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Assignment 1: Establishing expectations


Employee’s Expectations Manager’s Expectations

● Employees should Coordinate with ● Managers should be accountable

various department managers to for Building long term relationships
discuss compliance issues within the with customers.

● Work well with other people. ● Make timely strategies to solve the
problems of the customers.
● Leading worker training session on
compliance and legal issues. ● Learn the job with training and
guidance .
● Resolve work related issues and
disputes in a professional manner
● Play important staff orientation
and through established business
processes. roles.

● Employees should focus on projects ● Prepare new staff policies to take

delivered on time and on budget. an active role in the organization.

● Report circumstances that may affect

satisfactory work performance
● Promote the well- being of his
including inappropriate activities like
illegal and unethical activities to the employees by maintaining high
management. standards of work performance.

● Work cooperatively to achieve ● Maintain budget. So, that all

organization goals and objectives. employees have access to budget
and performance against budget
● If an employee has any complaint
monitored monthly.
with work conditions or co-workers,
they are expected to use proper
procedure. ● Managers should provide
For example: Notifying the supervisor employees with ongoing feedback,
or human resources consultant to remedy a so that employees can enhance
situation. their performance for the
betterment of their company.
● Support efforts that ensure a safe
and healthy work environment.
● Perform as a team player.
● Setting workplace goals efficiently As, team players are willing to work with
overall is a critical part of others to carry out work assignments and
successfully leading and managing a accomplish objectives.
team, as well as developing an
accountability culture. It laid down a ● Managers are expected to help the
baseline for evaluating future employee comprehend and
performance. appreciate how they contribute to
● Perform their jobs to a reasonable, the organization.
acceptable standard.

● Conduct themselves in a professional ● Manager should have a proper

manner, even if they are off duty. conversation about the company's
culture, paying specific attention to
● Be open to constructive feedback focusing on the employee’s
without being defensive or without particular role in the organization.
taking it negative.
● Ensure a safe and respectful work
● Employees are expected to follow set
policies and procedures when environment.
dealing with problems or issues.
● Eventually workers should promote
● Employees should represent the mutual respect and barriers in
organization in a responsible communications and build
manner. environments for open
● Employees should be willing to help
each other instead of displaying and
“it’s not my job” attitude. ● Managers should provide full
disclosure and explanation of the
● Employees should respect each job responsibilities, company
other, and be courteous and policies and procedures to its
sensitive to everyone’s needs and employees.
● Managers are responsible to
ensure timely and accurate
payment of wages.

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