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Biological features of human vital functions

1. Cell culture is treated by colchicine during mitosis in order to study the

karyotype in diagnostics of chromosomal diseases. This substance blocks
contraction of spindle fibers. On what phase the mitosis will be stopped?
A) prophase;
B) interphase;
C) metaphase;
D) telophase;
E) anaphase.

2. Presence of own protein synthesis system is established in an organelle.

This organelle is:
A) vacuole;
B) Golgi complex;
C) lysosome;
D) mitochondria;
E) ER.

3. The researcher observed absence of nuclear membrane and nucleolus

during cell division. Centrioles were on the opposite poles of the cell.
Chromosomes looked like clews, which were free in cytoplasm. What phase of cell
division is characterized by such features?
A) anaphase;
B) interphase;
C) telophase;
D) prophase;
E) metaphase.

4. During studying electron-diffraction photographs of rat liver cells, students

saw oval double-membranous structures on one of them. Internal membranes of
these structures form cristae. Name these organelles:
A) ER;
B) nuclei;
C) mitochondria;
D) lysosomes;
E) peroxisomes.

5. Cell culture is treated by colchicine during mitosis in order to study the

karyotype in diagnostics of chromosomal diseases. This substance blocks
contraction of spindle fibers. On what phase the mitosis will be stopped?
A) prophase;
B) interphase;
C) metaphase;
D) telophase;
E) anaphase.

6. Mitosis has four phases. During what phase the human cell has 92
monochromatid chromosomes?
A) metaphase;
B) prophase;
C) interphase;
D) anaphase;
E) telophase.

7. In eukaryotic cells there are membranous organelles, formed in Golgi

complex. They have enzymes for destruction of hydrogen peroxide, which is
formed during oxidation of some organic substances. What another important
function is carried out by these organelles?
A) synthesis of complex carbohydrates;
B) proteolysis;
C) oxidation of fat acids;
D) synthesis of polypeptides;
E) ATP formation.

8. Polymer which consists of tens, hundreds and thousands of monomers is

found in a cell among organic substances. The molecule is capable to replicate and
to be a carrier of information. By means of the X-ray-structural analysis it is
revealed, that the molecule consists of two spirally twirled strands. Specify this
organic substance:
A) rRNA;
C) cellulose;
D) histone protein;
E) steroid hormone.

9. Spherical organelles from 0.2 up to 1 mcm in size take part in metabolism.

Their formation is connected with Golgi complex. They play an essential role in
individual development of an organism. They are divided into groups, depending
on contents and functions. Damaging of these organelles is very harmful for a cell.
Name these organelles:
A) ribososmes;
B) lysosomes;
C) ER;
D) mitochondria;
E) centrosomes.

10. Processes of growth, organelle formation, their accumulation occur in

cells, which are capable to divide. These processes occur because of active
synthesis of protein, RNA, lipids, carbohydrates. What is the name of the period of
mitotic cycle, in which specified processes occur, but DNA is not synthesized?
A) presynthetic;
B) synthetic;
C) premitotic;
D) telophase;
E) anaphase.

11. Somatic human cells are diploid (2n chromosomes). Nevertheless

polyploid cells of a red bone brain (megakaryocytes) can have up to 64n
chromosomes. What is the mechanism of their occurrence?
A) amitosis;
B) polyteny;
C) mitosis;
D) endomitosis;
E) meiosis.

12. mRNA, containing both exons and introns, is delivered into ER and
ribosomes of a human cell. It can be explained by absence of:
A) translation;
B) replication;
C) transcription;
D) processing;
E) prolongation.

13. Glycogen and proteins are actively synthesizing in healthy hepatocytes.

What types of organelles are well-developed?
A) rough and smooth ER;
B) cell center;
C) lysosomes;
D) mitochondria;
E) peroxisomes.

14. Testosterone and its analogues increase mass of skeletal muscles that
allows using them for treatment of dystrophies. Interoperability with what cellular
substratum causes this action?
А) membranous receptors;
В) nuclear receptors;
С) chromatin;
D) ribosomes;
Е) proteins-activators of transcription.

15. Genetic structure of eukaryote is "exon-intron-exon". This structure-

functional organization of gene caused transcription peculiarities. What will be
pro-mRNA according to the schema?
A) exon-intron-exon;
B) exon-exon-intron;
C) exon-exon;
D) intron-exon;
E) exon-intron.

16. During studying electron-diffraction photographs of rat liver cells,

students saw oval double-membranous structures on one of them. Internal
membranes of these structures form cristae. Name these organelles:
A) peroxisomes;
B) nuclei;
C) ER;
D) lysosomes;
E) mitochondria.

17. You are studying functioning of a bacteria operon. The operator gene has
been released from the repressor gene. Immediately after this the following process
will start in the cell:
A) translation;
B) transcription;
C) replication;
D) processing;
E) repression.

18. While studying maximally condensed chromosomes of human karyotype

the process of cell division was stopped in the following phase:
A) anaphase;
B) prophase;
C) interphase;
D) metaphase;
E) telophase.

19. Supporting of life at any level is connected with the phenomenon of

reproduction. At what level of the organization the reproduction is carried out on
the basis of matrix synthesis?
A) subcellular;
B) molecular;
C) cellular;
D) tissular;
E) organismic.

20. The cage with laboratory animal was overdosed with Roentgen rays. As a
result protein fragments were formed in the cytoplasm. What cell organelle would
take part in their utilization?
A) ribosomes;
B) Golgi complex;
C) lysosomes;
D) endoplasmic reticulum;
E) cells centre.

21. In course of practical training students studied a stained blood smear of a

mouse with bacteria phagocytosed by leukocytes. What cell organelle completed
digestion of these bacteria?
A) rough endoplasmic reticulum;
B) mitochondria;
C) lysosomes;
D) Golgi apparatus;
E) ribosomes.

22. Golgi complex exports substances from a cell due to the fusion of the
membrane saccule with the cell membrane. The saccule contents flows out. What
process is it?
A) facilitated diffusion;
B) endocytosis;
C) active transport;
D) exocytosis;
E) all answers are false.

23. Synthesis of DNA does not occur in presynthetic period of mitotic cycle;
therefore quantity of DNA molecules is equal to quantity of chromosomes. How
many DNA molecules does the somatic human cell have in presynthetic period?
A) 69 DNA molecules;
B) 92 DNA molecules;
C) 23 DNA molecules;
D) 46 DNA molecules;
E) 48 DNA molecules.

24. Destruction and infringement of functions of cartilage cells is observed at

rheumatic. One from cell organelles takes part in this process. This organelle is:
A) Golgi complex;
B) centrosome;
C) microtubules;
D) lysosome;
E) ribosome.

25. Studying mitotic phases, the cell with chromosomes in equatorial plate
was detected. On what mitotic stage was the cell?
A) prophase;
B) anaphase;
C) telophase;
D) interphase;
E) metaphase.

26. Mucopolysaccharidosis is classified as storage disease. Polysaccharide

breakdown is disturbed as a result of absence of the enzymes. Increase of urinary
polysaccharides' excretion and accumulation is observed in patients. In what
organelles storage of mucopolysaccharides takes place?
A) ER;
B) lysosomes;
C) Golgi complex;
D) mitochondria;
E) cell center.

27. The influenza virus entered the cell. Where would the translation of virus
protein biosynthesis take place?
A) in lysosomes;
B) on channels of smooth ER;
C) on polyribosomes;
D) in nucleus;
E) in cell center.

28. Examination of a patient revealed reduced contents of magnesium ions

that are necessary for attachment of ribosomes to the granular endoplasmatic
reticulum. It is known that it causes disturbance of protein biosynthesis. What
stage of protein biosynthesis will be disturbed?
A) replication;
B) transcription;
C) translation;
D) aminoacid activation;
E) termination.

29. Ribosomes are non membrane-bound organelles that consist of two

subunits. Where are subunits of ribosomes formed?
А) in Golgi apparatus;
В) in mitochondrions;
С) in nucleous;
D) in lysosomes;
Е) on the membranes of endoplasmic reticulum.

30. Labeled amino acids alanine and tryptophane were introducted to a mouse
in order to study localization of protein biosynthesis in its cells. Around what
organelles will the accumulation of labeled amino acids be observed?
A) lysosomes;
B) agranular endoplasmic reticulum;
C) cell centre;
D) ribosomes;
E) Golgi apparatus.

31. It was revealed that T-lymphocytes were affected by HIV. Virus enzyme –
reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) – catalyzes the synthesis
A) DNA on the matrix of virus mRNA;
B) virus informational RNA on the matrix of DNA;
C) DNA on virus ribosomal RNA;
D) viral DNA on DNA matrix;
E) mRNA on the matrix of virus protein.

32. It is established, that membranous organelles are absent in cells of

organisms and hereditary material of these organisms does not have nucleosomal
organization. What organisms are described?
A) viruses;
B) prokaryotes;
C) ascomycetes;
D) eukaryotes;
E) protozoan.

33. A latent viral infection is long presence of virus in an organism. Where

exactly may virus be disposed?
А) in the large intestine;
В) in the blood of a patient;
С) on mucous membranes;
D) on cellular membranes;
Е) intracellular.

34. The molecule of tRNA carries out the delivery of strictly certain amino
acid to the place of synthesis of peptide chain. The bonding between tRNA and the
amino acid has two stages. Specificity of bonding of amino acid and tRNA, having
proper anticodons, is reached due to characteristics of certain enzyme. What
enzyme does take part in this process?
А) DNA-polymerase;
В) aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase;
С) RNA-polymerase;
D) DNA-ligase;
Е) DNA-topoisomerase.

35. Ribosomes are non membrane-bound organelles that consist of two

subunits. Where are subunits of ribosomes formed?
А) in nucleous;
В) in mitochondrions;
С) in Golgi apparatus;
D) in lysosomes;
Е) on the membranes of endoplasmic reticulum.

36. During the practical class of biology students learnt the plasma membrane.
At the digital photography there were macromolecules, which were bonded with
specific receptors on its surface. How did they get into the cell?
А) by endocytosis;
В) through ionic channels;
С) by carrier protein which move like the revolved door;
D) by a passive transport;
Е) due to the work of sodium potassium pump.

37. Cells of human liver and kidneys contain numerous single-membranous

organelles 0,1-1,5 micrometers in size, which are filled with enzymes, providing
Н2О2-dependent breathing and biosynthesis of bilious acids. How are these
organelles called?
А) digestive vacuoles;
В) lysosomes;
С) ribosomes;
D) peroxisomes;
Е) Golgi apparatus.

38. The first step of protein biosynthesis is transcription. Hydrocortisone and

prednisolone that stimulate transcription and protein synthesis were prescribed to
the patient. What changes in karyenchyma of nucleus do appear during the
prolonged intake of medications?
А) the amount of active and functioning euchromatin increases;
В) the amount of functioning euchromatin decreases;
С) the amount of functioning heterochromatin increases;
D) activity of functioning heterochromatin increases;
Е) the amount of functioning heterochromatin decreases.

39. Under influence of unknown mutagene, DNK-ligase, the enzyme

participating in the process of homologous end joining mechanism of DNA repair,
was blocked. What stage of process of DNA repair will be disturbed?
А) sewing together of the built-up nucleotides with the damaged area of
molecule of DNA;
В) recognition of the disturbed area of DNA and its selection;
С) cutting out of the disturbed area of DNA;
D) cutting out of the disturbed area and replacement on the proper area of
Е) synthesis of the new area by the rule of complementarity.

40. The cells of epithelium were irradiated by radiation. Because of it the

continuity of the molecule of DNA was disturbed, as there appeared dimers of
thymine in it. That means that neighboring pyrimidine bases were coupled with
each other. However at insolation the irradiated cells survived far better, than in
darkness. What type of reparation took place in the cells of epithelium of skin at
А) homologous end joining mechanism of DNA repair;
В) post-replication repair;
С) replication repair;
D) non-homologous end joining mechanism of DNA repair;
Е) recombinant reparation.

41. Electronic microscopy fixed destruction of mitochondria in the cell. What

process is disturbed in the cell?
А) synthesis of carbohydrates;
В) diffusion;
С) phagocytosis;
D) energy metabolism;
Е) photosynthesis.
42. The doctor of emergency injected the solution of sulfate of magnesium
intravenously to the hypertensive patient with hypertensic crisis. Point a
mechanism with the help of which this substance penetrates cell membranes:
А) osmosis;
В) electrodiffusion;
С) phagocytosis;
D) facilitated diffusion;
Е) pinocytosis.

43. One and a half year boy has abnormality of skeleton development. A
pediatrician diagnosed “Vitamin D-dependent rickets” and appointed him the
liposoluble vitamin D according to it. Point a mechanism with the help of which
this substance penetrates cell membranes:
А) phagocytosis;
В) diffusion through protein molecules;
С) diffusion through lipid layer;
D) ionic transport;
Е) pinocytosis.

44. A doctor of medicogenetic center used Giemsa stain – the method of the
differential coloring for identification of chromosomes of every pair. After that all
chromosomes got specific coloring: the interchange of light and dark stripes. A
graphic image according to their form and coloring is called:
А) gene pool;
В) genotype;
С) idiogram;
D) karyotype;
Е) genome.
45. While studying the metaphase plate of a sick child in medicogenetic center
a circular chromosome, which appeared because of connection of the terminal
areas of 16th autosome, was found. The damage of what structure of chromosome
became the reason of this anomaly?
А) long arm;
В) telomere area;
С) short arm;
D) centromere;
Е) secondary constriction.

46. Making the metaphase plate cytogeneticist processed the culture of

leucocytes with hypotonic (0,56%) solution of chloride of potassium. After that the
cells swelled, cellular membrane lacerated because of flowing of water into the
cell. What mechanism of transport took place in this case?
А) pinocytosis;
В) facilitated diffusion;
С) diffusion;
D) endosmosis;
Е) phagocytosis.

47. What part of biological membrane forms a hydrophobic intracellular phase

as a compartment of chemical reactions in anhydrous environment?
А) peripheral proteins;
В) integral membrane proteins;
С) lipid bilayer;
D) glycocalix;
Е) carbohydrates.

48. The various forms of life appeared in the process of evolution. What does
it prove about unity of all living?
А) identical enzyme complex;
В) identical organization of the inherited material;
С) cellular organization of living;
D) universal genetic code;
Е) genetic material of all of forms of life is DNA.

49. Inherited material distributes during mitosis between daughter's cells.

What changes may be led to by abnormal homologous chromosome disjunction in
anaphase of the division?
А) to formation of daughter's haploid cells;
В) to formation of cells with the different amount of chromosomes, to
С) to gametopathy;
D) to formation of cells with the diminished amount of chromosomes;
Е) to formation of polyploid cells.
50. Mitochondria are semiautonomous organelles of the cell. There are 2-6
circular DNAs, ribosomes, RNA, replication, transcription and translation enzymes
in matrix. Where is information about the primary structure of most proteins of
mitochondria coded?
А) in RNA of matrix;
В) in DNA of mitochondria;
С) in DNA of chromosomes of cell nucleus;
D) in DNA of sex chromosomes;
Е) in DNA of cytoplasm.

51. Two types of cells appeared in the process of evolution: prokaryotic and
eukaryotic. What organelles are represented in both types of cells?
А) ER;
В) Golgi apparatus;
С) mitochondria;
D) ribosomes;
Е) lysosome.

52. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is represented by rough and smooth systems,

which differ in functions. Where is synthesis of proteins of cell membranes held?
А) in smooth ER;
В) in rough ER;
С) on rough and smooth ER;
D) on the ribosomes of cytoplasm;
Е) in Golgi apparatus.

53. Mobile somatic cells are divided by mitosis or amitosis. What cell
structures provide the exact distributing and motion of chromosomes during
А) intermediate microfilaments;
В) actinic microfilaments;
С) microtubules of cytoplasm;
D) myofibrils;
Е) cellular center and microtubules of spindle of division.

54. Mitotic cycle is divided to periods. The longest period of interphase of

mitosis is S period, during which the replication happens. Why is S period far more
shorter (6-10 hours), than time necessary for replication of 1 cm long DNA in an
А) because of replication of DNA from two ends of chromosome;
В) because of high activity of replication enzymes in the cell;
С) it is the result of chromosomal organization of genetic material;
D) because of division of chromosomal DNA to replicons;
Е) because of replication of DNA in different directions from the point of

55. A woman consulted because of onset of xerosis and spots of yellow-brown

color on her child’s skin after staying in the sunshine. A doctor examined the child
and diagnosed xeroderma pigmentosum – inherited disease. With abnormality of
what process is this disease connected?
А) replication;
В) transcription;
С) reparation;
D) translocation;
Е) elongation.

56. A child has indigestion, bile flow disorder, increased urinary excretion of
chlorides. Mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis) is diagnosed. Abnormality of
components of what cellular structure takes place at this disease?
А) endoplasmic reticulum;
В) nuclear membranes;
С) mitochondria;
D) ribosomes;
Е) cellular membranes.

57. Prokaryotes are pre-nuclear organisms which do not contain nucleus.

Genetic material is presented by one circular molecule of DNA. What is the carrier
of inherited information in prokaryotes?
А) virion;
В) genophore;
С) nucleotide;
D) tRNA;
Е) rRNA.

58. Genetic information can pass not only from DNA to RNA but also in
reverse direction. How is this process called?
А) reverse transcription;
В) transcription;
С) translation;
D) replication;
Е) reparation.

59. The synthesis of tubulins (proteins) was disturbed during the postsynthetic
period of mitotic cycle. What consequences can it lead to?
А) to abnormality of DNA repair process;
В) to abnormality of cytocinesis;
С) to abnormality of helix formation of chromosomes;
D) to abnormality of forming of spindle of division;
Е) to mitosis reduction in duration.

60. Genetic code is the system of record of certain inherited information in

molecules of nucleic acids in the form of nucleotides common for all organisms.
What is the unit of genetic code?
А) codon;
В) gene;
С) mouton;
D) transcripton;
Е) anticodon.

61. Transcription is the reaction of matrix synthesis, which takes place in the
nucleus of the cell. An enzyme which provides this process is called:
А) DNA-dependent-DNA-polymerase;
В) aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase;
С) DNA-dependent-RNA-polymerase;
D) gialuronidaza;
Е) endonukleaza.

62. Special enzymes remove non-coding parts of pro-mRNA and connect

coding parts (processing) during the process of mRNA maturation. How are the
coding parts of gene called?
А) codons;
В) introns;
С) transcriptons;
D) anticodons;
Е) exons.

63. There are membranous and non-membranous organelles in the eukaryotic

cell. What is non-membranous organelle?
А) plastid;
В) endoplasmic reticulum;
С) vacuole;
D) centrosome;
Е) Golgi apparatus.

64. Cells have a mechanism of correction of damages in the chains of DNA

molecule. Such ability of cells is called:
А) termination;
В) reparation;
С) replication;
D) transcription;
Е) translation.
65. The appropriate changes of structure and functions of chromosomes in
time characterize life (cellular) cycle. The obligatory component of cellular cycle
is mitotic cycle. What is the basic biological value of mitotic cycle?
А) provides regulation of reading of information;
В) provides formation of two cells;
С) provides doubling of DNA;
D) provides heredity of genetic material in a number of cellular generations;
Е) provides saving of genetic information.

66. Animal cells are able to perform active types of motions, for example,
amoeboid motion. What structures of the cell provide such mobility of cells?
А) intermediate microfilaments;
В) microtubules of cytoplasm;
С) actinic microfilaments;
D) cellular center and microtubules of spindle of division;
E) cell center.

67. In what phase of mitotic cycle doubling of amount of the heritable

material happens?
А) synthetic;
В) growth;
С) post-synthetic;
D) prophase;
E) anaphase.

2. Biology of individual development

1. Studying ovocytes of a woman under the microscope the scientist saw that
conjugating chromosomes intertwine and chiasma – crossing-over occured
between them. What stage of a prophase of the first meoitic divisions was it?
А) zygoneme;
В) pachytene;
С) leptoneme;
D) diakinesis;
E) diploneme.

2. During studying of human spermatocyte division the researcher observed

behavior of chromosomes in metaphase of the first mitotic division. How many
chromosomes were in every spermatocyte?
А) 92;
В) 23;
С) 22;
D) 46;
E) 10.
3. People living in different Earth areas differ phenotypically: Negroids,
Mongoloids, Caucasoids. It can be explained by next type of selection:
A) artificial selection;
B) motorial selection;
C) stabilizing selection;
D) disruptive selection;
E) sexual selection.

4. Clinical death was registered at the person. What vital functions ceased at
A) self-maintenance of cells;
B) metabolic processes;
C) DNA replication;
D) heartbeating and breathing;
E) motility.

5. A person is diagnosed with preliminary diagnosis – multiple sclerosis, as a

result of immunodysfunction. This disease can be referred to:
A) infectious diseases;
B) invasive diseases;
C) genomic diseases;
D) chromosomal diseases;
E) autoimmune diseases.
6. Physiological connection between blood vessels of mother and fetus are
established at the certain stage of human ontogeny. This function is carried by next
provisional organ:
A) placenta;
B) yolk sac;
C) amnion;
D) serosa;
E) allantoic sac.

7. The anlage of embryo ectoderm was broken in women who became

pregnant during mass use of pesticides in rural area. The innate defects of
development of what system or organs can arise in new-born in this situation?
A) muscle;
B) skeleton;
C) nervous;
D) livers;
E) pancreas.

8. At skin allotransplantation to the man of 23 years in 8 day rejection

occured. What cells can recognize the foreign tissues of transplants?
А) eosinophils;
В) В-lymphocytes;
С) basophils;
D) Т-lymphocytes;
E) monocytes.

9. At examination of the child of 6 years insufficiency of B-system

development is revealed. Thymocytes are kept, but the organism does not produce
antibodies because of absence of (in blood):
А) gamma globulins;
В) basophils;
С) eosinophils;
D) neutrophils;
Е) erythrocytes.

10. During embryogenesis the epithelial band also known as vestibular plate
gives rise to development of vestibule of mouth. What biological mechanism of the
programmed death of cells provides growth of buccolabial sulcus from epithelial
A) amitosis;
B) necrosis;
C) meiosis;
D) paranecrosis;
E) apoptosis.

11. Blood of a child and putative father was referred to forensic medical
examination for affiliation. What chemical components should be identified in the
blood under study?
B) transfer RNA;
C) ribosomal RNA;
D) messenger RNA;
E) snRNA.

12. Action of teratogenic factors during embryogenesis lead to the formation

of developmental defects. What conformity to natural laws about the severity of
influence of such exogenous factors in this period does exist?
А) the earlier a lesion, the heavier malformation;
В) does not depend on time of the influence of factors in the period of
С) depends only on the strength of the teratogenic influence;
D) influencing of exogenous factors in this period have identical defects of
Е) ontogenesis of the nervous system is disturbed.

13. A boy was born with the tail part of spine. A doctor explained parents, that
during 1,5-3 months of embryogenesis human embryo has 8-11 tail vertebrae,
nevertheless, part of them is reduced before the birth. There are only 4-5 vertebrae
left, they form coccyx. Abnormalities of the processes of their reduction are the
reason of the described defect, which doctor suggested to remove surgically. With
abnormality of what anlage is this defect connected?
А) dermatome;
В) myotome;
С) sclerotome;
D) splanchnotom;
Е) chorda.

14. A child has severe inherited disease of skin – absence of sudoriferous

glands (anhidria). As a result important functions of skin – sweating and
thermoregulation – are disturbed. It is the effect of abnormality of anlage of:
А) splanchnotom;
В) myotome;
С) sclerotome;
D) ectoderm;
Е) dermatome.

15. The process of mesoderm anlage of fetus during embryogenesis was

broken in the toxoplasmosis patient. Pathology of what system or organ can be in
the new-born?
A) secretory;
B) nervous;
C) epithelium of intestine;
D) livers;
E) pancreas.
16. Six women who had a viral disease of rubella in first third of pregnancy,
born children with the innate defects of heart, deafness and cataract. What action of
virus is the result of?
A) genes combinations;
B) carcinogenic;
C) teratogenic;
D) malignization;
E) genocopy.

17. An operation of transplantation of the left kidney was prescribed to the

patient because of kidney’s hydronephrosis. The donor of kidney is his
monozygous twin. What is the name of this type of transplantation?
A) allotransplantation;
B) heterotranplantation;
C) autotransplantation;
D) isotransplantation;
E) xenotransplantation.
18. A forty five years old patient was operated on malignant tumour and left
kidney was removed. Ultrasonic research exposed that right kidney increased in
size approximately in one and a half times in two years. Results of global analysis
of urine and other laboratory researches found out the gradual improvement of
functioning of right kidney. What type of regeneration processes did take place in
this case?
A) regeneration hypertrophy;
B) compensatory hypertrophy;
C) morpholaksis;
D) epimorphosis;
E) heteromorphosis.

19. A boy, the whole body of which was covered with hair (hypertrichosis),
was born into a family. A doctor-geneticist defined that this defect in genealogy of
family was evident in the female line. It means that numerous hair follicles are
anlaged at the stage of organogenesis, nevertheless, later, in the process of
embryogenesis, their greater part is reducted. Reason of origin of this congenital
malformation is insufficient reduction of superfluous amount of structures,
described above. It is the effect of abnormality of anlage of:
А) myotome;
В) ectoderm;
С) sclerotome;
D) splanchnotom;
Е) dermatome.

20. A new-born has five pairs of nipples of mammary glands (polythelia),

which though have especially cosmetic value, nevertheless, it worries parents.
Doctor explains that at the beginning of embryogenesis five pairs of nipples are
anlaged, four from which are reduced before the birth of a child. Abnormality of
what anlage is this defect of development?
А) dermatome;
В) myotome;
С) sclerotome;
D) splanchnotom;
Е) ectoderm.

21. There are four sons and three daughters in the family. They differ in
phenotype on many signs. Reasons of this are different combinations of
chromosomes that get into any of parents’ gamete during the process of
gametogenesis. Sign the stage of meiosis, during which it takes place:
А) anaphase II of meiosis;
В) anaphase I of meiosis;
С) metaphase I of meiosis;
Д) prophase I of meiosis;
Е) prophase II of meiosis.
22. The connection was created between two Х-chromosomes of the
secondary ovocyte, from which an ovule appears in future, under the influence of
unknown mutagen. To formation of what set of chromosomes in an ovule can it
А) 22 or 23 chromosomes;
В) 22 or 24 chromosomes;
С) 23 or 24 chromosomes;
Д) 21-22 chromosomes;
Е) 24-25 chromosomes.

23. At the biology exam teacher asked:”What is the connective link between
the generations of eukaryotic organisms?” A student answered:” Zygote”. What
should the answer be?
А) gametes;
В) zygote;
С) spermatozoa;
Д) ovules;
Е) karyotype.

24. Recombinant variability is of great importance in evolutional process as it

provides the variety of individuals in population. In what type of reproduction will
amount of recombinations be the greatest?
А) sexual without impregnation;
В) sexual with impregnation;
С) vegetative;
Д) bud reproduction;
Е) sporogenesis.

25. In practical medicine of Ukraine over thirty years problem of

transplantation is decided by use of organs and tissues of animal origin (valves of
heart of connective tissue of pork and bovine origin etc.) because of lack of human
donor material. What type of transplantation is it?
A) isotransplantation;
B) xenotransplantation;
C) allotransplantation;
D) autotransplantation;
E) heterotranplantation.

26. For the purpose of myocardium infarction treatment a patient was injected
with embryonal stem cells derived from this very patient by means of therapeutic
cloning. What transplantation type is it?
A) xenotransplantation;
B) allotransplantation;
C) autotransplantation;
D) isotransplantation;
E) heterotransplantation.

27. Following exposure to radiation a lot of mutant cells appeared in a patient.

Some time later most of them were detected and destroyed by the following cells
of the immune system:
A) T-lymphocytes-supressors;
B) plasmoblasts;
C) T-lymphocytes-killers;
D) B-lymphocytes;
E) stem cells.

28. A patient in a transplantation centre underwent heart transplantation. The

organ was taken from a donor who died in a road accident. Foreign heart can be
rejected as a result of development of transplantation immunity. It is usually
prevented by means of:
A) enzymes;
B) chemotherapy;
C) ultrasound;
D) immunosuppressors;
E) X-ray therapy.

29. The transgene pigs were created by method of genetic engineering for
using animals as donors of organs for people. Their cells are deprived one of basic
antigens, which causes graft rejection in man. What is the type of such
А) homotransplantation;
В) allotransplantation;
С) autotransplantation;
D) xenotransplantation;
Е) isotransplantation.

30. Twelve-year girl was ill with leukemia and doomed to death. Searching of
donor’s bone marrow was unsuccessful. The girl's parents were advised to give
birth to the second child with hope on that embryonic blood from umbilical cord
will become source of antigen-compatible stem hemopoetic cells and help to
prevent rejection. What type of transplantation helped to save a girl?
А) isotransplantation;
В) xenotransplantation;
С) allotransplantation;
D) autotransplantation;
Е) heterotransplantation.
31. A newborn child has microcephalia. Doctors consider this to be the result
of mother's taking actinomycin D during pregnancy. What embryonal leaf was
influenced by this teratogen?
A) entoderm and mesoderm;
B) all leaves;
C) entoderm;
D) mesoderm;
E) ectoderm.

32. Examination of a pregnant woman who has been taking alcohol revealed
disturbed anlage of ectoderm during fetal life. What derivatives of this leaf have
A) sexual glands;
B) kidneys;
C) bowels epithelium;
D) liver;
E) neural tube.

33. During examination of a two month boy a pediatrician noticed that the
child's cry sounds like cat's mewing; he revealed also microcephalia and valvular
defect. By means of cytogenetic method he determined the child's karyotype – 46
ХY, 5р-. At what stage of mitosis was the patient's karyotype analyzed?
A) prometaphase;
B) metaphase;
C) prophase;
D) anaphase;
E) telophase.

3. Laws of heredity and variation. Methods of human genetics

1. As a result of abnormal chromosome disjunction during meiosis an ovum

with 22 autosomes and polar body with 24 chromosomes were formed. What
syndrome the child can have in case of fertilization of such ovum by normal
spermatozoon (22+X)?
A) trisomy X;
B) Dawn’s syndrome;
C) Edward's syndrome;
D) Turner syndrome;
E) Klinefelter's syndrome.

2. While studying family pedigree with hypertrichosis (hyperhirsutism of ear)

the sign was founded only in men and it was inherited from father to the son.
Define the type of hypertrichosis inheritance?
A) autosomal dominant;
B) autosomal recessive;
C) Y-linked;
D) Х-linked recessive;
E) Х-linked dominant.

3. A family of students who came from Africa got a child with anemia signs.
The child died soon. Examination revealed that the child's erythrocytes had
abnormal semilunar shape. Specify genotypes of the child's parents:
A) аа х аа;
B) Аа х аа;
C) АА х АА;
D) Аа х Аа;
E) Аа х АА.

4. As a result of prophylactic medical examination a 7 year old boy was

diagnosed with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (only boys fall ill with it). The boy's
parents are healthy but his grandfather by his mother's side suffers from the same
disease. What type of inheritance is it?
A) dominant, sex-linked;
B) recessive, sex-linked;
C) autosomal recessive;
D) autosomal dominant;
E) semidominance.

5. Autopsy of a newborn boy revealed polydactylia, microcephalia,

cheiloschisis and uranoschisis as well as hypertrophy of parenchimatous organs.
These defects correspond with description of Patau's syndrome. What is the most
probable cause of this pathology?
A) trisomy of the 18th chromosome;
B) trisomy of the 13th chromosome;
C) trisomy of the 21st chromosome;
D) nondisjunction of sex chromosomes;
E) partial monosomy.

6. At heterozygous parents with ІІ (A) and ІІІ (B) blood groups on AB0
system the child was born. What is the probability of this child to have І (0) blood
A) 50%;
B) 100%;
C) 75%;
D) 25%;
E) 0%.
7. Formation of interferon in human cells, which is developed for protection
against viruses, is connected with interaction of genes. What of the listed types of
gene interactions does cause the interferon synthesis?
A) epistasis;
B) complete dominance;
C) polymery;
D) codominance;
E) complementarity.

8. Children of one family are analyzed. One parent is homozygous in

dominant gene of polydactyly, another is healthy (homozygous in recessive gene).
What law will be manifested at children in this case?
A) independent inheritance;
B) segregation of hybrids;
C) uniformity of first filial hybrids;
D) purity of gametes;
E) linked inheritance.

9. Part of DNA chain turned about 180 degree due to gamma radiation. What
type of mutation took place in DNA chain?
A) replication;
B) deletion;
C) doubling;
D) translocation;
E) inversion.

10. In human the same genotype can cause progress of disease with different
degrees of display of phenotypes. The degree of display of a trait in realization of a
genotype in different environmental conditions is named:
A) expressivity;
B) penetrance;
C) heredity;
D) mutation;
E) polymery.

11. It is known that the gene responsible for development of blood groups
according to AB0 system has three allele variants. If a man has IV blood group, it
can be explained by the following variability form:
A) phenocopy;
B) mutational;
C) phenotypic;
D) genocopy;
E) combinative.

12. At what blood groups on Rhesus factor system at parents the rhesus
disease is possible during pregnancy?
A) woman Rh-, man Rh+ (homozygote);
B) woman Rh+, man Rh+ (homozygote);
C) woman Rh+, man Rh+ (heterozygote)
D) woman Rh-, man Rh-
E) woman Rh+ (heterozygote), man Rh+ (homozygote).

13. A woman with ІІІ (B), Rh- blood group born a child with ІІ (A) blood
group. The child is diagnosed with hemolytic disease of newborn as a result of
rhesus incompatibility. What blood group is the child's father likely to have?
A) I (0), Rh+;
B) ІІ (A), Rh+;
C) III (B), Rh+;
D) I (0), Rh-;
E) II (A), Rh-.

14. A woman applied to the medico-genetic consulting centre for information

about the risk of haemophilia in her son. Her husband has been suffering from this
disease since birth. Woman and her parents are healthy (don't have haemophilia).
Is the boy likely to have the disease in this family?
A) all boys will be ill;
B) all boys will be healthy;
C) 50% of boys will be ill;
D) 25% of boys will be ill;
E) 75% of boys will be ill.

15. At deaf-mute parents with DDee and ddEE genotypes children with
normal hearing were born. What is the form of D and E gene interaction?
A) polymery;
B) dominance;
C) epistasis;
D) complementarity;
E) overdominance.

16. A man suffering from a hereditary disease married a healthy woman. They
got 5 children, three girls and two boys. All the girls inherited their father’s
disease. What is the type of the disease inheritance?
A) recessive, X-linked;
B) autosomal recessive;
C) autosomal dominant;
D) Y-linked;
E) dominant, X-linked.

17. At a man the ІV (АВ) and at a woman the ІІІ (B) blood groups are
established on AB0 system. The woman's father has І (0) blood group. In their
family 5 children were born. Specify a genotype of the child that can be considered
as a sideslip:
A) IA i;
D) i i;
E) IB i.

18. White-haired, with blue eyes girl was born to healthy parents. Irritability,
anxiety, troubled sleep and feeding developed in the first months of life of the
infant. What method of genetic investigation should be used for the exact
A) biochemical;
B) cytological;
C) twin;
D) genealogical;
E) population-statistical.

19. One of variants of dental enamel coloring in human is defined by

interaction of two allelic genes in type of incomplete dominance. These genes form
and define:
A) three genotypes and four phenotypes;
B) three genotypes and three phenotypes;
C) four genotypes and four phenotypes;
D) six genotypes and three phenotypes;
E) six genotypes and six phenotypes.

20. 46 chromosomes were revealed during karyotype examination of the 5-

year-old girl. One of the 15th pair of chromosomes is longer than usual due to
connected chromosome from the 21 pair. What type of mutation does this girl
A) duplication;
B) deletion;
C) inversion;
D) insufficiency;
E) translocation.

21. A man is homozygous in dominant gene of dark coloring of teeth enamel,

and his wife's teeth have normal coloring. What law will be manifested at their
A) partial linkage;
B) segregation of hybrids;
C) uniformity of first filial hybrids;
D) independent inheritance;
E) complete linkage.
22. Medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office
revealed that a 15-year-old boy was high, with eunuchoid body proportions,
gynecomastia, female pattern of pubic hair distribution. The boy had also fat
deposits on the thighs, no facial hair, high voice, subnormal intelligence quotient.
Which karyotype corresponds with this disease?
A) 45, XO;
B) 47, XXY;
C) 46, XX;
D) 46, XY;
E) 47, XXX.

23. Examination of cell culture got from a patient with lysosomal pathology
revealed accumulation of great quantity of lipids in the lysosomes. What of the
following diseases is this disturbance typical for?
A) Wilson disease;
B) gout;
C) phenylketonuria;
D) Tay-Sachs disease;
E) galactosemia.

24. A cell at the stage of mitosis anaphase was stimulated by colchicine that
inhibits chromosome separation to the poles. What type of mutation will be
A) translocation
B) inversion
C) deletion
D) duplication
E) polyploidy

25. It is known, that a gene responsible for development of blood groups in

MN system has two allelic conditions. If M gene is considered as initial,
occurrence of allelic N gene took place owing to:
A) DNA reparation;
B) gene combination;
C) mutation;
D) DNA replication;
E) crossing-over.

26. A woman with І (O) Rh- blood group has married a man with ІV (AB)
Rh+ blood group. What blood group and Rhesus factor is expected at their
A) ІV (AB) Rh+;
B) І (O) Rh-;
C) ІІІ (B) Rh+;
D) ІV (AB) Rh-;
E) І (O) Rh+.

27. A boy has I (I0I0) blood group and his sister has IV (IAIB) blood group.
What blood groups do their parents have?
A) I (I0I0) and IV (IAIB);
B) II (IАIА) and III (IВI0);
C) II (IАI0) and III (IВI0);
D) III (IВI0) and IV (IAIB);
E) I (I0I0) and III (IВI0).

28. Hartnup disease is caused by point mutation of only one gene which
results in disturbance of tryptophane absorption in the bowels and its resorption in
the renal tubules. It is the reason for disorder of both digestive and urination
systems. What genetic phenomenon is observed in this case?
A) codominance;
B) complementary interaction;
C) polymery;
D) pleiotropy;
E) semidominance.

29. Cytogenetic examination of a patient with reproductive dysfunction

revealed normal karyotype 46 ХY in some cells, but most cells have karyotype of
Klinefelter's syndrome – 47 ХХY. Such cell heterogenity is called:
A) transposition;
B) inversion;
C) mosaicism;
D) duplication;
E) monomorphism.

30. A 28-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist about sterility.

Examination revealed underdeveloped ovaries and uterus, irregular menstrual
cycle. Analysis of the sex chromatin revealed 2 Barr’s bodies in most somatic
cells. What chromosomal disease is most likely?
A) triple X syndrome;
B) Edwards' syndrome;
C) Patau's syndrome;
D) Klinefelter's syndrome;
E) Turner's syndrome.

31. Define the distance between genes C and K if at crossing of

diheterozygous organism with the homozygous recessive individual 12% of
recombinants were received:
А) 6 Morgan units;
В) 24 Morgan units;
С) 12 Morgan units;
D) 48 Morgan units;
Е) 0 Morgan units.

32. Disease, caused by dominant gene localized in X-chromosome, is exposed

at sick man. Who from the children will have this disease if the wife is healthy?
A) all children;
B) just daughters;
C) just sons;
D) a half of sons;
E) a half of daughters.

33. Albino (albinism is inherited as autosomal-recessive trait) with normal

blood coagulation and І (0) blood group addressed to the genetic consultation.
What of the listed genotypes is most possible at this woman?
A) aa ii XHXH;
C) aa IAIA XhXh;
D) AA ii XHXh;

34. Replacement of one of adenylic nucleotides with cytidylic is revealed in

the genetic apparatus of the human cells. What type of mutation is it?
A) polyploidy;
B) deletion;
C) translocation;
D) transversion;
E) duplication.

35. What is the probability of a birth of a sick child at phenotypically healthy

parents if mother is heterozygous carrier of a gene of the disease at X-linked
recessive type of inheritance?
А) all children will be healthy;
В) all children will be sick;
С) a half of boys;
D) a half of boys, a half of girls;
Е) all boys will be sick.

36. An albino child was born at the Black. What type of gene interactions can
explain absence of skin pigmentation at this child?
А) complementarity;
В) codominance;
С) pleiotropy;
D) recessive epistasis;
Е) incomplete dominance.
37. Signs of anemia are manifested at clinically healthy people in high
mountain regions. Sickle cells are revealed at blood tests. Sickle-cell anemia is
inherited as overdominance. Specify a genotype of such people:
А) аa;
В) Аа;
D) ХсХс;
С) ХСХс;
Е) АА.

38. Biochemists have established that hemoglobin of the adult person contains
2-alpha and 2-beta polypeptide chains. The genes coding these chains are located
in different pairs of homologous chromosomes. What form of gene interaction
does occur between genes?
A) overdominance;
B) epistasis;
C) complementarity;
D) polymery;
E) complete dominance.

39. Initial order of genes in a chromosome was авсdefg. Under influence of

the mutagen factor there was a restructuring of this site to авсfg. What is the name
of such change?
А) insertion;
В) deletion;
С) inversion;
D) duplication;
Е) translocation.

40. Let's assume, that one pair of alleles controls progress of crystalline lens,
and the another pair controls progress of retina. In this case normal vision will be
result of gene interaction:
А) codominance;
В) pleiotropy;
C) polymery;
D) complementarity;
Е) overdominance.

41. One of parents is suspected to be a carrier of recessive gene of

phenilketonuria. What is the probability of a birth of a sick child in this family?
А) 0%;
В) 25%;
С) 75%;
D) 50%;
Е) 100%.
42. What is the name of the mutation at which an exchange of sites of non-
homologous chromosomes occurs?
А) inversion;
В) deletion;
С) duplication;
D) translocation;
Е) insertion.

43. 44 chromosomes are detected in cells of an aborted embryo at cytogenetic

research (both chromosomes of the 3-rd pair are absent). What mutation did occur?
А) gene (point) mutation;
В) chromosome aberration;
С) nullisomy;
D) polysomy;
Е) monosomy.

44. Hereditary mitochondrial illness has been revealed at the husband, his
wife is healthy. What is the probability of a birth of a sick child in this family?
А) 25 %;
В) 100 %;
С) 75 %;
D) 0 %;
Е) 50 %.

45. So-called Bombay phenomenon is that in family where the father had ІІ
blood group and mother had І the girl with ІV blood group was born. Genetics
have explained this phenomenon by:
А) incomplete dominance;
В) complementary gene action;
D) overdominance;
С) dominant epistasis;
Е) recessive epistasis.

46. Phenotypical display of point mutation of a gene takes place at a sick-cell

anemia (erythrocytes are of abnormal form). After it hierarchical graded displays
realize. Together these displays lead to plural effects: to anemia, splenomegaly,
dermhelminthiasis, damaging of heart, gastro-intestinal tract, kidneys, brain, etc.
What genetic phenomenon is observed in this case?
А) polymery;
В) complementary interaction;
С) pleiotropy;
D) codominance;
Е) epistasis.
47. Blood groups of Rh system are defined by interaction of two genes of one
locus. These genes form and define:
А) six genotypes and four phenotypes;
В) tree genotypes and four phenotypes;
С) four genotypes and two phenotypes;
D) tree genotypes and two phenotypes;
Е) six genotypes and six phenotypes.

48. HLA zone (histocompatibility complex) is located in 6-th chromosome.

Each gene has several allelic versions. What is the variety of genotypes in a
population caused by?
А) combination of genes and formation of multiple allelism;
В) polymeric interaction;
С) complementary interaction;
D) dominance;
Е) epistatic interaction.

49. A cell was influenced by mutagen, which partially destroyed a spindle of

division. Karyological analysis was made. Calculation of chromosomes in a
metaphase plate showed presence of 49 chromosomes. The given mutation was:
А) mosaicism;
В) heteroploidy;
С) polyploidy;
D) triploidy;
Е) duplication.

50. It is known, that in every B-lymphocyte molecules of only one type of

antibodies are synthesized. These molecules are encoded by only one of two
homologous chromosomes containing these genes. How this phenomenon is
А) chromosomal exclusion;
В) gene exclusion;
С) allele exclusion;
D) genomic exclusion;
Е) genetic exclusion.

51. Disturbance of chromosome disjunction or change of their structure during

zygote cleavage brings to existence of cellular clones with different karyotypes
among normal blastomeres. Choose the proper name of this phenomenon:
А) polyploidy;
В) chromosome aberration;
С) gene mutation;
D) genetic mosaic;
Е) aneuploidy.
52. The color of human skin is controlled by several pairs of not linked genes.
The type of interaction between these genes is additive polymery. Skin
pigmentation at the person with А1А1 А2А2 А3А3 genotype will be:
A) albino;
B) white ( Caucasoid);
C) yellow (Mongoloid);
D) brown (mulatto);
E) black (Negroid).

53. Hypertrichosis is a Y-linked trait. The father has hypertrichosis and

mother is healthy. The probability of a birth of a child with hypertrichosis in this
family will make:
A) 0,125;
B) 0,25;
C) 0,5;
D) 0,625;
E) 1,0.

54. The dominant gene which takes part in blood coagulation is localized in
human X-chromosome. The same role is carried out also by autosomal-dominant
gene. Absence of each of these genes leads to disturbance of blood coagulation.
Name the form of interaction between these genes:
A) codominance;
B) epistasis;
C) polymery;
D) complementarity;
E) pleiotropy.

55. At a baby who is the second child in a family the hemolytic disease of the
newborn caused by Rhesus factor conflict manifested. From the anamnesis it is
known, that the first child has negative Rhesus factor. What are the genotypes of
the parents?
А) a wife is homozygous in Rh- gene, a man is heterozygous;
В) a wife and a man are homozygous in Rh- gene;
С) a wife and a man are homozygous in Rh+ gene;
D) a wife is homozygous in Rh+ gene, a man is homozygous in Rh- gene;
Е) a wife is heterozygous, a man is homozygous Rh- gene.

1. Biological features of human vital functions:

1-C 20 - C 39 - A 58 - A
2-D 21 - C 40 - A 59 - D
3-D 22 - D 41 - D 60 - A
4-C 23 - D 42 - B 61 - C
5-C 24 - D 43 - C 62 - E
6-D 25 - E 44 - C 63 - D
7-C 26 - B 45 - B 64 - B
8-B 27 - C 46 - D 65 - D
9-B 28 - C 47 - C 66 - C
10 - A 29 - C 48 - D 67 - A
11 - D 30 - D 49 - B
12 - D 31 - A 50 - C
13 - A 32 - B 51 - D
14 - B 33 - E 52 - B
15 - A 34 - B 53 - E
16 - E 35 – A 54 - D
17 - B 36 - A 55 - C
18 - D 37 - D 56 - E
19 – B 38 - A 57 - B

2. Biology of individual development:

1-B 13 - C 25 - B
2-D 14 - D 26 - C
3-D 15 - A 27 - C
4-D 16 - C 28 - D
5-E 17 - D 29 - D
6-A 18 - B 30 - C
7-C 19 - B 31 - E
8-D 20 - E 32 - E
9-A 21 - B 33 - B
10 - E 22 - B
11 - A 23 - A
12 - A 24 - B

3. Laws of heredity and variation. Methods of human genetics:

1-D 21 - C 41 - A
2-C 22 - B 42 - D
3-D 23 - D 43 - C
4-B 24 - E 44 - D
5-B 25 - C 45 - E
6-D 26 - C 46 - C
7-E 27 - C 47 - D
8-C 28 - D 48 - A
9-E 29 - C 49 - B
10 - A 30 - A 50 - C
11 - E 31 - C 51 - A
12 - A 32 - B 52 - E
13 - B 33 - A 53 - C
14 - B 34 - D 54 - D
15 - D 35 - C 55 - A
16 - E 36 - D
17 - D 37 - B
18 - A 38 - C
19 - B 39 - B
20 - E 40 - D

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