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Performance Task 2

Opportunity Reason Proposed Business

Food cravings These two recipes are  Differently flavored
definitely cheap and easy to pancakes.
produce but with broad  sugar coated fried
market. All we need to do is to banana.
upgrade the recipes and give a
different touch on the
products. Since we already
have sources of free bananas
on the farm, we can lessen the
expenses thus we can lower
down the cost of the product
giving us a broader market and
huge amount of profit.
Health conscious One day I have watch a tv  small greenhouse
program that talks about, how  online vegetable
to develop a greenhouse market.
without any capital, and that
makes me think about
something, a small greenhouse
on our backyard. Since, we
already have free sources of
organically grown vegetable
seedlings all we need to do is
to salvage unused stuffs to
used, like empty plastic bottles
to be used as pots to maximize
the space. All the vegetables
inside the greenhouse are
organically grown including the
pesticides and fertilizers. After
stablishing the greenhouse, we
will market the produce
through online platforms, since
the public prefer to buy online
for health safety reasons.

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