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Name: Reymark John Partisala Subject: NSTP

Course & Year: BSCE-1B Section: V

1. Narrative per Implementation: For the Clean-Up Drive portion of the activity, we
student from section V gathered at the designated meeting point, NDMU, early in the
morning. After a brief introduction and safety instructions, the group split into teams and
proceeded to the selected location, Morales barangay hall. Armed with gloves, trash
bags, and other necessary equipment, we diligently worked together to pick up plastics
scattered around the area. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie and shared
purpose as everyone pitched in to ensure no corner was left untouched. Each team
focused on specific areas, systematically clearing away trash from sidewalks, and other
public spaces . By the end of the cleanup session, a noticeable transformation was
evident, with the surroundings significantly cleaner and more inviting.

2. Documentation per Implementation: Throughout the Clean-Up Drive, photos were

captured to document the progress and highlight the efforts of us the NSTP student
section V. during the cleaning, illustrating the impact of the cleanup efforts on the
environment. Additionally, data such as the volume of trash collected and the types of
items found were recorded for future reference and analysis. these are the following
3. Strengths and Weaknesses of Every Implementation: The Clean-Up Drive's
strength is that it fosters camaraderie and eliminates the need to worry about
transportation going back to school because we have classmates who have their own
cars. The collaborative nature of the activity encouraged us students to work together
and feel proud of ourselves. However, one possible weakness was the necessity for
continual maintenance to maintain cleanliness throughout the event. Logistical
problems, such as coordinating transportation every morning to Morales barangay hall
and providing adequate supplies, may hinder the activity's smooth execution.

4. Evaluation per Implementation:The goal of the Clean-Up Drive activity was

deemed successful. Because the volume of litter collected during the cleanup
significantly reduced the amount of plastic in the targeted area, indicating a tangible
improvement in cleanliness. The active participation and enthusiasm of us, the students
of NSTP Section V, demonstrated a high level of community engagement and
commitment to the initiative. Additionally, the officials of the barangay Morales have a
high level of satisfaction with the event, highlighting its positive impact on community
morale and cohesion.

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