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Activity 5: Research Emerging Technology

1. Research a current technology trend that is impacting libraries. Write an email to your
manager explaining what this trend is and propose how you are going to use it to adapt
the way your library works. It can be a physical technology change, or a process change
or an adaption to your role. Get creative!

© TAFE NSW 2022

2. Subject: Exploring Virtual Reality Technology for Enhanced Patron Experiences
4. Dear [Manager's Name],
6. I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention an exciting
technology trend that I believe has the potential to greatly impact our library and
enhance the experiences of our patrons - Virtual Reality (VR) technology.
8. Virtual Reality technology allows users to immerse themselves in digital
environments and experiences through the use of specialized headsets and
controllers. This technology has been gaining popularity across various
industries, including entertainment, education, and healthcare, and I believe it
presents numerous opportunities for us to innovate and adapt the way we serve
our community.
10. Here are some ways in which we can leverage VR technology to transform
our library services:
12. 1. Virtual Tours: We can create virtual tours of our library spaces, allowing
patrons to explore our facilities and collections from the comfort of their homes.
This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with mobility issues or those
who are unable to visit the library in person.
14. 2. Interactive Learning Experiences: VR technology can be used to develop
interactive learning experiences and educational simulations. We can offer
virtual workshops, tutorials, and demonstrations on a wide range of topics, from
STEM subjects to historical events.
16. 3. Storytelling and Immersive Experiences: We can collaborate with local
storytellers, artists, and content creators to produce immersive storytelling
experiences in virtual reality. These experiences can transport users to different
worlds and time periods, fostering creativity and imagination.
18. 4. Virtual Meetings and Events: With the rise of remote work and virtual
events, we can use VR technology to host virtual meetings, book clubs, author
talks, and other community events. This can help us reach a wider audience
and engage patrons who may not be able to attend in-person events.
20. To implement these ideas, I propose that we invest in VR equipment and
software, as well as training for staff members on how to create and manage
virtual experiences. Additionally, we can collaborate with local schools,
universities, and technology partners to access resources and expertise in VR
22. I am excited about the potential of Virtual Reality technology to revolutionize
the way we serve our community and look forward to discussing further steps
with you.
24. Best regards,
25. [Your Name]

© TAFE NSW 2022

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