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University of the Western Cape

Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Department of Political Studies

Student Name: Asher Hartnick

Student no.: 4278135

Tutorial Group: 9

Tutor: Ms. Robyn Sickle

Assignment: Tutorial Exercise 2

Due Date: 22 March 2022

Plagiarism Declaration
1. This summary/ exercise is my own work, and not plagiarised in any way.
Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend it is one’s own.
2. I know plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another person’s work and
present it as one’s own.
3. Each significant contribution to, and direct quotation in this assignment that I
have taken from the works of other authors has been acknowledged and
referenced. I have not copied texts of more than 10 words without a reference.
4. I have not allowed and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention
of passing it off as his or her work.
5. I am aware of the fact that plagiarism could lead to the cancelling of my marks
and, in serious cases, to expulsion from the university.
6. Signed………A.HARTNICK…………………………… Date………
Read and summarise in your own words the overview of Galbraith’s
‘Anatomy of power’ (p1-8)

This book looks at and describes what the term power is made up of as it lays out a
structured approach to the different ways it can be enforced in certain situations. It also
shows how it can be enforced order to get what is the intended result. Power can be
divided into three types each having its own means of getting what is defined by as
power, which is the possibility of imposing ones will upon the behaviours of others.

First one to look at will be Condign power. This is simply the side of power which is
employs the use of threats or force. The individual or whomever needs to submit is taken
away from their own views due to them feeling compelled to accept the will of the other
person as there is a harsh punishment or consequences if not.

The second is known as Compensatory power, which is the exercise of power that offers
a reward of some kind for those that submits to it. Individuals will tend to submit to this
form of power as they will be getting or are promised something valuable.

The third type is Conditioned power. This type of power is achieved by changing beliefs.
It’s not as aggressive as the first two and is more subtle as individuals submit to what
they feel is right as that is exactly the agenda of those that are exercising the power.
Sources of power
Behind these three instruments of power there are three sources of power that is made
known to us.
First one introduced to us was personality as a source of power. This refers to traits
within an individual that allows them access to leadership. Most times being an achieved
with the person being charismatic or very persuasive. Now in modern times it is mostly
associated with condign power.

The second source of power is property. Historically this source of power gave one
access to the other sources of power. Associated with compensatory power and is
becoming less and less prominent on its own as things are changing and is becoming
more relative to organisational power in today’s time.

The third source of power is organisation and is associated with conditioned is
seen as the greatest power when looking at modern industrial times. There are three
features of organisation, and they are there to determine whether the power is great or
slight in terms of how well it is executed.

Reference list

Galbraith’s ‘Anatomy of Power’ (p.1-8)

The Anatomy of Power, John Kenneth Galbraith, 1983, Boston: Houghton Mifflin

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