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Name : __________________________ SPOKEN EVALUATION


A. Jawablah soal penjumlahan dan pengurangan di bawah ini dengan benar.

16 14 17 14 12
1. 2
22. - 53.
4 4. .
+¿ 5.
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

B. Jawablah soal cerita berikut ini!

1. Pada hari minggu Ibu dean Andi pergi ke supermarket untuk membeli buah – buahan. Lalu ibu membeli
12 apel kemudian andi mengambil 7 apel lagi. Berapakah total apel yang dimiliki ibu dan andi?
2. Kakek memberi Roy 16 butir kelereng, namun saat bermain dengan temannya. Kelereng roy hilang 7
butir. Berapakah sisa kelereng yang dimiliki roy sekarang?


Complete the missing number pairs

10 8
10 15 10
.... ....

Answer the questions given below.

1. Eddy buys 14 cupcakes, he eats 4 cupcakes and his mom eats 3 cupcakes. How many cupcakes does Eddy
have left?

2. I have 6 pencils, my friend gives me 2 pencils and my dad will buy me 5 pencils. How many pencils will I
have ?


A. Essay

1. Please write down 3 objects that will sink in the water and 3 objects that will float on the water.

2. Please write down 3 quiet sounds and 3 loud sounds.


1. Jelaskan cara yang harus dilakukan untuk merawat tanaman agar tanaman dapat tumbuh dengan baik.
2. Tuliskan 5 contoh benda padat dan 5 contoh benda cair.

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Is there ________ cap on the table? (a/any)

2. ________ seven cars in the park (there is/there are)
3. Are there ________ birds on the tree? (one/four)
4. ________ a cat in the living room (there is/there are)
5. ________ are my new shoes (this/these)

B. Can you give me the example of sentences by using there is and there are

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