecium D) Tepals
A) Fruit B) Seeds Page No.-21, Easy
C) Flower D) A & B both 2.2.1 Stamen, Microsporangium &
Page No.-20, Easy Pollen grains
2.1 Flower
6. A typical angiosperm anther is _______
2. Floriculture deals with – with each lobe having _______ theca i.e.
A) Flower B) Seed culture they are ______
C) Fruit D) Both B & C A) Bilobed, two, dithecous
Page No.-20, Easy B) Dithecous, two, bilobed
3. C) Bilobed , four, dithecous
D) Dithecous, four, bilobed
Page No.-21, Easy
7. Often theca is separated by
A) Transverse groove
B) Longitudinal groove
C) Diagonal groove
D) All of these
Page No.-21, Easy
8. The dithecous consist of ______
a b c d microsporangia located at the corners,
A Style Filament Stigma Ovary ________ in each lobe.
B Filament Style Ovary Stigma A) Two, one B) Two, two
C Filament Style Thalamus Anther C) Four, two D) Both A & C
D Style Filament Stigma Ovule Page No.-21, Easy
9. Arrange microsporangial wall in sequence
Page No.-20, Easy of outside to inside
2.2.2 The pistil, Megasporangium A) Epidermis, middle layer, endothecium,
(Ovule) and Embryosac tapetum
B) Epidermis, endothecium, middle layer,
4. Choose incorrect statement – tapetum
A) Several hormonal & structural changes C) Epidermis, middle layer, tapetum,
are initiated which lead to endothecium
redifferentiation and further D) Endothecium, middle layer, tapetum,
development of the floral primordium. epidermis
B) Inflorescences are formed which bear Page No.-21, Easy
the floral buds and then the flower 10. How many of microsporangial wall perform
C) In the flower male and female function of protection and help in
reproductive structures, the dehiscence of anther to release pollen
androecium and the gynoecium A) 1 B) 2
differentiate and develop C) 3 D) 4
D) None of these Page No.-21, Easy
Page No.-20, Easy 11. ________ is responsible for nourishment of
5. Reproductive organ of flower doesnot pollen grain.
comprises- A) Tapetum B) Endothecium

C) Epidermis D) Middle layer 16. Choose correct about pollen grain wall-
Page No.-21, Easy i) It has two layered prominent wall
12. Which of the following undergo meiotic ii) Hard outer layered prominent wall
division to form microspore tetrad iii) Exine is composed of sporopollenin
A) Sporogenous tissue iv) Sporopollenin form continuous exine
B) Generative tissue A) i, ii, iii, iv B) i, ii, iii
C) Microspore C) i, iii D) i & iv
D) A & B Page No.-22, Medium
Page No.-21, Easy 17. Sporopollenin is absent in –
13. A) Intine B) Germpore
C) Exine D) A & B both
Page No.-23, Medium
18. Pollen grains are well preserved as fossil
because of
A) Presence of intine
B) Presence of germpore
C) Presence of sporopollenin
D) All of these
a b c d e Page No.-23, Medium
A Tapet Micros endothe epidermi Middl 19. Sporopollenin is degraded by –
um pore cium s e layer
A) Engyme
B) High temperature
B Tapet Micros epidermi endothe Middl C) Strong acid & alkali
um pore s cium e layer D) None of these
mother Page No.-23, Medium
20. Inner wall of pollen grain is –
C Tapet Middle Microsp endothe epider
um layer ore cium mis A) Intine, made up of cellulose & lignin
mother B) Thin discontinuous intine
cell C) Both A & B
D epider Middle Microsp endothe Tapet D) None of these
mis layer ore cium um
Page No.-23, Medium
cell 21. When pollen grain mature –
A) It consist of two cell that are two male
Page No.-22, Medium gamete only.
14. Microsporogenesis – B) It consist of two cell that are generative
A) Process of formation of microspore & vegetative cell
B) Development of pollen grain from C) It consist of two cell that are two male
pollen mother cell gamete arise from vegetative cell and
C) It involve meiosis one generative cell
D) All of these D) It consist of three cell that are two male
Page No.-22, Easy gamete develop meiotically from
15. Pollen grain represents – generative cell and one vegetative cell
A) Male gametophyte Page No.-23, Easy
B) Male sporophyte 22. Choose incorrect statement among
C) Female gametophyte following:
D) Female sporophyte A) In over 60% of angiosperm, pollen
Page No.-22, Easy grains are shed at 3 – cell stage

B) In over 60% of angiosperm, pollen A) Multicarpellary apocarpous gynoecium

grains are shed at 2 – cell stage of michelia
C) Both A & B B) Multicarpellary synocarpous
D) None of these gynoecium of michelia
Page No.-23, Easy C) Multicarpellary synocarpous
23. Pollen allergy is not correlated with- gynoecium of papaver
A) Cause of parthenium D) Multicarpellary apocarpous gynoecium
B) Cause chronic respiratory disorder of papaver
C) Carrot grass that come into india as a Page No.-25, Easy
contaminant with imported rice 28. Which of following serves as a landing
D) None of these platform for pollen grain?
Page No.-24, Easy A) Stigma B) Style
24. Pollen grain of rice is viable upto- C) Anther D) Filament
A) 30 min Page No.-25, Easy
B) Several month 29. Choose correct statement:
C) Same as in sonaceae A) Inside the ovary is the ovarian cavity,
D) Both B & C also known as lodicule
Page No.-24, Easy B) Megasporangia is commonly called
25. Which temperature is correct to store ovules
semen for artificial insemination- C) The placenta is located outside ovarian
A) 196°C B) -196°C cavity
C) 34°C D) 4°C D) A & C both
Page No.-24, Easy Page No.-25, Easy
2.2 Pre – fertilization : structure & 30. Choose incorrect statement –
events: A) The number of ovules in an ovary is one
in paddy
26. Papaver show- B) The number of ovules in an ovary is
i) Multicarpellary many in papaya
ii) Apocarpous C) The number of ovules in an ovary is one
iii) Syncarpous in orchid
iv) Monocarpellary D) Wheat mango consist of one ovule
A) i, ii B) i, iii Page No.-25, Easy
C) iv, ii D) iv, iii 31. Ovule is attached to placenta by –
Page No.-24, Easy A) Funicle B) Integument
27. Given diagram is of – C) Hilum D) Nucellus
Page No.-25, Easy
32. Hilum represents the junction between
A) Ovule & ovary
B) Ovule & funicle
C) Ovule & integument
D) None of these
Page No.-25, Easy
33. Chalaza end represent –
A) Basal part of ovule
B) Apical part of ovule
C) Basal part of ovary
D) Apical part of ovary

Page No.-25, Easy two nuclei which move to the opposite

34. Female gametophyte of angiosperm poles, forming the 2-nucleate embryo
represented by – sac
A) Nucellus B) Embryosac B) Two more sequential mitotic nuclear
C) Integument D) Both A & B division in 2-nucleate embryo sac
Page No.-25, Easy result in formation of 4- nucleate
35. An ovile generally has ______ embryo sac C) Mitotic division in embryo sac
formed from a megaspore through ________ formation upto 8-celled is strictly free
division nuclear
A) Single, equational D) All of these
B) Single, reductional Page No.-26, Medium
C) Four, meiotic 41. How many of eight nuclei of typical
D) Four, mitotic embryosac is surrounded by cell wall
Page No.-25, Easy A) 2 B) 4
36. Megasporogenesis is not related to – C) 6 D) 7
A) Formation of megaspore from Page No.-26, Medium
megaspore mother cell 42. Central cell of typical embryosac is
B) MMC undergoes meiotic division for situated –
megaspore A) Below egg apparatus
C) Formation of microspore B) Above egg apparatus
D) Both A & C C) At chalazal end
Page No.-25, Easy D) None of these
37. Ovules generally differentiate a single Page No.-26, Easy
megaspore mother cell in – 43. Choose the correct about egg apparatus of
A) Chalazal end B) Micropylar region typical embryosac
C) Both A & B D) Integument A) Situated at micropylar end
Page No.-25, Easy B) Consist of three cells
38. In a majority of flowering plants C) Both A & B
A) One of the megaspore is functional D) Consist of all cells having special
while other three degenerate cellular thickening at micropylar tip
B) All four megaspore can developes into 44. Typical embryo-sac of angiosperm at
female gametophyte in almost all maturity is –
angiosperm A) 8 celled, 8 nucleate
C) Three megaspore is functional while B) 7 celled, 8 nucleate
other one degenerated C) 8 celled, 7 nucleate
D) Both A & B D) 7 celled, 7 nucleate
Page No.-26, Easy Page No.-26, Easy
39. Monosporic embryo development involve – 45.
A) One functional megaspore
B) One haploid cell formed in egg
C) Four functional megaspore
D) None of these
Page No.-26, Easy
40. Choose correct statement –
A) The nucleus of the functional
megaspore divides mitotically to form

a b c d e f 51. Oxalis produce-

A Antipo Polas Centr Egg Synergi Filiform A) Cleistogamous flowers
dal nucle al cell d apparat
B) Chasmogamous flowers
i us
B Antipo Polas Embr Egg Synergi Filiform C) Both (A) and (B)
dal nucle yo d apparat D) Can't say
i sac us Page No.-28, Easy
C Antipo Polas Egg Embr Filiform Synergi 52. How many of the given characters are
dal nucle yo apparat d
i sac us
necessarily present in cleistogamous
D Antipo Centr Polar Egg Filiform Synergi flower.
dal al nucle apparat d (i) Anthex and stigma lie close to each
cell i us other.
(ii) There is synchrony in pollen release
Page No.-26, Easy and stigma receptivity.
(iii) Lengths of anther and stigma are very
2.2.3 Pollination different.
(iv) Flower is necessarily dioecious.
46. Pollination is- (v) Assured seed-set even without
A) transfer of motile pollen to stigma pollinators.
B) transfer of non-motile anther to stigma A) 1 B) 2
C) transfer of motile anther to stigma C) 3 D) 4
D) transfer of non-motile pollen to stigma Page No.-28, Easy
Page No.-27, Easy 53. Geitonogamy is-
47. Transfer of pollen from anther to stigma of A) Functionally self-pollination and
same flower is called- genetically cross-pollination
A) Autogamy B) Geitonogany B) Genetically self-pollination and
C) Xenogeny D) None of these functionally cross-pollination
Page No.-27, Easy C) Cross-pollination both genetically and
48. Read the given statements- functionally
(i) Autogamy cannot occur in open flower. D) Self-pollination both genetically and
(ii) Geitonogany cannot occur in closed functionally
flower. Page No.-28, Easy
Choose the appropriate answer- 54. Xenogamy is-
A) (i) is correct but (ii) is wrong A) Functionally self-pollination and
B) (i) is wrong but (ii) is correct genetically cross-pollination
C) (i) and (ii) are both correct B) Genetically self-pollination and
D) (i) and (ii) are both wrong functionally cross-pollination
Page No.-28, Easy C) Cross-pollination both genetically and
49. Complete autogamy is rare in- functionally
A) Closed flower D) Self-pollination both genetically and
B) Open flower functionally
C) Both open and closed flower Page No.-28, Easy
D) Neither open nor closed flower 55. Autogamy is-
Page No.-28, Easy A) Functionally self-pollination and
50. Flowers that do not open at all are called genetically cross-pollination
A) Chasmogamous B) Polygamous B) Genetically self-pollination and
C) Cleistogamous D) Xenogamous functionally cross-pollination
Page No.-28, Easy


C) Cross-pollination both genetically and 61. The tassels in corn cob are-
functionally A) Filaments of anthers
D) Self-pollination both genetically and B) Stigma and style
functionally C) Reduced leaf
Page No.-27, Easy D) Stalk of ovule
56. Genetically different type of pollen is Page No.-28, Easy
brought to stigma by- 62. Match the columns.
A) Atutogamy only Column-I Column-II
B) Geitonogamy only (i) Wind (a) Maize
C) Xenogamy only pollination
D) More than one options (ii) Water (b) Hydrilla
Page No.-28, Easy pollination
(iii) Biotic (c) Monocots
57. (a) Pollination by abiotic agents is a chance
(iv) Freshwater (d) Amorphophallus
(b) Pollen is produced in enormous pollination
amount as compared to number of ovules.
A) (i)-d, (ii)-b, (iii)-d, (iv)-c
Choose the best answer.
B) (i)-c, (ii)-d, (iii)-a, (iv)-b
A) a and b are correct and b is the reason
C) (i)-a, (ii)-c, (iii)-d, (iv)-b
for a
D) (i)-b, (ii)-a, (iii)-c, (iv)-d
B) a and b are correct and a is the reason
Page No.-28, Easy
for b
63. (a) Distribution of some bryophytes &
C) a is incorrect and b is correct
pteridophytes is limited.
D) b is incorrect and a is correct
(r) Transport of male gamete in bryophytes
Page No.-28, Easy
& pteridophyte is dependent on water.
58. Which is more common abiotic agent for
Choose the correct options.
A) a and r are correct but r is correct
A) Wind B) Insect
explanation for a
C) Water D) Animal
B) a and r are correct but r is not correct
Page No.-28, Easy
explanation for a
59. The pollen grains in wind pollinated plants
C) Both a and r are incorrect
should be-
D) a is correct but r is incorrect
A) Heavy and sticky
Page No.-29, Easy
B) Heavy and non-sticky
64. Aquatic plants pollinated by water are
C) Light and sticky
given, except-
D) Light and non-sticky
A) Zostera
Page No.-28, Easy
B) Hydrilla
60. Wind pollinated flowers often have ____ in
C) Water hyacinth
each ovary and flowers are after ____.
D) More than one option
(i) (ii)
Page No.-29, Easy
A) Single Single
65. Pollination in water lily occurs by-
B) Multiple Single
A) Water B) Wind
C) Single packed in
inflorescence C) Insects D) Both B and C
D) multiple packed in Page No.-29, Easy
inflorescence 66. Choose the correct statements for
pollination in sea grasses-
Page No.-28, Easy (i) Female flower reach surface of water.
(ii) Female flower remain submerged.

(iii) Pollen released on water surface.

(iv) Pollen release inside water.
(v) Pollen grains are carried passively by
(vi) Pollen grains are carried actively in
(vii) Most of the pollen reach stigma.
(viii) Some of the pollen reach stigma.
A) (i), (iii), (v), (vii)
B) (ii), (iv), (vi), (vii)
C) (ii), (iv), (v), (vii)
(i) (ii)
D) (ii), (iv), (v), (viii)
A) Chasmogamous, Cleistogamous,
Page No.-29, Easy autogamy allogamy
67. Choose correct statements for pollination B) Chasmogamous, Cleistogamous,
in vallisneria- allogamy autogamy
(i) Female flower reach surface of water. C) Cleistogamous, Chasmogamous,
(ii) Female flower remain submerged. autogamy allogamy
(iii) Pollen released on water surface. D) Cleistogmous, Chasmogamous,
(iv) Pollen release inside water. allogamy autogamy
(v) Pollen grains are carried passively by
water. Page No.-28, Easy
(vi) Pollen grains are carried actively in 71. The figure shows-
(vii) Most of the pollen reach stigma.
(viii) Some of the pollen reach stigma.
A) (i), (iii), (v), (vii)
B) (ii), (iv), (vi), (vii)
C) (i), (iii), (v), (viii)
D) (ii), (iv) (v), (viii)
Page No.-29, Easy
A) Wind pollination in freshwater
68. Requirement for pollen of water pollinated
plants are-
B) Water pollination in marine Hydrilla
(i) Light pollen
C) Water pollination in marine Lostera
(ii) Pollen with mucilagenous cover
D) Water pollination in freshwater
(iii) Non-sticky pollen
(iv) Long ribbon-like pollen
Page No.-29, Easy
A) (i) and (iii) B) (iii) and (iv)
72. Dominant biotic pollinating agents are-
C) (i) and (ii) D) (ii) and (iv)
A) Bees B) Birds
Page No.-29, Easy
C) Butterflies D) Ants
69. Majority of angiosperms use ____ for
Page No.-29, Easy
73. How many of the following may act as
A) Wind B) Water
C) Animals D) Both A and B
Bees, butterflies, wasps, beetles, leopard,
Page No.-28, Easy
bats, pigeon
70. Identify the given labels-
A) 5 B) 4
C) 3 D) 2


74. Insect-pollinated flowers are- A) Genetic mechanism

A) Large, colourful, rich in nectar B) Positional separation of anther and
B) Large, colourless, rich in nectar stigma
C) Small, clustered, fragrant, sticky C) Prevention for geitonogamy
D) More than one option is correct D) More than one option
Page No.-30, Easy Page No.-31, Easy
75. Floral rewards are- 82. Production of unisexual flowers on a plant
A) Nectar B) Pollen grains assures prevention of-
C) Both B and A D) None of these A) Autogamy only
Page No.-30, Easy B) Autogamy and geitonogamy
76. Floral reward in Amorphophallus is- C) Geitonogamy only
A) Nectar D) Autogamy and Xenogamy
B) Safe place to lay-eggs Page No.-31, Easy
C) Colourful petals 83. Monoecious plants assures-
D) Fragrance to attract insects A) no autogamy
Page No.-31, Easy B) no autogamy and geitonogamy
77. Which of the statements is true about C) no autogamy and xenogamy
(a) Pronuba moth and (b) Yucca plant? D) no geitonogamy and xenogamy
A) (a) is dependent on (b) for life cycle but Page No.-31, Easy
the opposite is not true 84. Dioecious plants assures-
B) (b) is dependent on a for life cycle but A) no autogamy
the opposite is not true B) no autogamy and geitonogamy
C) Both (a) and (b) are interdependent on C) no autogamy and xenogamy
each other for their life cycle D) no geitonogamy and xenogamy
D) Both (a) and (b) are independent of Page No.-31, Easy
each other for life cycle 85. If a wrong pollen (from other species or
Page No.-30, Easy self-incompatible) lands on stigma-
78. Outbreeding devices are used to prevent- A) Pollen germinates but pollen tube
A) Self-fertilization cannot grow in style
B) Cross-pollination B) Pollen germinates, grows in style but
C) Both self and cross pollination cannot enter ovary
D) Xenogamy C) Does not germinate at all
Page No.-31, Easy D) Both A and C
79. Inbreeding depression is a result of- Page No.-31, Easy
A) Self-fertilization followed by cross- 86. When pollen grain germinates and
fertilization produce pollen tubes
B) Cross-fertilization followed by self- A) Content of pollen grain is distributed
fertilization uniformly
C) Continued cross-fertilization B) Content of pollen grain move into
D) Continued self-fertilization pollen tube
Page No.-31, Easy C) Content of pollen grain is distributed
80. Self-pollination can be prevented by non-uniform, more in pollen grain
separation of anther and stigma in- D) Content of pollen grain is distributed
A) time (maturity) B) place (position) non-uniformly, more in pollen tube
C) none of these D) both of these Page No.-31, Easy
Page No.-31, Easy 87. Filiform apparatus is present at-
81. Self-incompatibility is not- A) Micropylar part of synergid

B) Chalazal part of synergid A) One male gamete fuses with nucleus of

C) Micropylar part of antipodal egg cell
D) Chalazal part of antipodal B) Syngamy results into dyad of cells
Page No.-32, Easy C) Second male gamete move toward polar
88. Emasculation is done in- nuclei
A) Male parent D) Triple fusion results into PEN
B) Female parent Page No.-34, Easy
C) Both male and female parent 94. Triple fusion is-
D) Depends on the project A) Fusion of third male gamete with polar
Page No.-33, Easy nuclei
89. The emasculated flowers are bagged to- B) Fusion of three haploid cells
A) Protect flower from strong sunlight C) Fusion of second male gamete with egg
B) Protect flower from rain cell
C) Protect flower from unwanted pollen D) Fusion of three haploid nuclei
D) Protect flower from insects Page No.-34, Easy
Page No.-33, Easy 95. Which of these is correct?
90. If female parent produces unisexual A) Syngamy = Triple fusion + Double
flowers, there is- fertilization
A) no need of emasculation & bagging B) Double fertilization = Syngamy + Triple
B) need of emasculation & bagging fusion
C) no need of emasculation but bagging is C) Triple fusion = Double fertilization –
needed Syngamy
D) no need of bagging but emasculation is D) More than one option is correct
needed Page No.-34, Easy
Page No.-33, Easy 96. Central cell after double fertilization
91. Identify the filiform apparatus in given becomes-
figure- A) Zygote B) PEN
C) PEC D) Embryo
Page No.-34, Easy
97. Identify the correct labels.

A) I B) II
Page No.-32, Easy
2.3 Double Fertilization
92. Pollen tube release male gametes into-
A) Cytoplasm of Egg cell
B) Nucleus of Egg cell (i) (ii) (iii)
C) Cytoplasm of Synergids A) Zygote PEN Degenerating
D) Cytoplasm of Antipodals antipodals
Page No.-34, Easy B) Zygote PEC Degenerating
93. Which of the following is incorrect about antipodals
double fertilization? C) Zygote PEN Degenerating


D) Zygote PEC Dengenerating (ii) zygote formation

synergids (iii) embryo development
Page No.-34, Easy (iv) seed formation
98. Identify the correct labels. (v) fruit formation
A) 5 B) 4
C) 3 D) 2
Page No.-34, Easy
2.4.1 Endosperm
101. Select correct statement-
A) Endosperm development proceeds
embryosac development
B) Endosperm development precedes
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) embryo development
A Globula Heart- Suspe Cotyled C) Embryo development precedes
r shaped nsor on
endosperm development
embryo embryo
D) More than one option is correct
B Heart- Globula Cotyle Suspen
Page No.-35, Easy
shaped r don sor
embryo embryo 102. Endosperm tissue is-
C Globula Heart- Cotyle Suspen A) Haploid B) Diploid
r shaped don sor C) Triploid D) Tetraploid
embryo embryo Page No.-35, Easy
D Heart- Globula Suspe Cotyled 103. In free-nuclear endosperm-
Shaped r nsor on A) PEN undergoes successive nuclear
embyro embryo divisions
B) PEC undergoes successive cellular
Page No.-34, Easy divisions
99. The figure shows stages in- C) PEN undergoes successive cellular
D) More than one option is correct
Page No.-35, Easy
104. Cells of endosperm tissue are filled with-
A) reserve food materials for plant cells
B) reserve food material for embryo
C) reserve food material for developing
D) more than one option is correct
A) Embryo development in dicot
Page No.-35, Easy
B) Embryo development in monocot
105. Coconut water from tender coconut is ____
C) Embryo development in gymnosperm
and white kernel is ____.
D) Both A and B
(i) (ii)
Page No.-34, Easy
A) Cellular Free-nuclear
2.4 Post Fertilization : Structure endosperm endosperm
and Events B) Free nuclear Cytoplasmic
endosperm endosperm
100. Post fertilization includes how many of C) Free-nuclear Cellular endosperm
the following events-
(i) endosperm development

D) Cytoplasmic Cellular endosperm Page No.-35, Easy

endosperm 112. Hypocotyl terminates in-
A) Plumule
Page No.-35, Easy B) Radicle
106. Endosperm is completely consumed by C) Root tip
developing embryo before seed maturation D) More than one option is correct
in- Page No.-35, Easy
A) Groundnut B) Castor 113. (i) In dicot embryo, root tip is covered by
C) Coconut D) All of these root cap.
Page No.-35, Easy (ii) In dicot embryo, scutellum is situated
107. Endosperm persists in mature seeds in- towards one side of embryonal axis.
A) Castor (iii) Cylindrical portion below the level of
B) Pea cotyledons is hypocotyl in dicots embryo.
C) Beans (iv) In dicot embryo, epicotyl terminates
D) More than one option is correct with stem tip.
Page No.-35, Easy How many of the above statements is
2.4.2 Embryo incorrect?
A) Zero B) One
108. Embryo develops at
C) Two D) Three
A) micropylar end
Page No.-35, Easy
B) chalazal end
114. In grass family, the scutellum is-
C) either micropylar or chalazal end
A) Cotyledon B) Root tip
D) neither microplar nor chalazal end
C) Epiblast D) Shot tip
Page No.-35, Easy
Page No.-35, Easy
109. Choose the correct order of embryo
115. Identify the given figures-
development in dicots-
(i) Zygote
(ii) Heart-shaped embryo
(iii) Mature embryo
(iv) Proembryo
(v) Globular embryo
A) i-iv-ii-v-ii B) i-iv-ii-v-iii
C) i-iv-iii-ii-v D) ii-iv-v-ii-iii
Page No.-35, Easy
110. How many of the given parts are present in
dicot embryo-
Embryonal axis, Cotyledons, Scutellum,
Hypocotyl, Root cap
A) 5 B) 4
C) 3 D) 2
Page No.-35, Easy
111. How many of the given parts are present in
monocot embryo-
Cotyledon, scutellum, Coleoptile, Radicle,
Root cap
A) 5 B) 4
C) 3 D) 2


A) (i) is embryo of grass A) hollow structure

B) (ii) is embryo of dicots B) foliar structure
C) (ii) is embryo of monocot C) undifferentiated sheath
D) More than one option is correct D) more than one option is correct
Page No.-35, Easy Page No.-36, Easy
116. Identify the correct labels- 2.4.3 Seed
120. Read the following statements-
(i) Seed is final product of sexual
reproduction is plant.
(ii) Seed is fertilized ovule.
(iii) Seed is formed inside fruit.
(iv) Seed consists of seed coat(s),
cotyledon(s) and embryo axis.
How many of the statements is incorrect?
A) Zero B) One
C) Two D) Three
(i) (ii) (iii) Page No.-36, Easy
A) Cotyledon Plumule Hypocotyl 121. Non-albuminous seeds-
B) Radicle Cotyledon Plumule
A) have residual endosperm
C) Hypocotyl Plumule Cotyledon
B) retain a part of endosperm
D) Cotyledon Plumule Epicotyl
C) is found in castor
Page No.-35, Easy
D) None of these
117. Identify the correct labels-
Page No.-36, Easy
122. Groundnut is-
A) Albuminous
B) Non-albuminous
C) Has residual endosperm in mature
D) More than one option is correct
Page No.-36, Easy
123. Perisperm is-
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) A) Persistent nucleus
A Epiblast Scutellum Coleoptile Root cap
B) Found in beet
B Scutellum Epiblast Shoot apex Radicle
C) Residual endosperm
C Epiblast Scutellum Root cap Shoot
D) More than one option
D Scutellum Epiblast Radicle Coleoptile Page No.-36, Easy
124. Integument of ovules mature into-
Page No.-35, Easy A) Ovary wall B) Pericarp
118. Coleoptile is- C) Seed coat D) Perisperm
A) hollow structure Pag Micropyle is- No.-36, Easy
B) solid structure 125. Micropyle is-
C) sometimes hollow and sometimes solid A) Absent in seed
structure B) Present inside seed
D) semi-solid C) Present on surface of seed
Page No.-35, Easy D) Present on seed coat
119. Coleorhiza is- Page No.-36, Easy

126. Micropyle plays role of- C) Induced by application of growth

A) Stalk for seed harmones
B) Scar of stalk D) Such fruits are seed less
C) Facilitating entry of water into seed Page No.-36, Easy
D) Facilitating escape of seed metabolites 133. Identify the endosperm in the given figure
Page No.-36, Easy –
127. Mature seed has-
A) More water content and more
B) Less water content and more
C) Less water content and less
metabolism A) I B) II
D) More water content and more C) III D) IV
metabolism Page No.-37, Easy
Page No.-36, Easy 134. Identify cotyledon in the given figure of
128. The embryo in a mature seed- seed
A) Germinates essentially
B) May enter dormancy
C) Always enters dormancy first, followed
by germination
D) Both B and C
Page No.-36, Easy
129. Choose the correct match regarding the
maturing of flower into fruit-
A) Wall of ovule – pericarp A) I B) II
B) Nucellus – periderm C) III D) IV
C) Ovary – seed Page No.-37, Medium
D) None of these 135. Identify scutellum in the given figure –
Page No.-36, Easy
130. Fleshy fruit is-
A) Mustard B) Groundnut
C) Guava D) More than one
Page No.-36, Easy
131. In false fruits, select incorrect statement-
A) Floral parts other than ovary are
B) Thalamus may contribute to fruit
C) Examples include apple, cashew, A) I B) II
groundnut C) III D) IV
D) Fruit does not develop from ovary Page No.-37, Medium
Page No.-36, Easy 136. The given figure shows –
132. Which of these is incorrect about
A) Plant formed without fertilization
B) Banana is example
TG: @Chalnaayaaar

B) Seed without fertilization

C) Plant without fertilization
D) More than one option
Page No.-38, Easy
142. Apomixis is –
A) A form of sexual reproduction that
A) Eucarp of apple and lithi
mimics asexual reproduction
B) Pseudocarp of apple litchi
B) A form of asexual reproduction that
C) Eucarp of apple and strawberry
mimics sexual reproduction
D) Pseudocarp of apple and strawberry
C) Both of the above
Page No.-37, Medium
D) None of these
137. In angiosperm, pollination and fertilization
Page No.-38, Easy
are –
143. Apomixis is found in –
A) Both independent of water
A) Solanaceae B) Liliaceae
B) Both dependent of water
C) Asteraceae D) Brassicaceae
C) Only pollination is essentially on water
Page No.-38, Easy
D) Only fertilization is dependent on water
144. Mango contains –
Page No.-37, Medium
A) Multiple ovaries in a flower
138. For storage of seeds –
B) Multiple ovules in an ovary
A) Dehydration is important
C) Multiple embryo in an ovule
B) Dormancy is important
D) More than one option is correct
C) Neither dehydration nor dormancy is
Page No.-38, Easy
145. What is the major constraint associated
D) Both dehydration and dormancy are
with hybrides?
A) Hybrides are not accepted by farmers
Page No.-37, Easy
B) Hybrides are costly
139. The oldest yet viable seed found is –
C) Hybrid seeds have to be produced every
A) Lupinus from arctic tundra
year and the seeds from hybrid cannot
B) Phoenix from arctic tundra
be sown
C) Lupinus from king herod’s palace
D) More than one option is correct
D) Phoenix from king herod’s palace
Page No.-38, Easy
Page No.-37, Easy
146. What is the problem with sowing seeds
140. Phoenix dactylifera is commonly known as
from hybrid plant?

A) Seeds will not germinate (low
A) Fig B) Coconut
germination rate)
C) Cashew D) None of these
B) Progeny will be unhealthy
Page No.-37, Easy
C) Hybrid characters will be lost due to
2.5 Apomixis and Polyenbryony segregation
D) All of these
141. Apomixis is –
Page No.-38, Easy
A) Fruit without fertilization

TG: @Chalnaayaaar


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