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Commitment is also a personal thing.

It is a strong indicator of a self-discipline, resilience and

persistence. It is a value that differentiates the stout- hearted from the weak. People who are
committed, do their very best even outside their comfort zones. They hurdle difficulties to fulfill their
commitments not only to others but also to themselves. Because they are focused, their choices in life
are clearer and they know their way towards their goals. People who are not committed lack focus and
usually end up with many hazy choices. They struggle in sacrificially working towards their dreams and in
holding on to it. They lack competence in self-management, especially in the areas of: integrity,
achievement drive, realistic optimism, resilience and integrity.

erilla frutescens is an annual herb belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is majorly produced in
countries like China, Japan, India, Thailand and Korea. Recently, Perilla plant is gaining more attention
because of its medicinal benefits and phytochemical contents. The major phytochemical compounds
reported in this species are phenolic compounds (Rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid), flavonoids
(luteolin, apigenin), Phytosterols, Tocopherols, Policosanols and Fatty acid. Perilla seed oil is also a rich
source of essential fatty acid such as α-linolenic acid (54-64%) and linoleic acid (14%).

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