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memo to contractor advise to inspect the site throughly after typhoon signal no.
10 was hoisted, with extreme strong wind just passed, especially the curtain
wall , the stabily of the tower crane & bamboo scaffolding at external wall all of
which must be inspected by competent person ans signed official form before the
crane or scaffolding can be used again, any floodind at ground level, any damaged
to newly built concrete structure. provide inspection report and damage imatters &
remedial /repair proposal. IN ADDITION, report on any water leakage at the newly
built installed windows at external walls


Subject: Post-Typhoon Inspection and Evaluation

Dear Contractor,

I hope this memo finds you well. I am writing to advise you to conduct a thorough
inspection of the site following the recent occurrence of Typhoon Signal No. 10.
The inclement weather, characterized by strong winds, may have had an impact on
various aspects of the construction, and it is crucial to assess any potential
damages or concerns.

Specifically, I request that you pay close attention to the following areas:

Curtain Wall: Please inspect the curtain wall thoroughly to ensure its structural
integrity. Any signs of damage or weaknesses should be promptly reported for
immediate remedial action.

Tower Crane Stability: Assess the stability of the tower crane in light of the
extreme wind conditions during the typhoon. A competent person must examine it and
sign an official form declaring it safe for use before operations can resume.

Bamboo Scaffolding: Inspect the bamboo scaffolding at the external walls to

determine if any damage occurred. Similar to the tower crane, a competent person
must confirm its safety through inspection and sign-off.

Ground Level Flooding: Evaluate the ground level for any signs of flooding. If any
flooding has occurred, provide a detailed report outlining the extent of the damage
and propose appropriate remedial measures.

Newly Built Concrete Structure: Examine the newly constructed concrete structure
for any potential damage caused by the typhoon. Report any findings and provide
recommendations for repairs if necessary.

Furthermore, I would like you to focus on the newly installed windows at the
external walls. Check for any instances of water leakage and report them
accordingly. This will allow us to address any issues promptly and prevent further

I kindly request that you provide a comprehensive inspection report detailing all
the aforementioned aspects along with any relevant damage matters and proposals for
remedial or repair work. Your report should be submitted within [insert time frame]
to facilitate prompt actions.

If you require any assistance during the assessment process or have any queries,
please feel free to reach out to me. Your dedication to maintaining a safe and
high-quality construction site is greatly appreciated, and I trust that you will
conduct the necessary inspections diligently.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.


[Your Name]
[Your Position/Company]

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