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John Carlo Magdadaro



1. First, how can we say that a certain activity or event that is unique in one region is considered
to be Popular?
- I can say that a certain event or activity is popular if it is widely known, not just in that
region but in other regions as well. If many people like and appreciate a certain activity,
it can be popular. For example, the fiesta of Sinulog, it is popular because it is celebrated
not just by the Cebuanos or the people in that certain region but also by people in other
parts of the world. Foreigners come, and people from other regions also come to
experience Sinulog.
2. Second, How different are the celebrations or events that are celebrated by Filipinos?
- The celebrations and events that are celebrated by the Filipinos are different because of
the various islands of the Philippines. These islands make the Philippines a diverse
culture of unique beliefs and customs, and from place to place, the events are
celebrated differently. For example, in Luzon, a popular festival that is celebrated is
Nazareno, and in Cebu, it is Sinulog.
3. Lastly, what are your thoughts in regards to the definitions of Popular Culture? Can you say
that some culture are dying and others are now reviving?
- From what I have read in the course material, I would agree with the definition of
popular culture, which means that it is a culture or event that is widely favored by many
people and is appreciated and celebrated. It includes music, language, festivals, or
trends. For me, some cultures are dying because they are less popular, not used, and
widely favored. Maybe they did not cope with the new change in society, and it resulted
in them being extinct. For example, the Latin language was popular before because that
is what people commonly used during that time, but in today's generation, it is one of
the languages that is considered dying because nobody or only some Latin native
speakers are using it today.

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