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Product Hunting

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 Find Best Seller product from Best Seller tab in Amazon

 Helium 10 magnet tool>Copy Best Seller Product ASIN and paste it in Helium 10 Cerebro to
get unlimited product ideas.
 Click on Best Seller tab, click on one of the Best selling product, then scroll down to find ASIN
in product information.

 Now paste this ASIN in Helium>Prod Rese>Cerebro>Get Keywords

 Another way to get ideas, install Amazon Suggestion Expander extension

What is a Gated Category

A product that requires permission from Amz.

 Use Helium Magnet tool to also check for monthly search volume for a specific keyword
 To find monthly revenue of first 10 sellers, to check this criteria use the tool

BBL Products On Amazon

BBL stand for brand building launch. It's something a new strategy for building a complete brand
with multiple products. like 4 to 5 products

In BBL, we try to launch those products with lower competition and

maximum revenue of 3k-4k(GPB/$)
By using this strategy, risk factor divide among all products.*In BBL, we also prefer
to launch products under same category or niche. we can also select products under
same niche but same category is more preferable.After successful launch of BBL,
we can generate enough revenue that a single product can't generate.

{I messaged Ifza Shoukat on Linkedin

Amazon Business manager|| Graphic designer|| Social media Marketing expert. }

What is a patent in Amazon

A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention that can be a product.

 Utility Patents
 Design Patents

How to check for a patent:

We will need to get patent checked by using paid fiverr services.

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